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Content available remote Znaczenie misteriów eleuzyńskich
tom 73
nr 4 (327)
Time as a subject of philosophico-theological investigations has always been a quasi mystery, difficult to be explained in an exhaustive way because of its relativity to the other creation, and submitting only to the will of its Creator. Linear time can seemingly easily be described in terms of movement and events in the material world occurring as a result of a continually changing reality, but eonic time – or using the terminology applied by St Maxim the Believer – angelic time, apart from the scarce theological statements remains an unknown value, a reality that will only be revealed in the new existential dimension. In this context the sanctification of the mystery of time by the Incarnation of God the Word acquires a concrete sense and simultaneously substantiates the appearance of the liturgical calendar as a living thread weaved from the sanctified links by the Holy Spirit, systematically formed in a cyclically occurring order of dates and sacred events attached to them. The significance of the calendar for the mystic life of the Church that comes from the fact described above shows its importance and at the same time a need to eliminate any dissonance in the ecclesiastical body that occurs due to the functioning of two different systems of counting in the Orthodox Church, namely the Julian system and the New-Julian system.
Liturgia godzin jest misterium chrześcijańskim, do celebrowania którego Sobór Watykański II zaprosił nie tylko osoby duchowne czy zakonne, ale cały Lud Boży, będący mistyczną Oblubienicą Chrystusa – Boskiego Oblubieńca. To właśnie w Liturgii godzin i poprzez nią każdy wierzący ma sposobność zrealizowania pierwszego i podstawowego celu zarówno samej liturgii, jak i całego życia chrześcijańskiego. Chodzi o oddanie chwały Bogu oraz zdobycie umiejętności Jego kontemplacji. Jednocześnie realizacja powołania człowieka do nieustannego chwalenia swego Stwórcy owocuje uświęceniem stworzenia. Owo uświęcenie w Liturgii godzin dotyczy szczególnie czasu przeżywanego przez człowieka podczas jego ziemskiej wędrówki. Pozornie może się wydawać, że Liturgia godzin przynależy do jednej z form modlitwy ustnej. Jednak taka opinia, choć dziś często wysuwana i powszechnie uznawana, jest efektem jedynie zewnętrznego postrzegania tej liturgicznej modlitwy Kościoła. Prawdą jest, że jej struktura składa się z dużej ilości tekstów, w przeważającej części biblijnych, głównie zaczerpniętych z Księgi Psalmów, które są recytowane indywidualnie lub śpiewane przez wspólnotę. Jeśli jednak sięgniemy do genezy tej modlitwy, jeśli wsłuchamy się w jej „ducha”, okaże się, że otworzy się przed nami ukryty w niej świat kontemplacji, a wręcz mistyki chrześcijańskiej. Znajduje się on zarówno pod osłoną tekstów, jak i sposobów, w jaki powinny one być wykonywane. Fakt, że Liturgia godzin jest ze swej istoty modlitwą kontemplacyjną, determinuje sposoby i zasady jej celebracji. Scharakteryzowane w artykule muzyczne sposoby wykonawcze poszczególnych elementów Liturgii godzin dowodzą, że istnieje głęboki, wręcz organiczny związek pomiędzy mistyczną duchowością Liturgii godzin a jej praktycznym wykonaniem. Szukanie takich związków wydaje się wręcz konieczne, aby uchronić celebracje liturgiczne od formalizmu, który zabija tętniące w nich Boże życie, a co za tym idzie – separuje je od naszego chrześcijańskiego życia.
