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Content available remote Mikroekonomiczne determinanty wynagrodzeń w sektorze przedsiębiorstw
Zarządzanie i Finanse
tom 1
nr 1
Opracowanie ma za zadanie wskazać na ile przeciętne wynagrodzenie w sektorze przedsiębiorstw w gospodarce polskiej jest kształtowane pod wpływem wyników ekonomicznych podmiotów. Podstawą dla oceny stopnia zależności będą wybrane wielkości opisujące sektor przedsiębiorstw, do których zaliczono: wskaźnik rentowności sprzedaży, wskaźnik pokrycia kosztów, wskaźnik rentowności obrotu brutto, wskaźnik płynności finansowej I oraz wskaźnik płynności finansowej II. Powyższe wielkości stanowią zmienne objaśniające wobec wynagrodzenia przeciętnego. W badaniu przed statystyczną weryfikacją zależności zastosowano met odę Hellwiga jako metodę na optymalizację doboru zmiennych do modelu ekonometrycznego postaci liniowej. Hipoteza, która została zweryfikowana w opracowaniu brzmi: Wskaźniki finansowe stanowiące o kondycji sektora przedsiębiorstw w znacznym stopniu przyczyniają się do kształtowania przeciętnej płacy.
Celem artykułu jest analiza zróżnicowania regionów Polski pod względem innowacyjności i przedsiębiorczości. Przy doborze zmiennych diagnostycznych posłużono się wskaźnikami zawartymi w Regionalnym Indeksie Innowacji z raportu Komisji Europejskiej. Do badań wykorzystano dane GUS. Korzystając z metody analizy wielowymiarowej obliczono wskaźnik innowacyjności i przedsiębiorczości dla badanych obiektów. Badaniem objęto rok 2012 i 2014. Dokonano podziału regionów Polski na grupy podobieństw ze względu na badany wskaźnik.
The aim of the article is to analyze the diversity of Polish regions in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship. In the selection of diagnostic variables, indicators included in the Regional Innovation Index from the European Commission's report were used. The Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) data were used for the study. Using the multidimensional analysis method, the indicator of innovation and entrepreneurship for the studied objects was calculated. The study covered the years 2012 and 2014. The regions of Poland were divided into groups of similarities due to the indicator being studied.
We współczesnych realiach turbulentnego otoczenia, niezależnie od sektora, funkcjonowanie podmiotów gospodarczych obwarowane jest licznymi trudnościami. Obecnie w największym stopniu przyczynił się do tego wybuch wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Wstrząs wywołany pandemią COVID-19 uwypuklił wiele problemów gospodarki finansowej jednostek samorządów terytorialnych, narastających na przestrzeni ostatnich dziesięcioleci. Dotychczasowe badania dotyczące problematyki pandemii COVID-19 w głównej mierze odnoszą się do zagadnień prezentowanych w skali makro. W związku z tym celem niniejszej publikacji jest przybliżenie problematyki związanej z zarządzaniem finansami jednostek samorządów terytorialnych. Na bazie rozważań teoretycznych omówiono aspekty efektywnego zarządzania finansami jednostek samorządów terytorialnych, które mają odzwierciedlenie w zdolności do rozwoju. Z kolei część empiryczna została opracowana przy użyciu metody desk research. Ponadto niniejszy artykuł wzbogacono o wybrane metody statystyczne, tj. metodę TOPSIS oraz metodę Hellwiga. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, iż w największym stopniu skutki pandemii odczuły jednostki samorządów terytorialnych o charakterze turystycznym. Autonomiczność determinowana wysokimi dochodami własnymi w poprzednich latach wpływa negatywnie na obecną sytuację finansową omawianych jednostek samorządów terytorialnych.
Jednym z najważniejszych zadań w problemach regresyjnych jest odpowiedni dobór zestawu zmiennych objaśniających istotnie wpływających na wielkość objaśnianą. Analizie poddano zbiór danych otrzymany w próbie zginania blachy z przeciąganiem składający się z zestawu parametrów technologicznych próby i odpowiadającej im wartości współczynnika tarcia. Optymalizację liczby zmiennych wejściowych dokonano za pomocą metod selekcji krokowej, metodą Hellwiga oraz za pomocą algorytmów genetycznych.
