W pracy podano metodykę funkcyjnego opisu mikrostruktury materiałów. Opis zastępuje budowę i analizę histogramów funkcją całkowalną o trzech parametrach, które definiują zarazem wszystkie zależności stereologiczne. Zamieszczono przykładowy protokół opisu funkcyjnego oraz wykazano jego zgodność z konstrukcją skali wzorców wielkości ziarna PN, a także z parametrami badanej mikrostruktury jedno- i wielofazowej oraz obiektów izolowanych w osnowie.
The method of functional description of microstructure of materials is given. The functional description substitutes construction and analysis of histograms with three parameters integrable function. The parameters define all stereological dependencies. The protocal of functional description is cited by way of example. A good agreement between the description and construction of scale of PN grain dimension standards, parameters of investigated single- or a multi-phase microstructure as well as isolated object in matrix has been stated.
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Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies are increasingly applied in various industries since they provide the possibility to manufacture the components with high geometrical complexity easier and faster than traditional processes. However, the subsequent semi-finish/finish machining operations such as drilling, turning and/or milling are still necessary for AM parts to obtain the required surface textures and meet the practical requirements. As such, the AM parts usually indicate different machinability compared with conventionally produced ones in view of the different material microstructures. A comprehensive understanding of this machining effort is of great importance for similar engineering applications but not widely reported. Thus, an attempt was made in this work to address the effect of the material microstructure on the machining stability and tool wear behavior in dry drilling of the hard titanium alloys. The experimental results highlight a correlation between the tool wear behavior and material microstructures. A great number of micro-pits appeared on the tool flank face and the abrasive marks, coating delamination, as well as catastrophic failure of the cutting edge were found to be more obvious during machining the DMLS alloy. In contrast, adhesion wear followed by micro chipping and build-up edge were distinguished when machining the wrought Ti6Al4V. Meanwhile, heat treatment can improve the flow plasticity and reduce the brittleness of the AM material since catastrophic failure disappeared and chip adhesion becomes more predominant when machining the HTDMLS Ti6Al4V.
The article discusses the basic issues related to the technology of friction stir welding (FSW). A short description of technology is provided. The following section provides the analysis of effect of technological parameters (tool rotation and welding speed) on the mechanical properties of the prepared joint (strength, ductility, microhardness). In both cases the analysis refers to aluminum alloys (6056 and AA2195-T0). The comparative analysis showed the phenomenon of the increase in weld strength along with the increase in the rotational speed of the tool during welding. Similarly, with the increase in welding speed, an increase in weld strength was observed. Some exceptions have been observed from the above relations, as described in the article. In addition, examples of material hardness distribution in the joint are presented, indicating their lack of symmetry, caused by the rotational movement of the tool. The analyses were performed basing on the literature data.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe zagadnienia związane z wpływem wybranych parametrów technologii zgrzewania tarciowego (prędkość obrotowa i liniowa narzędzia) na właściwości mechaniczne gotowej spoiny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zależności naprężenie-odkształcenie i twardości materiału.
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Przedstawiono analizę mikrostruktury stali po obróbce elektroerozyjnej. Scharakteryzowano właściwości zmienionej struktury wraz z jej defektami. Wyznaczono mikrotwardość zmienionych warstw.
The article presents an analysis of the microstructure of steel after electrical discharge machining (EDM). Properties of changed layers (micro hardness and occurrence micro cranks) have been described.
W artykule przedstawiono ocenę stanu technicznego komina murowanego z cegły oraz zaproponowano zakres prac remontowych. Badania skuteczności hydrofobizacji komina poprzedziła dokładna diagnostyka obiektu, która polegała na sprawdzeniu m.in. zawartości soli i stopnia zawilgocenia płaszcza komina, ponieważ wysoki stopień zasolenia i duża zawartość wody w porach materiału wyklucza zastosowanie hydrofobizacji. Materiał badawczy stanowiła cegła pobrana z płaszcza przemysłowego komina murowanego. W części eksperymentalnej dokonano obiektywnej oceny preparatów, które mogą być wykorzystane do hydrofobizacji powierzchni komina.
The aim of the research presented in the paper was to evaluate the technical condition of the masonry chimney and to propose scope of modernization process. The studies of effectiveness of hydrophobization were preceded by a thorough diagnosis of the building, which involved checking of the salt content and the degree of moisture of chimney jacket. If the salt content and water content in the pores of the material were too high the hydrophobization could not be used. In presented paper the brick from industrial jacket of chimney was tested. Experimental section contains an objective evaluation of preparations which can be used for the chimney surface hydrophobization.
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