The one-factorial field experiments were conducted from 1995 to 1997 at the Agricultural University of Kraków Prusy Experimenta! Station to evaluate yield and chemical composition of field bean grown either in pure culture or in mixtures with white lupin and spring vetch. Grain yield of field bean grown in pure culture was 4.7 dt/ha, 11.6 dt/ha, and 10 dt/ha higher when compared with that of field bean + white łupin, field bean + spring vetch, and field bean 4- white łupin + spring vetch mixtures, respectively. The highest indices of protein quality were obtained for field bean + white łupin mixture (CS = 35.5 and EAAI = 69.5), and were higher than those determined for field bean + white łupin + spring vetch (C = 31.9 and EAAI = 67.8), field bean grown in pure culture (CS = 29.8 and EAAI = 66.8) and field bean + spring vetch (CS = 29.6 and EAAI = 63.4) mixtures. The highest antitrypsin activity of seeds was detected in spring vetch and the lowest in white lupine seeds. Tannins were present only in field bean seeds.
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