One of the main tasks in regression problems are suitable selection of input variables set essentially influencing on the explained variable. The data set obtained in bending under tension test was put into analysis. The data set was consisted of technical parameters of the test and responding to them friction coefficient value. Optimization of a number of input variables was carried out using step selection, Hellwig's method and genetic algorithm.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie stanu środowiska naturalnego Polski oraz działań podejmowanych w celu jego ochrony. Aby zbadać zróżnicowanie środowiska, posłużono się wskaźnikiem syntetycznym, zbudowanym z mierników cząstkowych, z wykorzystaniem taksonomicznej metody wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga.
The purpose of this paper is to present the Polish environment. The order system has been shown to provinces according to environmental degradation and measures to protect it. With it you can see the differences and span that divide the different province. For the analysis of the environment Hellwig method has been applied. The work consists of six chapters. The first four are theoretical knowledge about the Polish and the environment in the various provinces. In the fifth chapter research method used in the work is concluded, while the last chapter there is a presentation of the results. The study shows that the most polluted environment occurs in śląskie and mazowieckie areas. Actions to protect the environment are carried out in the following areas: śląskie, wielkopolskie, dolnośląskie, małopolskie, mazowieckie, opolskie and zachodniopomorskie.
Identifying the factors that significantly affect the quality of life of the residents of municipalities of the Kielce poviat based on a synthetic indicator. Design/methodology/approach: The method used in the paper is create a synthetic indicator designed using a taxonomic method and the estimation of the logistic regression model. Data of the Central Statistical Office concerning the years 2014-2018 were used in the calculations. Findings: The obtained values of the TMR (Total Material Requirement) indicator suggest that in the Kielce poviat the quality of life of the residents of individual municipalities is very diverse. At the same time, a common positive tendency is observed, manifested in the trend indicating an improvement in the quality of life in each of the municipalities in the examined period. The constructed indicator was used to estimate the regression model for cross-sectional data from 2018. Originality/value: The estimated models allowed to formulate conclusions concerning the impact of particular explanatory variables on the diagnosed level of quality of life in the surveyed municipalities.
Objective gait analysis provide a large number of data, which are used for planning further treatment of the patient. Data from groups of patients are used for comparisons of different treatment methods, assessment of the severity of gait deviations, design of classification systems. The Gilette Gait Index (GGI) was designed to express the level of abnormality of the gait pattern of patients with cerebral palsy by one number: a measure of distance between the set of discrete gait parameters of a patient from a similar set of a healthy subject, based on 16 parameters. Gait pathology in other disorders is different, thus other variables may better describe their level of pathology. The aim was to see if modified GGI can be constructed based on other sets of gait variables. To decide which gait variables should be taken three different analytical methods were used: Hellwig Correlation Based Filter, random forest, and correlation methods. Gait data of 84 patients were retrospectively selected: 30 had spastic cerebral palsy, 24 scoliosis, 30 suffered the stroke. The results show, that in the final sets of the 16 parameters chosen by the analyses there are some parameters, which were not present in the original list of GGI. If the number of sixteen parameters is kept, there are more than one optimal set of parameters. In conclusion, the use of analytical methods enabled the choice of sets of 16 gait parameters which are specific for the medical problem, and the calculation of modified GGIs.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono analizę predyspozycji obszarów wiejskich regionu Gór Świętokrzyskich do rozwoju agroturystyki. Rozważania dotyczą także oceny ogólnych możliwości rozwojowych badanych gmin. W analizie uwzględniono różnorodne predyspozycje rozwoju obszarów wiejskich regionu. Pokazano również podział gmin regionu Gór Świętokrzyskich uwzględniając zróżnicowany potencjał ich rozwoju. Dane statystyczne, wykorzystane do przeprowadzenia procedury obliczeniowej w części analitycznej, pochodzą z Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Statystycznego w Kielcach. Region Gór Świętokrzyskich został wybrany jako obszar badań, gdyż ma on specyficzne warunki rozwoju, które wyznaczają mu modelowy charakter. Ogólne wnioski wynikające z analizy literatury przedmiotu zweryfikowano wynikami badań przeprowadzonymi w oparciu o dostępne informacje empiryczne. Wykazano istnienie dużych dysproporcji w predyspozycjach rozwoju obszarów wiejskich rozpatrywanego obszaru. W końcowej części artykułu zawarto praktyczne wnioski. Problem przyszłości rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich wielu regionów w Polsce nie został jak dotąd wyczerpany w literaturze. W oparciu o przeprowadzone wyniki można stwierdzić potrzebę ponowienia badań o podobnym charakterze w przyszłości, aby sprawdzić występujące kierunki i tendencje rozwojowe.
