Sand occupies a great proportion of the cementitious matrix product and in particular mortars. Hence, the study of fine aggregates used for concrete and mortar in general, deserves to be objects of research including sand which has always been considered as inert material, whose role is exclusively physical. The study of mortars performances based on prepared sand to assess the effect of the type and rate of substitution of mineral additions pozzolana and blast furnace slag of a natural sand fine fraction (sieve diameter less than 0.16 mm) is seen as the main objective of the present experimental research work. The natural sand replaced size is less than 160 µm and for rheological reasons the maximum replacement rate of natural sand is limited to 10%. The results obtained show a significant improvement of the mechanical properties for the mortars based on the new activated sand. With regard to durability tests of HCl and H2SO4 acids chemical attacks, the substitution of the quartz by active mineral additions in the sand-size skeleton allows an advantageous reduction in loss of resistance up to 50% and a mass gain around 75%.
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Opisano wyniki badań mających na celu określenie wpływu dodatków mineralnych na ekspansję i mikrostrukturę zapraw poddawanych obróbce cieplnej. Zaprawy te zawierały reaktywne kruszywo krzemionkowe i były sporządzone z cementów o zwiększonej zawartości alkaliów i siarczanów (gips + Na2SC4). Dodatek 20% krzemionkowego popiołu lotnego zmniejsza ponad czterokrotnie ekspansję tej zaprawy, a dodatek mączki wapiennej zmniejsza ją trzykrotnie. W zaprawie z tymi dodatkami mineralnymi mikrostruktura zaczynu oraz budowa strefy przejściowej matryca cementowa - ziarna kruszywa jest zwarta i nie obserwuje się konglomeratów ettringitu.
The results of experiments which aim was to examine the influence of mineral additions on expansion and microstructure of heat treated mortars were presented. These mortars contained reactive opal and were made from cement rich in alkalis and sulphates (gypsum and Na2S04). The addition of 20% of siliceous fly ash or ground limestone decreases four times and three times the expansion respectively. In the mortars with these mineral additions the microstructure of cement matrix as well as ITZ are compact and no conglomerates of ettringite crystals were found.
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