W pracy omówiono problematykę zagrożeń mikrobiologicznych, w tym nasilające się zjawisko lekooporności bakterii występują-cych w odpływach z oczyszczalni. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność dezynfekcji i przedstawiono najczęściej stosowane metody dezynfekcji odpływów. Na tle wyników badań własnych nad zjawiskiem lekooporności bakterii związanym z dezynfekcją odpływów z oczyszczalni ścieków wskazano na potrzebę właściwego doboru metody dezynfekcji, która powinna być dostosowana do celu ich dalszego wykorzystania.
In the paper the problem of microbiological hazards, including the phenomenon of increasing drug resistance of bacteria present in the outflows from wastewater treatment plants was discussed. Additionally the need for disinfection was highlighted and the most often used methods of treated wastewater disinfection was presented. The phenomenon of drug resistance of bacteria associated with wastewater treatment and disinfection indicate the need for proper selection of disinfection methods is crucial. Thus disinfection should be adapted to the purpose of further usage of treated wastewater.
Infections with Campylobacter spp. occur as a result of consumption of live cells with food. In developing countries those infections are immensely common, particularly during early childhood and 5 to 10 cases can appear during the initial two years of life. The symptoms appear usually after 1-7 days from infection depending on the number of ingested cells and individual sensitivity. Characteristic symptoms of infections caused by Campylobacter spp. infrequently occurring jointly in the clinical form of the disease include: diarrhea, abdominal pain and increased temperature. In the majority of cases the disease is mild and lasts from 2 to 7 days. Usually Campylobacter are excreted with feces during a period of 7-21 days, sometimes even longer. Occasionally in the increased risk group dangerous complications may occur. They include: bacteremia, meningo-myelitis, neurological disturbances and reactive arthritis.
Campylobacter spp. is one of the main etiological factors of gastrointestinal diseases in people manifesting as alimentary infections. The microorganism is isolated 3-4 times more frequently in case of alimentary infections that other enteropathogenes, i.e. Salmonella or E. coli. Campylobacter spp. is a component of ordinary intestinal microflora in many animal species, including slaughter animals. Birds are one of the most important reservoirs of Campylobacter spp. With a relatively high internal body temperature at around 42℃, they are the appropriate environment for those bacteria, which show special thermal requirements. Wide presence of Campylobacter spp. in animal population causes the risk of contamination of food products such as raw meat and milk as well as water.