The general aim of the article is to analyze the predispositions of rural communes to the development of agrotourist in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains Region. The research also concerns the estimation of main predispositions to the development of rural areas in the region. The article shows the different conditions of rural areas development in Świętokrzyskie. It also discusses the distribution of communes in the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region considering differential potential of their development. The aim of this study is also trying to estimate development predispositions in rural areas of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region. Statistical data supplied by WUS in Kielce were used to conduct the statistical analysis. Some diagnostic features were used in the characterization of the differential potential of development in rural areas. The Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region was chosen as an area of research, because this area has special conditions of development in Poland. This study shows a huge disproportion in the predispositions of development in rural areas in the Świętokrzyskie. At the end, the article provides practical recommendations. The problem of the future of agriculture and rural areas in many regions of Poland has not been solved yet. The presented results of the researches show that the researches relating the future of agriculture and rural areas in the Świętokrzyskie Mts. Region should be monitored. Such researches should be conducted annually and progress (of change) should be appraised.
Celem pracy jest rozstrzygnięcie, czy metoda Hellwiga jest użyteczna w odniesieniu do konstruowania modeli szeregów czasowych i w jakim zakresie jest ona konkurencyjna wobec innych metod, na przykład wykorzystujących kryteria informacyjne Schwarza i Akaike. Okazuje się, że metoda Hellwiga w pewnych, często w praktyce ekonometrycznej występujących przypadkach, nie prowadzi do wyboru odpowiedniego modelu.
We check if Hellwig method is useful in building time-series models and if it performs better than other statistical methods, including Akaike and Schwarz information criteria. We find that the Hellwig method often leads to incorrect model specifications.
Celem opracowania jest analiza poziomu wdrażania zrównoważonego rozwoju w podregionach pięciu województw Polski Wschodniej. W opracowaniu wykorzystano podstawowe narzędzia monitoringu tejże koncepcji, którymi są wskaźniki zrównoważonego rozwoju pogrupowane według obszarów: społecznego, gospodarczego i środowiskowego. Efektem jest opracowanie rankingu podregionów Polski Wschodniej w roku 2013 wraz z wyszczególnieniem rankingów podregionów w poszczególnych obszarach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Analiza ma charakter ilościowy i jakościowy. Do jej przeprowadzenia wykorzystano dane dotyczące z poziomu NTS3 za rok 2013, pozyskane z Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS. Z grupy 97 wskaźników wybrano 34, które są istotne z punktu widzenia tematu badania. Do przeprowadzenia porządkowania liniowego podregionów województw Polski Wschodniej w aspekcie wybranych wskaźników została użyta – ze względu na wielokryterialność badania – metoda wzorcowa Hellwiga. Praca zawiera również analizę wybranych wskaźników mających wpływ na miejsce podregionów w rankingu.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the level of implementation of sustainable development in the subregions of the five voivodeships of Eastern Poland. The author uses basic tools for the monitoring of this concept of development, i.e. indicators of sustainable development grouped according to social, economic, and environmental areas. The result is the creation of a ranked list of the subregions of Eastern Poland in 2013, along with the ranking lists of subregions in specific areas of sustainable development. The analysis has both a quantitative and qualitative aspect. To conduct the study, data for NTS3 level from the Local Data Bank, a database of the Central Statistical Office of Poland for the year 2013 were used. Out of the total number of 97 indicators, 34 were selected as relevant. Because of the multi-criteria nature of the research, in order to perform the linear ordering of the subregions of Eastern Poland in terms of the chosen indicators, the Hellwig method was used. The paper also contains an analysis of selected indicators affecting the subregions' positions on the ranked list.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań konkurencyjności gmin województwa lubelskiego przy wykorzystaniu metod wielowymiarowych. W pracy wykorzystano dwie metody: wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga oraz analizę skupień Warda. Badania wykazały przydatność tych metod w strategicznym zarządzaniu gminą. Metoda Wzorcowa Hellwiga pozwala na dokonanie klasyfikacji gmin pod względem konkurencyjności, a metoda analizy skupień Warda okazała się pomocna do klasyfikacji gmin według podobieństwa względem przyjętych zmiennych.