The Liturgy of the Hours is a Christian misterium, the celebration of which the Second Vatican Council invited not only religious people but the whole People of God, who is the mystical Bride of Christ – the Divine Spouse. It is in the Liturgy of the Hours and throught it that every believer has the opportunity to accomplish the first and primary goal of both the liturgy itself and the entire Christian life. It is all about giving glory to God and gaining the skills to contemplat Him. At the same time, man’s implementaion of the vocation to constantly praise his Creator results in the santification of creation. This santivication in the Liturgy of the Hours especially concers the time that man has during his earthly journey. It may seem that the Liturgy of the Hours belongs to one of the forms of oral prayers. However, such an opinion, although now widely recognized, is the result of only an external perception of this liturgical prayer of the Church. It is true that its structure consists of a large number of texts, mostly biblical texts, mainly taken from the Book of Psalms, which are recited individually or sung by the community. However, if we reach to the genesis of this prayer, if we listen to its „spirit”, it will turn out that hte world of contemplation and even Christian mysticism hidden in it will open up for us. It is hidden under the texts themselves adn the ways in which they should be performed. The fact that the Liturgy of the Hours is, by its very nature, a contempative prayer, determines the ways and principles of its celebration. The musical ways of performing each element of the Liturgy of Hours, characterized in the article, prove that there is a deep, almost organic connection between the mystical spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours and its practical implementation. Seeking such connection seems indispensable in order to protect the liturgical celebrations from formalism, which kills God’s vibrant life, and as a result there is no connection between God’s life in our Christian life.
A close connection between anthropological and theological dimension of marriage triggers a series of problems and requirements in the key of Christian ethics. Marriage as a good gift from the Creator, granted in the divine act of creation (cf. Genesis 1, 26-27), is a natural institution raised by Christ to the dignity of a sacrament. As a result, it constitutes a research subject of both secular and theological sciences, including canon law. As a natural institution, in the Old Testament it is a symbol of the covenant of God’s love to Israel, which confirms its greatness and at the same time is a challenge to cooperate in the act of creation with God (cf. Genesis 1, 28). With time, as a privileged creation of the Creator, marriage received special attention of Jesus Christ, who developed its meaning and importance in the key of new covenant of love between Christ and Church. In the message of St. Paul, marriage not only symbolizes the covenant of God’s love to humans, but is also “a realistic renewal” of this covenant of love (cf. Ephesians 5, 31-32). Thereby, marriage created by the Creator at the beginning of history, reaches in the covenant between Christ and Church (new God’s people) its sacramental dimension as an institution “reconstructing” God’s love to humans. This unique value constitutes for a man and woman, united in marriage, a requirement of faithfulness and permanence of their covenant, modeled of the covenant of God’s love to humans. As far as the unity and indissolubility of marriage is concerned, over the centuries the Christian tradition has taken note of a number of examples of faithful obedience and drastic failure to comply with the rules of marriage. Cultural changes in our century clearly indicate drastic changes in the institution of marriage and family, not only in religious, but also natural dimension and lead to dehumanization of the human person. The destruction of marriage and family as fundamental units of society, leads to its impairment and degradation in cultural and existential aspect.
Content available Sakrament a celebracja
The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental-ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one’s earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.
Najważniejszym miejscem i źródłem działania sakramentu jest Kościół, który ze swej natury jest przeznaczony do tworzenia prawdziwej przestrzeni zbawczej. W nim Bóg w sposób szczególny ujawnia i udziela siebie przez Chrystusa i Ducha Świętego człowiekowi. Dzięki temu następuje tajemnicze zjednoczenie istoty ludzkiej i boskiej bez naruszenia ich suwerenności. To zespolenie wprowadza w świat ludzki, widzialny i całą doczesność nowy porządek, który stanowić będzie o ich relacyjności zbawczej.
tom 115
nr 1
W artykule przeanalizowano, w jaki sposób Mikołaj z Wilkowiecka, autor „Historyi o chwalebnym Zmartwychwstaniu Pańskim”, „konstruuje” niekwestionowalną „prawdziwość” utworu, odwołując się w tytule do łacińskiego terminu „historia” oraz dystansując się od teatru (swojego utworu nie określa w kategoriach przedstawienia scenicznego). W tytule dzieła odbija się charakterystyczna dla chrześcijaństwa tendencja do odrzucania teatru i koncentrowania uwagi wiernych na zjawiskach liturgicznych czy paraliturgicznych. Pod wpływem krytyki protestanckiej ostatni aspekt wymusił na Mikołaju także eliminację scen przesyconych świeckością.
The paper analyses the mode in which Mikołaj of Wilkowiecko, the author of “Historyja o chwalebnym Zmartwychwstaniu Pańskim” (“The History of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord”), “constructs” the indisputable “truth” of the piece, in that he refers to the Latin term “historia” and distances from theatre (does not define his piece in the categories of stage performance). The title of the work reflects a tendency, characteristic of Christianity, to reject theatre while concentrating the believers’ attention on liturgical and paraliturgical phenomena. Under the influence of Protestant criticism, the last aspect exhorted Mikołaj to eliminate the scenes satiated with secularity.
