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nr 1(24)
The Polish Armed Forces have a long record of service in the peacekeeping and stabilization missions as well as in a provision of humanitarian assistance to populations affected and distressed by armed conflicts. Humanitarian assistance itself draws spiritual inspirations from ideals connected to charity. Differences between the two terms are apparent at the level of their origins. However, a sociological factor plays a crucial role here, as it should lead to confidence building and improvement of interpersonal and intercultural relations. As far as missions conducted abroad are concerned, a task of building a strong relation with local populations seems one of the most difficult and complex, predominantly where a mission takes place in a culturally and religiously different area and country. This article provides for an account for missions which were or have been conducted by the Polish Armed Forces with a particular focus on those with a strong humanitarian element.
nr 4(16)
Through the participation of soldiers and officers in missions and operations abroad, Poland is actively involved in shaping the international security. The biggest formation, outside the Armed Forces, which takes part in missions abroad is the Police. Since 1992, Polish policemen have been taking part in missions under the auspices of the UN, the OSCE and the EU. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the participation of Polish police officers in missions abroad and to identify their contribution to the efforts to build international peace based on the experiences of the missions in Liberia, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Georgia.
W pracy przedstawiono zagrożeniami ze strony czynników środowiska zewnętrznego, które mogą stać się przyczyną chorób przewodu pokarmowego, zarówno górnego, jak i dolnego odcinka u turystów, osób wyjeżdżających służbowo, jak żołnierzy, którzy biorą udział w Misjach Pokojowych w tropiku. Uwzględniono także te jednostki chorobowe, które z uwagi na rozpowszechnienie występują również we własnym kraju, np. infekcje Helicobacter pylori,wirusowe zapalenia wątroby, a także te, które z powodu warunków sanitarno – higienicznych, klimatycznych mogą wywoływać objawy choroby górnego i dolnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego. Kontakt z chorobami typowymi dla klimatu tropikalnego, szczególnie przy dłuższym pobycie zwiększa szanse- przywlekania niektórych chorób tropikalnych do Polski co może stanowić duży problem dla służby zdrowia.
Research shows a potential threat from external environmental factors which might be the cause of upper and lower gastrointestinal diseases in tourists, or soldiers engaged in tropical peacekeeping missions. The research includes infections which due to their spread are also present in their home countries such as Helicobacter pylori infections, viral hepatitis as well as infections which might cause symptoms of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract diseases as a result of poor sanitary and unhygienic conditions. Contact with diseases typical of the tropical climate, especially during longer stays, increases the chances of bringing some tropical diseases back to Poland, which can be problematic for the domestic health care service.
Content available remote Mechanizmy rozwiązywania konfliktów i misje pokojowe KBWE/OBWE
tom nr 3(56)
The article presents one of the most important CSCE/OSCE functions undertaken in the last 15 years in the area of developing and implementing crisis prevention and conflict resolution instruments. Military security mechanisms have been concisely defined, i.e. the La Veletta mechanism (for peaceful conflict resolution), the Vienna mechanism (for responding to crisis situation) and the Berlin mechanism (for consultations and cooperation in emergency situations). The mechanisms for the OSCE “human dimension" - the Vienna mechanism for “human dimension”, the Moscow mechanism and the CSCE “human dimension" in the 1992 Helsinki Document have been discussed. The problems of OSCE missions called to resolve particular conflicts e.g. in Moldova, Georgia, Macedonia and Kosovo have been widely described. The philosophy of the OSCE missions functioning, their organisational and essential bases as well as their role in the conflict areas have been presented. Basing on the Charter on European Security, the principal mandatory tasks of OSCE missions in conflict areas have been listed.
