Objectives: The aim of the paper was to prove that job conditions impact the state of the afferent part of the somatosensory system in miners. Materials and Methods: Data analysis of the electrophysiological examination of the syndrome in 148 patients, aged from 28 to 55 years, with a mild, moderate and severe degree of the pain syndrome was performed. The control group included 28 people without any pain symptoms. The method used was that of somatosensory stimulated potential (SSP) with the potentials amplitude and latency main components taken into consideration. Results: It was proven that the true decrease of the somatosensory stimulated potential SSP N22 (p < 0.05) component amplitudes by 41%; N30 component amplitude tend to decrease by 26%. This proves that the true N22 (p < 0.01) component latency increase by 63.8% corresponds to afferent excitation wave conductibility under the pain syndrome of vertebral pathology through sensitivity pathways mainly in the posterior spinal cord columns and then, through the parts of the brain stem, involving the cerebral cortex, which is confirmed by the fact that the P38 and P46 components amplitudes tend to decrease. In addition to this, the proven N10–N13 (p < 0.05), N13–N20 (p < 0.05), N10–N20 (p < 0.05) intervals increases by 43.5–41.8–38.7%, respectively, correspond to the nervous impulse conductibility through the peripheral nervous system structures and allow to reveal the subclinical slowdown of impulse conductibility, which indicates that the conducting system is changed even under a mild pain syndrome. Conclusions: It was found that the data obtained allow for the better understanding of how the neuropathological pain syndrome under vertebral spine pathology is formed.
Objectives This paper presents the results of research on the scale of psychosocial risks among miners. A comparative analysis was made, comparing the research results with the data obtained from workers in the following industries: metal, energy, chemical and construction – along with an indication of the relationship between stressful working conditions and the occupational functioning of the respondents. Material and Methods The study involved 483 adults employed in mines in Poland. The study on psychosocial risks in the workplace was performed using Psychosocial Risk Scale, developed by the Department of Health and Work Psychology of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland. Psychosocial Risk Scale is the scientifically validated diagnostic tool and is characterized by high reliability and validity of coefficients. Results The analysis of differences in occupational functioning between miners and other workers in heavy industry provides that miners are in general more healthy, less stressed, more positive emotionally and normatively committed to work, more satisfied with work, and more stable in the employment (as opposite to turnover intention) than the other workers. The results suggest that miners with a lower level of stress functioned at work better – they evaluated their health and ability to work better than miners with a higher level of stress. Their intention to change a job was lower than among those experiencing more stress. The most pronounced effect was observed for the influence on this dimension of functioning by job context risks (the higher level of probability, and the higher t-test value). Conclusions Occupational functioning of miners in Poland is better than the other employees in heavy industry. The analysis of differences in occupational functioning dimensions provides that a lower level of psychosocial risk in a workplace is connected with a higher level of job satisfaction, positive affective and normative work commitment and a lower level of turnover intension. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(1):87–98
The paper presents an analysis of selected aspects of motivation and engagement of hard coal mine employees working in longwall faces. The analysis of survey results covers selected questions from a broader survey conducted in the analyzed mining companies. The miners had a negative opinion on the incentive programme in their workplaces, stating that it is ineffective. The survey also included factors affecting the engagement of the entire research sample in their work, showing their significance level for the respondents.
Artykuł prezentuje analizę wybranych aspektów motywacji oraz zaangażowania pracowników zatrudnionych w kopalniach węgla kamiennego, pracujących na stanowiskach robotniczych w przodkach ścianowych. Przedstawione w artykule analizy wyników badań ankietowych obejmują wybrane pytania z szerszego badania przeprowadzonego w analizowanych przedsiębiorstwach górniczych. Górnicy negatywnie ocenili istniejący w ich zakładach system motywacyjny stwierdzając, że jest on nieskuteczny. Badanie objęło również czynniki wpływające na zaangażowanie całej próby badawczej w pracę, pokazując ich poziom istotności dla ankietowanych.
Przedstawiono uwarunkowania geopolityczne i społeczne, które determinowały przyłączenie Górnego Śląska do Polski po zakończeniu pierwszej wojny światowej. Górny Śląsk był wysoko rozwiniętym obszarem przemysłowym z wieloma kopalniami węgla kamiennego, rud cynku, ołowiu, srebra i żelaza. Stąd Niemcy, które przegrały wojnę zabiegały różnymi drogami o utrzymanie Górnego Śląska w swoich granicach. Ludność polska, która na tym terenie stanowiła wyraźną większość, była przez wiele lat poddawana germanizacji. Powstanie niepodległego Państwa Polskiego stało się dla niej wielką szansą na powrót do Macierzy. Powyższe czynniki były przyczyną trzech powstań śląskich w latach 1919, 1920 i 1921. Podkreślono znaczący udział górnośląskich górników w tych powstaniach. Wielu z nich straciło życie i było rannych. Ich walka i determinacja przyniosły w 1922 roku powrót Górnego Śląska do Polski.
This paper presents the geopolitical and social conditions that determined the annexation of Upper Silesia to Poland after the end of the First World War. Upper Silesia was a highly developed industrial region with many coal, zinc, lead, silver and iron ore mines. Thus, the Germans, who lost the war, fought in every way possible, to maintain Upper Silesia within their borders. The Polish population in this area, constituting a clear majority, has been subject to Germanization for many years. The creation of an independent state of Poland became a great chance for them to return to the Motherland. The above factors were the cause of three silesian uprisings in the year 1919, 1920 and 1921. The authors pointed the significant participation of Upper Silesian miners in these uprisings. Many miners lost their lives or became seriously injured. Their struggle and determination resulted in the annexation of Upper Silesia to Poland in 1922.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 4025 pracujących mieszkańców Rudy Śląskiej. Wyodrębniono spośród nich 334 górników. Porównano odpowiedzi ogółu ankietowanych z odpowiedziami osób zawodowo związanych z branżą górniczą. I tak w artykule przedstawiono system wartości uczestników badań, zwrócono także uwagę na źródła informacji o wolnych miejscach pracy. Analizowano poziom zbieżności odpowiedzi udzielonych przez górników z odpowiedziami ogółu pracujących mieszkańców Rudy Śląskiej. Diagnozowano także problemy rozwoju zawodowego uczestników badań, a także poziom ich kompetencji cywilizacyjnych.
The article presents partial results of surveys, which were conducted among 4025 working inhabitants of Ruda Slaska - out of whom a group of 334 working miners was singled out. The answers of all the respondents were compared with the answers of the people professionally associated with the mining industry. The system of values of the surveyed people is described in the article. Attention is also drawn to the sources of information concerning job vacancies in places, where the respondents were employed at that time. The level of similarity between answers given by miners and those given by respondents working in other lines of business is analyzed. The problems of professional development are also analyzed together with civilization competence of the respondents.
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