Content available remote Sakrament a celebracja
Najważniejszym miejscem i źródłem działania sakramentu jest Kościół, który ze swej natury jest przeznaczony do tworzenia prawdziwej przestrzeni zbawczej. W nim Bóg w sposób szczególny ujawnia i udziela siebie przez Chrystusa i Ducha Świętego człowiekowi. Dzięki temu następuje tajemnicze zjednoczenie istoty ludzkiej i boskiej bez naruszenia ich suwerenności. To zespolenie wprowadza w świat ludzki, widzialny i całą doczesność nowy porządek, który stanowić będzie o ich relacyjności zbawczej.
The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental-ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one’s earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.
The main object of this study is the baptismal Ordo of the Syro-Oriental liturgical tradition. The author, starting from the ancient sources, shows the phases of the development of the rite and of its theology. Referring to the Church Fathers like Ephrem and Narsai, he points that from ancient times the Church of the East has attached a special significance to the baptismal anointing. Indeed, in the case of this tradition the anointing is threefold: two times before the baptismal immersion and once following it. In this study a commentary of the patriarch Timothy II (1318–1332) was also presented, with some essential and original medieval ideas relating to the praxis and to the baptismal theology of the Church of the East. In the last part of the paper the author reflected on the contemporary Rite of the Baptism in the Church of the East.
Content available Terminologiczne podstawy katechezy mistagogicznej
One of the greatest problems modern religious education struggles with is the decreasing participation in the sacramental life of ever greater number of Catholics. It seems that the only antidote to this situation may be an in-depth mystagogic catechesis that will help overcome the magic and superficial perception of liturgy. In the present article an attempt is undertaken to synthetically define the very reality of mystagogy, and the two basic notions, on which it is based, that is „symbol” and „mystery”, are subjected to analysis. A proper understanding of these terms are necessary to work out a modern conception of mystagogic catechesis.
Content available Anamnetyczny charakter obrzędów chrzcielnych
Chrzest jest jednym z siedmiu sakramentów świętych. A te święte czynności, ustanowione przez Chrystusa, są skutecznymi znakami łaski uświęcającej lub uczynkowej. Chrzest swoją moc czerpie z paschy Chrystusa. Tę tajemnicę zbawienia przypominają i aktualizują obrzędy chrzcielne. Już formą anamnezy jest znak krzyża, czyniony na czole katechumena. Procesja chrzcielna jest wyrazem pragnienia kroczenie drogą paschy Chrystusa. W tajemnicę paschalną Wcielonego Słowa wprowadza skutecznie słowo Boże, proklamowane podczas obrzędów chrzcielnych. W tych obrzędach sakramentalną skuteczność ujawnia woda chrzcielna, znak zanurzenia w śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu Chrystusa. A to zanurzenie daje udział w synostwie Bożym. Anamnetyczny charakter posiadają także obrzędy wyjaśniające. Namaszczenie olejem krzyżma wprowadza w misję Chrystusa, Namaszczonego Duchem Świętym. Biała szata i świeca chrzcielna są znakiem obleczenia się w Chrystusa i uczestnictwa w Jego światłości.
Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is an effective sign of sanctifying grace. It introduces into the mystery of death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism ceremonies have mistagogical character. The sign of cross made on the foreheads of neophytes, processions, as well as words of God and baptism ceremonies which explain sacramental ablution help to understand that the baptism allows us to participate in God’s sonship and in the priestly, prophetic and pastoral mission of incarnated Son of God.