The Polish soldiers' current mission in Afghanistan was preceded by a cycle of organisational, training and logistic preparations aimed at creating possibly optimal conditions to perform tasks by the Polish soldiers in Afghanistan. The approximate date of starting the mission had been known to everyone for months. However, the real preparation started at the end of 2006 and concerned mainly organisational and training activities, and they speeded up at the beginning of January 2007 after the reconnaissance group returned from Afghanistan (the author was the member of this group). Conclusions drawn then allowed precisely defining the size and kind of logistic needs as well as the time and place of their collection. These conclusions and arrangements also lead to outlining the main problems facing the logistics that were to be defined, described and finally solved. Basing on his own experience and as an immediate organiser and executor of several activities concerning the Polish soldiers ’ service support of the Polish Military Contingent (PMC) in Afghanistan, the author discusses the main problems, the prompt and appropriate solution of which caused that the state of the PMC Afghanistan service support ensures convenient conditions to perform combat and stabilisation tasks. This inspiration resulted in discussion on the subject matter which, in consequence, will lead to develop principles allowing efficiently and effectively meeting the logistic needs of troops operating outside the country.
tom 52
W artykule omówiono problemy dotyczące nowych zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Rozwój cywilizacyjny oraz powstawanie nowych zagrożeń powodują transformację struktur działań psychologicznych we wszystkich państwach NATO. Największe struktury w NATO w tym zakresie posiadają USA, Niemcy, a także Polska oraz Wielka Brytania. Aktualnie wszystkie misje pokojowe, humanitarne, kryzysowe czy militarne, realizowane pod auspicjami ONZ oraz NATO są zabezpieczane przez struktury działań psychologicznych. Struktury dysponują najnowocześniejszymi środkami oddziaływania, wykorzystując nowoczesne technologie informacyjno-telekomunikacyjne. Oddziaływanie na zachowania (postawy) odbiorców, przyczynia się do osiągnięcia zakładanych celów politycznych, ekonomicznych czy militarnych prowadzonych misji.
The paper presents problems of new threats in international security. Civilization development and new threats formation, cause transformation of psychological operations structures in all member states of NATO. The big strength of mentioned structures have got USA, Germany also Poland and Great Britain in NATO. Actually all kinds of missions: peace, humanitarian, crises and military, under the auspices of UN and NATO are supported by PSYOPS structures. The mentioned units have got modern influence means using new information-telecommunication technology. The influence on audience attitudes (behaviors) to contribute to political, economic and military desired effects of realized missions.
Content available remote Podstawy prawne udziału Sił Zbrojnych RP w operacjach pokojowych
tom nr 3(80)
The article features legal bases of Polish Armed Forces’ participation in peace missions organized by international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, NATO and EU. The Polish Republic’s competences and executive processes are mentioned and also soldiers’ rights, as well as Polish Military Contingent’s financing outside the country are described.
Content available remote Żandarmeria Wojskowa w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych
In this article the Author tries to show how the Military Police works in the stabilization and peacekeeping missions. Also the aspects of ensuring security and public order in these operations are presented. The basic facts related to the participation of the MP in some operations in order to keep peace are shown. The Author explains also the evolution of the MP component from a small element of the Polish Military Contingent within the national and multinational structures to a separate Polish Military Contingent of the Military Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Moreover, the influence of the stabilization and peacekeeping operations on the MP role in the peacekeeping military units is analyzed and the main tasks of ensuring security and public order are presented.
tom nr 1(58)
The article presents how important the Roles of Engagement (ROE) are in all types of military activities. It is very difficult to prepare proper ROE but these rules are essential as they ensure soldiers’ safety and protect against escalation of crises.
tom Nr 3
Autor omawia ogólne zasady i praktyczne problemy systemowego zabezpieczenia potrzeb logistycznych misji pokojowych ONZ. Kolejno analizuje: podstawy formalnoprawne, organizację i strukturę, kluczowe obszary działania oraz krytyczne warunki funkcjonowania prakseologicznego systemu zabezpieczenia logistycznego misji pokojowych. Dziedzinowe obszary zabezpieczenia logistycznego charakteryzuje pod kątem osiągania celów politycznych, operacyjnych, społecznych i humanitarnych planowanej misji pokojowej. Zwraca uwagę zwłaszcza na unikatowość i niepowtarzalność każdej misji pokojowej ONZ, dla której należy od podstaw zaprojektować odpowiedni system logistyczny, a także na groźny dualizm cywilno-wojskowy kierowania logistyką na szczeblu strategicznym misji i równie szkodliwy dysonans między profesjonalną logistyką wojskową a dominującą komercyjną logistyką cywilną.