Streszczenie (jęz. angielski) - The paper presents an attempt to use both quantitative and qualitative veriables to analyze complex phenomena. First part of the paper focuses some normalisation methods that often occur in empirical works regarding their characteristics. Special attention concerns zero unitarization method due its adequacy in normalising both quantitative and qualitative veriables. The latter part of the paper presents the metod of quantification and normalization chosen qualitative variables. The whole procedure of normalization, construction of synthetic variable and ranking is illustrated by empirical example. Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research The aim of the study was to show the analogy in the changes in the structure of household expenses in the chosen EU countries and Poland between1988 and 2009. The direction and pace of the changes in the budgets of Polish households can be predicted by using the principle of analogy. Classification of the objects has been carried out based on the modified kmeans method. Three classes of similarities have been distinguished. The structure of Polish households budgets from 2004 – 2008 has turned out the most similar to the structure of the expenses of Portuguese households from 1988 – 2005. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. The paper presents an investigation within the subject of fuzzy methodology concerning some phenomena, which is the consequence of their fuzzy nature. In order to illustrate some fuzzy procedures and their results an empirical example is included. The paper presents the forecast of agrarian structure of voivodships up to 2020 according to typological groups. The data were taken from Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture edited by Central Statistical Office. The forecast was based on the method of structures’ forecasting proposed by Nowak. Then, on the basis of fuzzy classification method, the prediction of spatial differentiation of the structure under investigation up to 2020 was evaluated. The forecast presents what kind of changes in agrarian structure of voivodships will take place if the direction and rate of changes within the period of 2002 – 2009 remain stable. Investments of local communes are intentional expenditures of capital aimed at increase in tangible and intangible benefits of the commune. All effective expenditures born by the commune on construction and reconstruction of its wealth are treated as funds positively influencing its development and well-being of citizens. The paper was intended to assess the level of dispersion, i.e. concentration of expenditures on investments born by 19 cities acting as counties in Silesian voivodship. The fundamental measure used in research was concentration coefficient proposed by Karol Kukuła and the basis for calculations was data presented in budget usage collected by Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa in Katowice. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. Entering into European Union and financial markets crisis left their stamps on Polish economy. Land market was influenced by these changes the most significantly since December 5, 1989, when new regulations concerning free transactions in land appeared. In the nineties farmland was treated as an additional superfluous ballast, however, together with Polish accession to EU it became one of the most popular alternative investments bringing profiteers huge profits in short term. Unfortunately, financial crisis trundling on the real estate market sadly revised investors’ optimistic plans. Abortive investments in too expensive lands without possibility of being transformed into building terrains became problems to people without appropriate knowledge and skills who had wanted to earn quickly. Currently, despite of spreading fashion of land purchase, the market has been weakened significantly. It can be admitted that finally the farmers instead of profiteers are interested in land purchase, which is the beginning of situation stabilization and the first sign of market maturity. Calculus of variations and optimal control theory are on one hand side intensively developing mathematical theories on the other at the center of both of them lies investigating of extremal problems. In connection with extremal problems there naturally arise questions important for mathematics and applications: 1) does there exist a solution of the problem? 2) is the solution unique? 