The previous attempts to present Tadeusz Miciński’s The Polish Thermopylae on the stage ended in either a complete failure or at least unfulfilled expectations. The multi-dimensional text-charade, full of numerous historical and philosophical references, constitutes a true challenge for an audience and a director. The ideological potential of the text encourages risky updates and simplifications. The plot of Miciński’s play is set in the years 1787–1813, starting with the meeting of King Stanisław August with Empress Catherine II and ending with the death of Prince Józef Poniatowski in the Elster River; yet, it takes place in the head of the dying prince. The Polish Thermopylae condenses time in a mysterious way and provokes the spectator to interpret historical events from the perspective of a mystery play. Jan Klata, the director, abandons allusions to a mystery play, uses many cliches from the sphere of pop-culture, and exposes the presence of the grotesque in Miciński’s play. In his impressive post-modern show, reality is arranged like a video clip: a juxtaposition of war and sports and erotic conquest, a conventional presentation of Empress Catherine II as the insatiable Messallina, a gymnastic amploi of Patiomkin as an allusion to Putin’s muscle flexing are not an intellectual challenge for the contemporary audience. And the ideal of Miciński’s theatre is the theatre being the judgement of conscience, the theatre being the mirror, the “mouse-trap” that never becomes out of date.
Content available Fides et ratio: teologia versus psychologia
W encyklice „Fides et ratio” Jan Paweł II apelował o powrót do szczerego dialogu teologii z filozofią. Obecny artykuł podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na apel papieża, idąc krok dalej, w stronę budowania konstruktywnego dialogu pomiędzy teologią oraz psychologią. Nie pomniejszając historycznych napięć pomiędzy teologią oraz psychologią, autor zwraca się ku interpretacji egzystencji ludzkiej, widząc w niej potencjalny locus oraz kairos tych odrębnych dyscyplin naukowych, które spotykają się jednak nieuchronnie, stając wobec misterium człowieczeństwa. W celu ukazania możliwych dróg dopełniania się teologii oraz psychologii autor zwraca się ku teologii duchowości oraz ku psychoterapii egzystencjalnej.
In the encyclical „Fides et ratio”, John Paul II appealed for a return to a sincere dialogue between theology and philosophy. The current article attempts to respond to the Popeʼs appeal, going a step further towards building a constructive dialogue between theology and psychology. Without minimizing the historical tensions between theology and psychology, the author turns to the interpretation of human existence, seeing in it the potential locus and kairos of these separate scientific disciplines, which meet inevitably, facing the mystery of humanity. In order to show possible ways of complementing theology and psychology, the author turns to spiritual theology and existential psychotherapy.
nr 8: Liturgika
Prepared after the Second Vatican Council, the Lectionary is a treasury of biblical readings, which were selected and organised in accordance with certain criteria, the main criterion being pastoral. To accept and experience the vitality and efficacy of the Divine Word, which is actualised in liturgical acts, we need to consider general and detailed rules for the interpretation of the lectionary. The main principle will be the one permitting us to capture the connection between the Word of God and liturgical celebration. Next, there is the principle of continuity of the Mystery, the Christological principle and more detailed ones, such as that of harmonisation and semicontinuous reading.
Opracowana po Soborze Watykańskim II księga liturgiczna, którą jest „Lekcjonarz mszalny”, przedstawia bogaty skarbiec tekstów Pisma Świętego, które zostały wybrane i uporządkowane zgodnie z określonymi kryteriami, z których pierwszym jest cel duszpasterski. Aby przyjąć i doświadczyć żywotności i skuteczności słowa Bożego aktualizującego się w czynnościach liturgicznych, należy wziąć pod uwagę zasady ogólne i szczegółowe interpretacji lekcjonarza. Jest to przede wszystkim zasada pozwalająca uchwycić związek między słowem Bożym a celebracją liturgiczną, a następnie zasada jedności misterium, chrystologiczna oraz szczegółowe, takie jak harmonizacji i czytania półciągłego.
Artykuł jest próbą zdiagnozowania wybranych kulturowych i społecznych zagrożeń oraz odniesienia ich do zawodowej codzienności muzyków kościelnych w oparciu o analizę zawarta w książce Macieja Zięby OP Kłopot za kłopotem. Katolik w dryfującej Europie. Kolejno, tekst wykorzystuje model trzech głównych komponentów muzyki sakralnej: uczucia, estetyki i misterium, sformułowanego przez teologa, członka Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej, prof. Inosa Biffiego, aby w tym modelu poszukać odpowiedzi na interesujące nas pytanie – w jaki sposób chrześcijański muzyk może planować i realizować swoją zawodową przyszłość, czy i w jaki sposób może mierzyć się z narastającymi problemami.
