The purpose of this paper is to present how physical culture was managed in Łódź in 1945–48 during the times of social and political changes. This period is characteristic for the rebirth of sport movement after the WWII and the activities of the authorities aimed at introducing a new model of management of physical culture. On the territory of the voivodeship of Łódź, sport activity was revived along with the withdrawal of German army. The activity of reviving clubs and sport unions was quite spontaneous at first. The model of management of physical culture, introduced in 1946,combined physical education issues with military training referring to pre-war models. The newly created Voivodeship Office of Physical Education and Military Training in Łódź in 1948 was temporary. The final objective was introduction of sports management based on the Soviet model. In the years 1946–49 Łódź authorities popularized the development of physical education and sport in the way compatible with the State policy. They put pressure on massive sport events, sport was combined with military and agricultural training. The new authorities supported the development of physical education and sport in leftist organizations. Sports associations which were claimed to be adverse were eliminated.
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zarządzania łódzką kulturą fizyczną w latach 1945–1949 na tle zachodzących zmian społeczno-politycznych. Wprowadzony w 1946 roku model zarządzania kulturą fizyczną łączył sprawy wychowania fizycznego z przysposobieniem wojskowym. Wojewódzki Urząd Wychowania Fizycznego i Przysposobienia Wojskowego w Łodzi, a następnie Wojewódzki Urząd Kultury Fizycznej w Łodzi były formami przejściowymi. Ostatecznym celem było wprowadzenie modelu zarządzania sportem łódzkim na wzór realizowanego w Związku Radzieckim. W latach 1946–1949 łódzkie władze sportowe propagowały rozwój wychowania fizycznego i sportu zgodnie z polityką państwa. Forsowano duże imprezy sportowe. Szkolenie sportowe powiązano z wojskowym i rolniczym. Nowa władza państwowa sprzyjała rozwojowi wychowania fizycznego i sportu, szczególnie w organizacjach lewicowych. Stowarzyszenia sportowe, których działalność uznano za wrogą, były likwidowane.
The Military Training Area Ralsko came into begin in 1946 and until 1968 it was used by the Czechoslovak Army. After the Russian occupation in 1968 it was passed over under the administration of the Soviet Army that has operated here until its withdrawal in 1991. As a result of the establishment of artillery and tank polygons in the military area round the airport in Hradčany, twenty villages and three agricultural estates were physically destroyed (see their list in the article). The new village Ralsko resident in Kuřívody was created on the major part of this region.
Phytosociological analysis of non-forest communities was carried out on one of the oldest and the biggest military training grounds in Europe, located near the city of Toruń, in central Poland. Heaths and psammophilous grasslands developed here as a result of deforestation of inland dunes in the valley of the Vistula River, as well as a result of destruction of soils and vegetation brought on by manoeuvres and artillery firings. They form a landscape mosaic with young self-seeding pines, mature pine forests and birch forests. Using the Braun-Blanquet method, 84 relevés were made in the areas dominated by dwarf shrubs and 32 relevés within psammophilous grasslands. Applying the classic phytosociological method, the following plant associations were distinguished in the first set of relevés: Pohlio-Callunetum and Arctostaphylo-Callunetum, as well as the community with Cytisus scoparius. Within the psammophilous grasslands, two associations were distinguished: Spergulo vernalis-Corynephoretum and Calamagrostietum epigeji. In this paper, the heterogeneity within associations and communities was presented together with descriptions of individual syntaxa, as well as dynamic and developmental relationships between the aforementioned were identified.
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