The paper presents a general space-time variant of the geometric-integral theory of influences of Professor Stanisław Knothe. The theory describes the deformations of rock mass and surface area caused by underground mining. Then, calculation algorithms which allow to apply the theory in computer programs were presented. The first of the algorithms worked out in the 1970s by B. Drzęźla [10] assumes that the calculations are carried out in the polar coordinate system. It is characterized by extraordinary numerical effectiveness and it allows to approximate the mining process with any polygon. But the prediction results describe only the final deformation states, which is a kind of limitation. The second described algorithm, worked out by J. Białek [2, 3], uses the relations in a rectangular coordinate system. It allows to include in calculations the space-time evolution of the multi-panel and multi-bed underground mining exploitation. The programs also allow for the description of influence delay with respect to the completed mining exploitation, in line with the differential equation proposed by S. Knothe. The results of the prediction can involve the increment of deformations in any preset time interval, or extreme deformations in that time interval. Finally, the main reasons are presented, explaining why the application of S. Knothe theory has been popular in Poland and worldwide for 65 years.
Podczas kartograficznych badań terenowych prowadzonych od października 2015 r. w okolicach miejscowości Nowy Kościół, na Pogórzu Kaczawskim w Sudetach Zachodnich, rozpoznano i zinwentaryzowano wiele form wskazujących na przekształcenia powierzchni terenu związane z działalnością górniczą. Kilkanaście zapadlisk, rowów i obniżeń na terenie dawnych Zakładów Górniczych (ZG) „Nowy Kościół” zaobserwowano również podczas analiz numerycznych modeli terenu oraz zdjęć satelitarnych. Określono zasięg tych form, opisano ich parametry przestrzenne i oszacowano maksymalne obniżenie powierzchni terenu w ich obrębie. Obniżenia powierzchni terenu na tym obszarze nie były jak dotąd tak szczegółowo opisane. Głównym celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie przydatności metod geomorfometrycznych, opartych na analizie wysokorozdzielczych numerycznych modeli terenu (NMT) LiDAR, do jakościowego i ilościowego opisu deformacji powierzchni spowodowanych podziemną działalnością górniczą.
During mapping work carried out since October 2015 in the Nowy Kościół area in the Kaczawskie Foothills, Western Sudetes, a number of morphological forms were identified and catalogued. They indicate surface transformation due to ceased mining activity. Several depressions and grabens were recognized during the digital terrain model and satellite images analysis. The range of deformation has been determined, and their spatial parameters and the maximal depression of the ground level within the mining area have been estimated and described. Such ground level depressions have not been examined in detail before. The main aim of the studies was to determine the usefulness of geomorphometric methods based on LiDAR digital elevation models (DEM) for the purposes of high quality description of surface deformation caused by underground mining operations.
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