The author discusses general principles and practical problems of the system of securing the logistic needs of UN peace missions. He analyzes the following areas: formal and legal basis, organization and structure, key areas of activity and critical conditions that determine the functioning of the praxeological system of peace missions' logistic support. The areas of logistic support are characterized in terins of achieving political, operational, social and humanitarian goals of the planned peace mission. The author draws attention to the unique and exceptional character of every UN peace mission, for the needs of which as adequate logistic system should be designed from scratch, as well as the dangerous civil ban-military dualism in managing logistics on the strategic level of missions, and the equally harmful disharmony between professional military logistics and dominant commercial civilian logistics.
nr 1
Ogromne zmiany i ciągły rozwój zastosowań technologii i komunikacji zmieniły sposób, w jaki postrzegany jest świat. Rewolucja informacyjna miała wpływ na gromadzenie danych wywiadowczych, ich przetwarzanie, analizę i rozpowszechnianie, a także na to, w jaki sposób decydenci mogą uzyskać dostęp do rzetelnych informacji w odpowiednim czasie, a także do źródeł, na których najprawdopodobniej będą polegać, gdy konkretna informacja jest potrzebna do podjęcia decyzji. Niniejszy artykuł próbuje opisać, przeanalizować i wyjaśnić naturę trwającej rewolucji informacyjnej, przedstawić jej główny wpływ na wywiad i politykę bezpieczeństwa oraz omówić znaczenia analizy wywiadowczej w kontekście realizowania działań podczas misji pokojowych.
tom nr 4(69)
The problem of logistic service support of Polish Armed Forces' military units outside the territory of Poland gains more and more importance. The issues concerning this problem are the key requirements formed in operational and strategic capabilities for military units performing these tasks in expeditionary operations. A particular attention is drawn to strategic, tactical and operational capability of deployment (shift), air refuelling, conducting operations during a certain time alone and further effective supply of forces in the area of operation. It must be stated that these tasks have permanently entered the range of operations, for the accomplishment of which the Polish Armed Forces must be ready and this fact justifies the necessity and need to undertake this subject. Moreover, the current analysis of events on the international arena and its influence on Poland’s security as well as the alliance commitments allow supposing that tasks connected with Polish Military Contingent’s logistic service support will be one of the dominant ones for the Polish Armed Forces in the nearest future.
nr 18
Ogromne zmiany i ciągły rozwój zastosowań technologii i komunikacji zmieniły sposób, w jaki postrzegany jest świat. Rewolucja informacyjna miała wpływ na gromadzenie danych wywiadowczych, ich przetwarzanie, analizę i rozpowszechnianie, a także na to, w jaki sposób decydenci mogą uzyskać dostęp do rzetelnych informacji w odpowiednim czasie, a także do źródeł, na których najprawdopodobniej będą polegać, gdy konkretna informacja jest potrzebna do podjęcia decyzji. Niniejszy artykuł próbuje opisać, przeanalizować i wyjaśnić naturę trwającej rewolucji informacyjnej, przedstawić jej główny wpływ na wywiad i politykę bezpieczeństwa oraz omówić znaczenie analizy wywiadowczej w kontekście realizowania działań podczas misji pokojowych.
The enormous changes and constant developments in the applications of technology and communication have changed the way the world is perceived. The information revolution has impacted intelligence gathering, processing, analysis and dissemination, as well as how decision-makers can access reliable information in a timely manner, and the sources they are likely to rely on when concrete information is needed to make decisions. This article attempts to describe, analyze and explain the nature of the ongoing information revolution, its main impact on intelligence and security policy, and the importance of intelligence analysis in the context of peacekeeping operations.
At the beginning of the paper very brief history of contemporary South African foreign policy is presented (period of apartheid and transition) and fundamental changes of the goals of South African foreign policy after 1994 are also depicted. The analysis is focused on engagement of the RSA in Africa and especially in Southern Africa in the context of peace and security. Special attention is drawn into South African activities in the United Nation's and African Union's peace-making and peace-building operations as well as peace negotiations of the South African presidents: Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma. Also the RSA efforts for global peace and security are taken into account.
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