3) how to really find the solution? For problems with constrains, a general principle was proposed by Lagrange. This idea can be generalized far beyond the limits of the problems that he considered. In the paper we present unified formulation of problems of calculus of variations and optimal control in connection with Lagrange principle. There is a 5:1 ratio between the number of households and business entities. This ratio is considered “quantum satis”. The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). A number of recent papers on the management of the stock portfolio describes the advantages of the naïve diversification. The naïve strategy performs similarly to the ones which use sophisticated mathematical models. In this paper the strategy is presented which statistically significantly overperforms the naïve strategy. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. Dynamic development of organic farming in Poland is observed since 2004. At that time were introduced the subsidies to organic agricultural production for farms with the certificate of conformity and were in the course of the changes. The aim of this study is to present the dynamics of growth of the number and size of organic farms and the number of organic ecological factories in Poland in the years 2004-2010 and the designation of the forecasts for the next three years. To designate the forecasts of investigated phenomena it was used extrapolation of models of development trends method. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this article, the problem of optimization of crop production was formulated as nonlinear generalized transportation problem. As a solution the author proposed generalized quasi-basis method. The illustrative example completes the presentation. The study exemplifies an application of the multidimensional comparative analysis aiming at quantification of international competitiveness of the agri-food economy. The international competitive position was equated to a form of a synthetic measure. The coefficients trends allowed quantifying perspectives of equalization of international competitiveness levels between countries. The empirical investigation identified six patterns of the observed interdependences. Convergence should not be expected in the whole set, but in subgroups of objects. In the light of the Central Statistical Office data from 2010, farm equipment is shows very high differentiation in spatial aspect across Poland. The paper presents an attempt to construct ranking of voivodships with respect to the level of farm equipment. On the basis of zero unitarization method different variables are compared and used to form the synthetic variable. In consequence, three groups of districts were distinguished: of high, moderate and low level of farm equipment. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. The analysis of monthly prices of broiler chicken livestock in years 1991 - 2011 in this paper was presented. Decomposition of price time series was performed using method Census II/X11. Price of broiler chicken livestock characterize stable an stronger in recent years seasonality. In 2011 the seasonal index was ranged from 107,3% in August to 92,2% in December. In the range of six month more than half of price variability (51,4%) is a result of long period changes, 44,9% of variability is shaped by seasonal fluctuations and only 3,7% is made by irregulars fluctuations. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. The article focuses on trade between Japan and Poland, in 2000-2010 years, using the SITC (Standard International Trade Classification), identifying trends occurring among one of classification group: Food and live animals. Analysis of exports and imports between Japan and Poland shows big changes in trade with Japan and the large growing difference in the trade balance. Furthermore the imported and exported groups of products show market differences and demand in Japan. The paper presented classification of voivodships due to the selected financial data business accommodation and catering department. For this purpose it was used the multidimensional statistical analysis allowing describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value synthetic variable. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. The wage effects of student numbers on particular fields of study in Poland are analyzed. It is found that any of the fields of study, i.e. humanitarian, business and economics, technical or natural sciences, contributes to an increase in wages on the macroeconomic level, but the whole effect is smaller for studies in economics, which could be an outcome of too high interest in that kind of education. On the other side, our results for technical studies could be viewed as an argument in favor of an excess labor market demand for engineers compared to their supply by the educational system.
