Wyjaśniono współczesne znaczenie określenia "hydrogeologia górnicza". Scharakteryzowano początki i rozwój tej specjalności w Polsce oraz ewolucję zadań, a także problematyki prac badawczych i zastosowań. Wyróżniono etap uruchomiania górnictwa po II wojnie światowej, etap poszukiwań, rozpoznawania, dokumentowania i zagospodarowywania nowych złóż kopalin oraz budowy kopalń w latach '60 i'70, współczesny etap zmian w sferze przemysłu wydobywczego w związku z transformacją polskiej gospodarki z nakazowo-rozdzielczej na wolnorynkową i nadchodzący etap gospodarki wolnorynkowej ze zredukowaną rolą sprywatyzowanego przemysłu wydobywczego w gospodarce krajowej.
The contemporary denotation of the term: "mining hydrogeology" is proposed. According to it, the aims of this branch of applied hydrogeology is formation of scientific basis for optimal decisions and actions directed towards the solution of technical and economic problems arising as result of the presence of water surrounding mineral deposits, on the stages of their exploration, development, exploitation, and liquidation of mines. It includes both research and practical actions necessary to attain these aims, as well as current hydrogeological survey of the operating mines. The origin of mining hydrogeology in Poland after World War II and its following evolution is shortly described. Four stages of the last have been distinguished: 1) draining of mines flooded during the war and regeneration of mining; 2) rapid growth of mineral industry, hydrogeological investigation of newly discovered huge deposits of hard coal, lignite, metal ores (iron, zinc-lead, copper), salt and native sulphur, construction of underground- and open pit mines; 3) transformation of Poland's economy from planned to free-market: change of the position of mining within it, decline of geological prospecting, exploration of deposits, investments and production of mineral raw materials; 4) exhausting of resources of several deposits, abandoning of non profitable mines, limited investments and reduction of output of private mines. Principal hydrogeological problems faced with by the mining industry on those stages (i.e. mine water inflow prognoses, water hazard, saline mine water disposal and utilization, impact of land subsidence and drainage of rock massif on ground- and surface waters, flooding of the abandoned mines, toxic waste storage underground etc.) are shortly discussed. Some data regarding the methods of investigation and research, publication of the results, as well as education of specialists are given.
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