The environment resistance potential is defined as the ability of the landscape to limit the negative pollutant impact consisting the limiting, by means of accumulation, of the amount of pollutants circulating in the environment system. In practice, their quantity is contigent on the proporties of the components, which are capable of a relatively long-lasting chemical substance accumulation (thus, above all, the properties of the soil cover). The forecast model of environment changes describes the mechanisms and distribution rate of pollution in the soil profile and the interaction with the functional landscape structure. The methodological assumptions, determining of the real, complex diagnosis of the environment condition and for forecasting of the effects of the persisting anthropopressure and for establishing the necessary measures limiting the progressing degradation. Knowing, even approximatively, the mechanism of the existing changes one can determine the optimal (under circumstances) level of pollutant input, and when its limitation is impossible, one can control the use of the environmental potential in such a way as to minimize its negative impact.
Pollution migration is the main problem of the landfills that have been located, installed and operated without meeting basic environmental protection requirements. Undertaking effective reclamation treatments is conditioned by a good recognition of the object and its close and distant surroundings. The purpose of the work was to determine the potential hazard to the soil and water environment, based on selected factors, in the vicinity of a closed waste landfill at Głębocka Street in Warsaw. In the soil samples taken at the site from various depths, high concentrations of chlorides, EC, ammonium nitrogen and phosphates were found. Furthermore, the high ammonium nitrogen content correlated with the scent of ammonia, and the content of phosphates with the scent of organic compounds. These pollutants testify to the progressive decomposition of substances occurring in the mass of littering waste, which may pose a serious threat to groundwater. The landfill is also a potential geotechnical hazard because it is a dynamically changing object that can change stability, create caverns and landslides.
Soils periodically, or permanently, waterlogged and soils exposed to flood waters are heavily imperilled to pollution of inorganic and organic compounds. They are primarily compounds that are brought with the inflowing (highly loaded) floodwater and indigenously produced within the soil profile by anaerobic metabolism of the organic matter. PAHs compounds are adsorbed by the soil from the floodwaters and move in the soil profile posing a threat to groundwater. In addition, when the flood recedes, these compounds may be taken up by the crops. In this study soil pollution with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) derived from the decomposition of organic matter and silt and their migration in the arable layer of soil.
Gleby okresowo lub stale podmokłe, a także gleby narażone na oddziaływanie wód powodziowych w znacznym stopniu narażone są na zanieczyszczenie związkami nieorganicznymi oraz organicznymi. Są to przede wszystkim te związki, które są nanoszone wraz z napływającą (silnie obciążoną) wodą powodziową, jak i autochtonicznymi wytwarzanymi w obrębie profilu glebowego, na drodze beztlenowych przemian materii organicznej. Związki z grupy WWA są sorbowane przez glebę z wód powodziowych oraz przemieszczają się w profilu glebowym, stanowiąc zagrożenie dla wód podziemnych. Ponadto po ustąpieniu zjawiska powodzi związki te mogą być pobierane przez rośliny uprawne. W pracy badano zanieczyszczenie gleb wielopierścieniowymi węglowodorami aromatycznymi (WWA) pochodzącymi z rozkładu materii organicznej oraz z nanosu powodziowego oraz ich migrację w warstwie ornej gleby.
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