The research was undertaken to analyze selected physicochemical and biological properties of soils from the buffer zones of a small watercourse located in the agricultural catchment area of North-Eastern Poland. Research points were located in the buffer zone. Samples were taken from the surface soil level. In samples were measured the pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, nitrates as well as the emission of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the microscopic fungi (micromycetes) communities that inhabit the analyzed soils was also determined. It was found that the soil in the buffer zone, which is formed by shrubs and which separates arable land from the river, is more abundant in selected solutes, has a higher carbon dioxide emission, also has a richer quantitative and qualitative structure of fungi. It was found that soils from buffer zones are the place of dynamic processes that affect biological and chemical properties.
The paper presents eleven species of Ascochyta recently collected in central and southern part of Poland. Two of them, Ascochyta bondarceviana Melnik and Ascochyta equiseti (Desm.) Grove noted in Poland for the first time, are illustrated with microphotographs. In addition, nine other species are newly reported on their host plants species in the country. Short characteristics of the fungi species based on the collected specimens and the distribution maps of all fungi taxa are presented.
W pracy przedstawiono jedenaście gatunków mikroskopowych grzybów pasożytniczych należących do rodzaju Ascochyta (grzyby anamorficzne). Dwa z nich – Ascochyta bondarceviana Melnik (na Ribes sp.) i Ascochyta equiseti (Desm.) Grove (na Equisetum arvense L.) – są nowe dla bioty kraju, a pozostałe dziewięć gatunków stwierdzono na żywicielach, na których nie były one dotąd obserwowane w Polsce. Grzyby te zostały zebrane w Polsce środkowej i południowej, przy czym większość z nich została zaobserwowana na terenie Łodzi. Dla wszystkich gatunków podano krótkie opisy cech struktur morfologicznych i rozmieszczenie, a gatunki notowane w Polsce po raz pierwszy zostały również zilustrowane mikrofotografiami.
Photosensitization is based on the interaction of 2 completely non-toxic agents - a photosensitizer, accumulated in microorganisms, and visible light. This interaction induces radical-based cytotoxic reactions in the presence of oxygen. The photosensitization phenomenon is widely involved in the treatment of tumors in oncology, in curing arthritis and atherosclerosis. In this work, the possibility to inactivate pathogenic and harmful fungi by photosensitization is shown. A new treatment methodology is proposed on the basis of effective inactivation of the several micromycetes, such as Aspergillus flavus, Trichothecium roseum, Fusarium avenaceum, Rhizopus oryzae, by photosensitization.
During the meteorologically contrasting period of 2003-2005, the contamination of winter wheat, malt barley and fodder barley grain with micromycetes during grain harvesting and preparation for storage was investigated. Micromycetes of over 70 species ascribed to 16 genera were isolated and identifi ed, the density of their populations in grain was determined. Micromycetes with a population density of >50% were attributed to dominant species. Short biological characteristic, ecological peculiarities of the dominating micromycetes are provided; factors determining intensity of their development and abilities to synthesise and excrete toxic metabolites are indicated. The importance of grain drying for stabilisation of its contamination with micromycete propagules is highlighted. It is noted that in grain dried in shaft dryer using air at 90°C the number of cfu (colony forming units) was reduced from 2.2 to 8.2 times. When active ventilation is applied, conditions favourable for the development of micromycetes remain longest in the upper layers of the mound. The airfl ow passing through the layer of damp grain inhibits the development of micromycetes, but an increase of comparative air fl ow for more than 500 m3·(t·h)-1 did not reduce the abundance of micromycete cfu. After drying Alternaria alternata, Fusarium avenaceum, F. culmorum, Penicillum verrucosum dominated in wheat grain; Aspergillus fl avus, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. tricinctum in malts barley grain; Fusarium avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. tricinctum, Alternaria alternata in fodder barley grain. It has been determined that all micromycetes recorded on grain after drying are potential producers of toxic metabolites, i.e. are hazardous to human health.
Recently the food of people is profusely supplemented with vegetables and fruit imported from various regions. Investigations on the mycological state of imported foodstuffs revealed that the marketed vegetables, fresh, dried and frozen fruit are contaminated with propagules of various micromycetes. The obtained results allow the conclusion that vegetables and fruit can become a good substrate for mycotoxin producing micromycetes. The micromycetes develop on everyday products and can become the cause of slow toxicoses, which are characterized by a diversity of symptoms and are difficult to diagnose. Therefore, contamination of food products with micromycetes of the Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Alternaria, Paecilomyces, Trichotecium, Rhizopus genera should receive particular attention. It should be noted that a strain growing on a particular type of vegetable or fruit could synthesize and excrete different toxic secondary metabolites.
In 2003-2004, investigations of mycological contamination of stored and newly harvested vegetables were carried out. The aim of the study was to detect fungal species able to synthesize toxic metabolites, which are spread on vegetables under various conditions. For mycological investigations, samples of carrots, onions and cabbage were taken from storehouses with different storage periods and conditions. Penicillium expansum, P. nalgiovense, Mucor silvaticus and Penicillium verrucosum were more frequently detected on carrots, Penicillium expansum - on onions and Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Mucor hiemalis, Penicillium funiculosum and Penicillium expansum - on cabbages. Storing conditions of vegetables influenced distribution of different fungal species. Primary screening using CYA and YES test-media showed that 46.7% of tested strains may be evaluated as toxin producers. The ability of fungi to produce mycotoxins depends on their growth substrata. According to Rf and fluorescence in the UV of compounds comparing with standards, such toxins as patulin, cytochalasin and penitrem were identified. The ability of Penicillium expansum Sv-168-1 growing on different foodstuff and especially potato to produce patulin was confirmed quantitatively.
The influence of soil micromycetes (melanin-containing, dark-pigmented Cladosporium cladosporioides and light-pigmented Paecilomyces lilacinus) on 137Cs accumulation by aboverground phytomass of some higher plants (sugar beet, cabbage and clover) was studied in field experiments in radionuclides contaminated soil of the Chernobyl zone with total radioactivity 37-50 kBq kg⁻¹. Abundance of these fungi was determined 1,3 and 5 months after their introduction into the soil. P. lilacinus colonies were isolated in the beginning of the experiment in contrast to C. cladosporioides colonies that were isolated at the end of plants vegetation. The coefficients of [izotop cezu 137] accumulation by aboveground phytomass were higher after the introduction of light-pigmented than of dark-pigmented fungus. These coefficients were higher after the simultaneous introduction of the two fungi than after each fungus introduced separately.