Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome is a severe genetic condition that affects many systems of the human body. The genetic mechanism is based on the deletion of the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p). Individuals affected by the syndrome have a special phenotype: wide bridge of the nose, widely spaced eyes, micrognathia, microcephaly, growth retardation, cryptorchidism, heart defects, hearing loss and severe intellectual disability. The patient from our case report was hospitalised at the Lviv City Children’s Hospital at the age of six hours in a severe condition, with distinctive features of a genetic syndrome, which was connected with intraventricular haemorrhage. At the age of three months, he showed delayed physical and neurocognitive development and a characteristic appearance, which led to a specialist consultation to diagnose the genetic disease. This time, on the basis of clinical, laboratory and instrumental findings, the boy was diagnosed with Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome.
Zespół Wolfa–Hirschhorna jest ciężką chorobą genetyczną objawiającą się szeregiem wad wrodzonych dotykających różnych układów ludzkiego organizmu. Mechanizm genetyczny tego zespołu polega na delecji dystalnej części krótkiego ramienia chromosomu 4 (4p). Osoby dotknięte tym schorzeniem mają charakterystyczny fenotyp, na który składają się m.in. szeroka podstawa nosa, szeroko rozstawione oczy, mikrognacja, mikrocefalia, upośledzenie wzrostu, wnętrostwo, wady serca, ubytki słuchu oraz ciężkie upośledzenie intelektualne. Przedstawiony w pracy pacjent był hospitalizowany w Miejskim Szpitalu Dziecięcym we Lwowie w 6. godzinie życia w stanie ciężkim, z wyraźnymi cechami zespołu zaburzeń genetycznych oraz krwawieniem dokomorowym. W wieku 3 miesięcy, ze względu na wyraźnie opóźniony rozwój motoryczny oraz neuropoznawczy, a także charakterystyczne cechy fizjonomiczne, pacjenta skierowano do konsultacji genetycznej w celu ustalenia rozpoznania. W oparciu o wyniki badań fizykalnych, laboratoryjnych i genetycznych stwierdzono u niego zespół Wolfa–Hirschhorna.
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The rare anomalies diagnosed in prenatal ultrasonographic examination include Pierre-Robin sequence. The aim of the report was to demonstrate a well-documented case of Pierre-Robin sequence detected by ultrasonography at the 24th week of gestation, present the differentiation of Pierre-Robin sequence in the prenatal ultrasonography and to emphasize the importance of early sonographic diagnosis of the anomaly. The prenatal diagnosis of Pierre-Robin sequence in prenatal ultrasonographic assessment is of great importance as it permits planning further course of pregnancy as well as EXIT procedure and postnatal treatment.
Trypsin inhibitor isolated from Ascaris lumbricoides suis and injected into pregnant BALB/c mice disturbed prenatal development of mice fetuses. The nature and intensity of prenatal disturbances in development are determined by the trypsin inhibitor dose. The symptoms that occurred after administration of the highest doses of Ascaris trypsin inhibitor to pregnant mice included: decreased body weight gain (p<0.05) as compared to controls, bleeding from the uterus, abortions and mortality. All doses of trypsin inhibitor exhibited an embryotoxic effect. Trypsin inhibitor significantly decreased the number of fetuses per litter, increased the frequency of litter resorption, produced a delay in bone formation and included pathological changes. Teratogenic effects of trypsin inhibitor were apparent in fetuses after doses of 200-400 mg per kg. The most frequent developmental defects were: cleft palate, fusion of ribs and micrognathia. No defects were noted in control groups. The trypsin inhibitor from Ascaris is a substance of considerable biological activity, which may be important in the outcome of the host-parasite relationship. It may be also a parasite pathogenic factor.
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