The article attempts at determining the most important factors shaping the social situation of aged people in Poland in the period 1945–89, seeking to describe, in vast amounts of detail, the demographic diversity (size of population concerned, gender categorisation, numerical amounts by age), residence (urban or rural region) as well as living conditions, health, and education status of the population concerned. Research has shown that the social security system in force played an increasing role in the shaping of the material situation of the elderly: in 1989 some 50 per cent retirement-aged people took advantage of its offer. That this system remained the basis for livelihoods of a definite majority of aged people in the 1980s primarily ensued from the extension of the farmer’s retirement and disability pension system. Nonetheless, a considerable group of elderly people (amounting to several dozen per cent, though estimates vary) received income below the minimum subsistence figure until the end of 1989 – thus remaining condemned to poverty and the need to seek for other, extra sources of income, such as assistance from family or acquaintances, gainful labour, and/or social protection.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę ubóstwa w Polsce. Analiza ta została poprzedzona wyjaśnieniem pojęć „ubóstwo” i „wykluczenie społeczne”. Wskazano również przyczyny ubóstwa i sposoby jego pomiaru. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że rosnąca skala ubóstwa w Polsce sprawia, że staje się ono problemem całego społeczeństwa. Zjawisko to negatywnie oddziałuje na rozwój gospodarczy i społeczny kraju. Mając powyższe na uwadze, państwo powinno stwarzać odpowiednie mechanizmy walki z ubóstwem i wykluczeniem społecznym.
The article analyses poverty in Poland. The analysis is preceded by an explanation of the concepts of poverty and social exclusion. It also identifies the causes of poverty and ways of measuring it. The research found that increasing scale of poverty in Poland becomes a problem of the whole society. This phenomenon has a negative impact on economic and social development of the country. Taking above into consideration, the state should create appropriate mechanisms for combating poverty and social exclusion.
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