The article is an attempt to diagnose selected cultural and social threats and to relate them to the everyday life of church musicians and their profession. In this regard, the reflection is based on the analysis presented in the book Kłopot za kłopotem. Katolik w dryfującej Europie [Trouble follows trouble. A Catholic in a drifting Europe] by Fr Maciej Zięba OP. In the second part, the article refers to the tripartite model of sacred music, consisting of feeling, aesthetics and mystery, proposed by an eminent theologian, member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, Professor Inos Biffi. This model should provide answers to quetions of interest to us: How can a Christian musician plan and shape his professional future? Can he face the growing problems, and if so, then how?
tom 1
The article reflects upon the scene of the Descent into Hell from Historyja o chwalebnym Zmartwychwstaniu Pańskim, in the theological context. The reading of the Easter mystery play from the perspective of the Church fathers and Medieval writers is explained by the author himself, Mikołaj from Wilkowiecko (16th century). The conflict between God and Satan, the climax of the mystery play, is presented from three angles: as a dialogue of the omniscience and ignorance, a battle of the omnipotence and impotence and a dispute between law and chaos.
Content available Sakramentalny charakter słowa Bożego
The subject of the article is a relation between a word of God and a sacrament. Pope Benedict XVI talks about the sacramentality of the word of God. Some theologists identify the word of God with the sacrament. The sacramentum futuri category is helpful in under-standing this problem. It includes words of the Bible as well as described facts in terms of Jesus Christ. His types are facts connected with creation and biblical history of Israel. Sacramentality of the word of God is noticeable in his creative power as well as in his prophetic and sacrifing power. Sacramenta futuri have been filled with the incarnation of Son of God and his paschal mystery. Incarnate Word became the sacrament of God. Incarnate Son of God set seven holy sacraments. He made them the source of sancifying power. They are transmission of mystery of incarnation and Passover of Logos.
The aim of the article is to determine the way of renewing human dignity according to Christmas liturgy. The term „renewing” can be found in the euchology of „Mass during the day”. Thanks to the actualization of the celebrated Mystery, the participants of this liturgy have a chance to experience the grace of renewal. Therefore, the study contains indications for the homily, whose function is: to reveal the celebrated Mystery, to show its actualization at the time of celebration and to present the practical application of the grace. In the homily of „Mass during the day” a preacher should reveal the Mystery of the Incarnation. The born Son of God distinguishes a man with a vocation to a redemptive dialogue. The person who accepts the Incarnate Word experiences the dignity of Divine filiation. As a result, the grace of renewed dignity strengthens believers in their trust in God and His word, makes them able to experience everyday life in union with their Savior, promotes the renewal of brotherhood relationships, leads to the affirmation of the material side of reality: namely to care for the body and natural environment.
The Christian tradition and Liturgy have combined the term mysterium with the event of Jesus Christ. The very concept of mysterium is fairly often translated into Polish as “tajemnica” (“secret,”) therefore it may be taken to mean as some mysterious knowledge, a fact that in relation to Jesus could denote only His teaching not accessible and understandable to all. With this understanding of the term mysterium in mind, Christianity may easily be reduced to a worldview or moral system. It is therefore important to accurately understand the very concept of mysterium and evolution the word has gone through in the theological and liturgical reflection. The term mysterium, derived from Greek culture, was first borrowed by Christianity in as early as the New Testament it served to explain the plans of God’s will and the salvific works of God made in Jesus Christ. In the theology of Church Fathers this term fairly quickly becomes central, be means of which the Fathers defined the whole phenomenon of God’s salvation in Christ and the Church, especially in its acts of worship. They used it also to mark the greatness of God’s works of salvation and their inscrutable character (cf. Eph 3:8). Contemporary theologians and the magisterium of the Church have assumed this concept to illustrate the salvific work of Christ, His proclamation and actualization in the worship of the Church, in the whole activity of the Church, and in Christians’ daily life. Christ’s mysterium and mysteria are not therefore His mysterious teaching, but a salvific work that call for being accepted in faith. Such remarks are especially important for the preacher whose task is to lead the faithful to participation in the salvific mysteria of Christ actualized in the Liturgy, and in the mystic and existential unity with Him.