Jakość życia postrzega się najczęściej jako stopień zaspokojenia przez ludzi potrzeb o różnorodnym charakterze. Zainteresowanie jakością życia w życiu publicznym obserwuje się zawsze. Wynika to z faktu, iż jakość życia dotyczy wszystkich ludzi i w ogólnym ujęciu jest utożsamiana ze szczęściem, zadowoleniem, satysfakcją z życia. Jednocześnie jest to kategoria, którą warunkuje wiele czynników zarówno osobistych, jak i społecznych, w tym zdrowie, warunki życia, środowisko przyrodnicze w miejscu zamieszkania, aktywność zawodowa i obywatelska, bezpieczeństwo publiczne, działalność kulturalna i rekreacyjna, edukacja, relacje społeczne. Dodatkowo, jest trudna do oceny z uwagi na subiektywny i obiektywny aspekt jej pomiaru. Celem artykułu jest ocena jakości życia mieszkańców polskich województw według kluczowych jej obszarów. W przedmiotowym opracowaniu pomiar poziomu jakości życia przeprowadzono dla 2016 roku i obejmuje on obiektywną ocenę jakości życia w polskich województwach, z uwzględnieniem aspektu subiektywnego. Wykorzystano tu taksonomiczną metodę Z. Hellwiga dla oceny poziomu jakości życia, która pozwoliła na diagnozę zróżnicowań międzywojewódzkich. Jakość życia w polskich regionach, w świetle badań, jest znacząco zróżnicowana. Uwidacznia się podział województw na Polskę Wschodnią o niższym poziomie jakości życia i Polskę Zachodnią o wyższym poziomie jakości życia. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła wyodrębnić grupy regionów o najwyższym, wysokim, średnim i najniższym poziomie jakości życia.
The quality of life is often perceived as an extent of fulfiling a variety of needs by people. The quality of life has always been in the centre of public interest. The reasons are that life quality concerns all people, and is generally equated with happiness, contentment and satisfaction with life. At the same time, this concept is determined by many conditions, both personal and social, including, among others, health, living conditions, natural environment, professional life and civic participation, public safety, cultural and recreational activities, education, and social relations. Additionally, the category is difficult to measure as both subjective and objective aspects of measurement are involved. The aim of the paper is to assess the quality of life of inhabitants of Poland’s provinces according to its key areas. Measurements covered the year of 2016 and included an objective assessment of the quality of life in the provinces. However, the subjective aspect was also accounted for. Hellwig’s taxonomic method was used for the assessment of life quality. The method made it possible to identify differences between the provinces in this respect. The quality of life in Polish regions in the light of the research is significantly diversified. The division of provinces into Eastern Poland with a lower quality of life and the Polish West with a higher quality of life is visible. The analysis performed allowed to distinguish the regions with the highest, high, low and very low level of the quality of life.
Целью обследования является разработка рейтинга 18 городов на основе признаков касающихся фондов и активности в области культуры. Исчисления были проведены для 18 воеводских городов а также для городов Торунь и Гожув Велькопольски. В исчислениях был использован метод образца развития Гельвига. Статья состоится из двух частей — теоретической и эмпирической. В теоретической части обсуждается растущая роль сектора культуры в современной экономике. Были представлены отрасли культуры состаля-ющие сектор культуры, а также проблемы финансирования культуры в национальной экономике.
Celem badania jest sporządzenie rankingu 18 miast na podstawie cech odnoszących się do zasobów i aktywności w zakresie kultury. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla 18 miast wojewódzkich oraz Torunia oraz Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego. W obliczeniach tych wykorzystano metodę wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga. Artykuł składa się z części teoretycznej i empirycznej. Część teoretyczną poświęcono rosnącej roli sektora kultury we współczesnej gospodarce. Opisano dziedziny zaliczane do sektora kultury oraz zarysowano problemy związane z finansowaniem kultury w gospodarce narodowej.
The aim of the study is to draw up a ranking of 18 cities on the basis of characteristics related to resources and activities in the field of culture. Calculations were performed for 16 provincial (voivodship) cities and Toruń and Gorzów Wielkopolski. In this calculation method was used Hellwig development pattern. The article consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part is devoted to the growing role of the cultural sector in the modern economy. The fields included in the cultural sector as well as problems with the financing of culture in the national economy are described.
Temat artykułu dotyczy doboru zmiennych w modelowaniu procesów logistycznych jedną z wybranych metod ilościowych, jaką jest metoda Hellwiga. Dokonując analizy teoretycznej i empirycznej badanego problemu, opracowano precyzyjny algorytm doboru zmiennych objaśniających, spośród zmiennych kandydujących, do modelu ekonometrycznego metodą Hellwiga. Przedstawiony algorytm pozwala na jednoznaczny wybór, na podstawie pojemności nośników informacji w oparciu o współczynniki korelacji liniowej Pearsona, najwłaściwszych zmiennych do tego modelu. Algorytm ten, posłużył do praktycznego obliczenia i na tej podstawie wyboru najlepszych zmiennych objaśniających na bazie fizycznego przykładu opartego na danych empirycznych firmy Wawel S.A.Dla właściwej egzemplifikacji, podjęto próbę zbudowania empirycznego modelu ekonometrycznego. Zidentyfikowano cztery potencjale zmienne kandydujące do tego modelu poprzez analizę i opracowanie danych empirycznych pozyskanych ze sprawozdań finansowych firmy. Następnie wykorzystując opracowany algorytm metody Hellwiga, otrzymano rzeczywiste wyniki doboru prawdziwych zmiennych do realnego modelu ekonometrycznego opisującego produkcję sprzedaną w firmie Wawel S.A.
The subject of the article concerns the selection of variables in the modeling of logistic processes, one of the quantitative methods chosen, which is the Hellwig method. Performing a theoretical and empirical analysis of the examined problem, a precise algorithm for the selection of explanatory variables was developed, among the candidate variables, to the econometric model using the Hellwig method. The presented algorithm allows for an unambiguous selection, based on the capacity of information carriers based on Pearson's linear correlation coefficients, the most appropriate variables for this model. This algorithm was used for practical calculation and on this basis the selection of the best explanatory variables on the basis of a physical example based on empirical data of the Wawel SA company. For the proper exemplification, an attempt to build an empirical econometric model.Four potential variables candidate for this model were identified by analyzing and developing empirical data obtained from the company's financial reports.Next, using the developed algorithm of the Hellwig method, real results of the selection of real variables were obtained to the real econometric model describing the production sold in the company Wawel S.A.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to assess the level of digital competence of young Poles against the background of selected European countries in the context of changes occurring in the labor market. Design/methodology/approach: The level of digital competence of young people from 30 selected European countries was diagnosed on the basis of the development pattern method by Z. Hellwig. To develop a synthetic Z. Hellwig measure, 23 diagnostic characteristics that reflect the level of skills of young Europeans in creating digital content, using databases, communicating and collaborating online, using ICT in different types of online activities, and protecting privacy and personal data online were selected. The study covered a group of young people aged 16-24, representing a potential labor supply that is particularly relevant to the development of the digital economy. Findings: In the light of the characteristics adopted for the study, the level of digital competence of young Poles is low. Young Finns, Maltese, Dutch, Spanish and Icelanders have the highest levels of digital competence. In contrast, particularly low levels of these competences are seen among young Bulgarians and Romanians. Research limitations/implications: The presented research can contribute to further in-depth analysis of the impact of the digital competency deficit on the economic development of the countries included in the analysis in the long term, including Poland in particular. Practical implications: The results of the research can provide guidance to public authorities in creating and evaluating strategies for the development of digital competences in Poland and the other countries covered by the study. Originality/value: The article indicates the changes that the labor market is undergoing as a consequence of the digital transformation of the economy. A synthetic indicator of digital competence was constructed, taking into account the diagnostic characteristics selected by the author of the article, which in their opinion are particularly relevant to the development of the digital economy. Leaders in the level of digital competence of young people have been identified. The distance between them and Poland was also diagnosed. The findings are addressed to the public authorities of the European countries surveyed. They can provide guidelines for the creation and evaluation of strategies for the development of digital competences in Poland and the other countries covered by the study.
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