Tradycja i liturgia chrześcijańska wiązała termin „misterium” z wydarzeniem Jezusa Chrystusa. Samo pojęcie „misterium” tłumaczone jest dosyć często na język polski jako „tajemnica”, przez co może być odbierane jedynie jako jakaś tajemna wiedza, co w odniesieniu do Jezusa mogłoby oznaczać jedynie Jego naukę nie dla wszystkich dostępną i zrozumiałą. Przy takim rozumieniu terminu „misterium” chrześcijaństwo łatwo może być sprowadzone do światopoglądu czy systemu moralnego. Ważne jest zatem dokładne zrozumienie samego pojęcia „misterium” oraz ewolucji, jaką słowo to przechodziło w refleksji teologiczno-liturgicznej. Wywodzący się z kultury greckiej termin „misterium” został przyjęty przez chrześcijaństwo i już w Nowym Testamencie służył do wyjaśnienia zamysłów Bożej woli oraz zbawczych dzieł Boga dokonanych w Jezusie Chrystusie. W teologii Ojców Kościoła termin ten staje się dosyć szybko centralnym pojęciem, za którego pomocą określali cały fenomen realizacji Bożego zbawienia w Chrystusie i w Kościele, szczególnie w jego aktach kultu, i równocześnie dla oznaczenia wielkości tych zbawczych dzieł Boga i ich nieprzeniknioności (por. Ef 3,8). Teologowie współcześni i magisterium Kościoła przyjęli to pojęcie dla zilustrowania zbawczego dzieła Chrystusa oraz Jego proklamacji i aktualizacji w kulcie Kościoła, w całej działalności Kościoła i w codziennym życiu chrześcijan. Misterium i misteria Chrystusa zatem to nie Jego tajemnicza nauka, lecz wydarzenia zbawcze, które domagają się przyjęcia w wierze. Uwagi te są szczególnie ważne dla kaznodziei, którego zadaniem jest doprowadzić wiernych do udziału w zbawczych misteriach Chrystusa aktualizujących się w liturgii oraz do mistycznego i egzystencjalnego zjednoczenia się z Nim.
Content available Ikona jako komunikator treści zbawczych
A graphic form of communication exists among people. There is also an iconic form of communicating salvific content. This form is mainly applicable in Christianity. Symbol is a crucial element of communication among people. In liturgy it is a graphic presentation of the content of God revelation and His salvific interference in history. An icon is a symbol. It transfers in a visible way content which is invisible for people. It enables contemplation of face of God. Its presence in liturgy results from embodiment of Son of God. Icons are carriers of the most important content of God revelation. They transfer Trinitarian, Chrystological, Salvation History and Marian content.
Content available Misteryjna natura liturgii
The mystery nature of liturgy issues from the mystery nature of God’s Revelation that has its height in Jesus Christ. It is in liturgy that Christ’s salutary mystery is actualized. Owing to this, man can participate in Christ’s mystery, and the very mystery achieves its aim. The mystery nature of liturgical celebration is fulfilled in its being a reorientation of Christian life to the mystery of Christ and to participating in it. The mystery character of celebration is also warranted owing to its five dynamisms: remembrance, participation, presence and action of the Holy Spirit, and in consequence the presence and action of Christ-the Church, and reference to the heavenly liturgy. Owing to these dynamisms liturgy is not just educating people and cheering up their hearts, but it is supposed to become the meaning of their lives, an impersonated adoration. The truth about the mystery nature of liturgy is confirmed in the Church’s Tradition and teaching, as well as in the post-Caselian liturgical theology that achieves its most mature form in the Roman school. The mystery character of liturgy should be constantly discovered and emphasized both in ars celebrandi and in ars participandi of liturgy. It consists in the concentration of the Person of Jesus Christ and on the attitude of adoration. If liturgy in its mystery character is a continuation of the mystery of Jesus Christ by its actualization, the care for the mystery character of liturgy is the care for the growth of God’s Kingdom until its fulfillment in the Heavenly Kingdom. Also its language results from the mystery nature of liturgy. The proper and the only permissible language of liturgical celebration is the symbol and the sign, whose special kind is the uttered word.
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