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Methemoglobin is an oxidized form of hemoglobin that is not capable of carrying oxygen. Exposure to exogenous oxidizing agents can cause severe methemoglobinemia and subsequent hypoxia. This article presents the rare case of a 23-year old patient with methemoglobinemia of 54.2% of total hemoglobin, induced by workplace exposure to 1,4-diaminobenzene and diphenylamine. Following the hyperbaric oxygen therapy the patient was discharged in good general condition and referred to a district hospital for observation. Med Pr 2018;69(3):345–350
Methemoglobina jest utlenioną formą hemoglobiny, która nie ma zdolności do przenoszenia tlenu. Narażenie na egzogenne czynniki utleniające może spowodować rozwój ciężkiej methemoglobinemii z następową hipoksją. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono rzadki przypadek methemoglobinemii rzędu 54,2% u 23-letniego pacjenta, spowodowanej narażeniem w miejscu pracy na 1,4-diaminobenzen i difenyloaminę. Po leczeniu tlenoterapią hiperbaryczną pacjent został wypisany w stanie ogólnym dobrym i skierowany na obserwację do szpitala powiatowego. Med. Pr. 2018;69(3):345–350
Podano wielkości medialnych dawek efektywnych uzyskanych w wyniku oznaczania methemoglobiny oraz reduktazy methemoglobinowej, przyjętych za limitujące wskaźniki reakcji ustroju na otrzymane dawki 2-, 3- i 4-nitrotoluenu.
Determination of effective and non-effective doses for nitrotoluene (NT) has been attempted. In evaluating the effects, erythrocyte methaemoglobin level and erythrocyte methaemoglobin reducates activity were used as the limiting indices of the systemic reaction to the applied doses. The same procedure which was employed to determine LD50 ± SLD50 was used to assess the effective doses in terms of ED50 ± SED50. The rank-sum test was also applied to determine the volume of the threshold effective dose (ED). The non-effective dose for the NT isomers was calculated by subtracting a value corresponding to three standard deviations from the dose ED50 (ED50-3SED50).
Po З0, 60 і 90 dniach narażenia szczurów na pojedyncze i łączne działanie chlorku rtęci (II) - 1,4 mg/kg m c. x dzień i azotynów - 30 mg/kg m.c. x dzień, określono poziom methemoglobiny (Met-Hb). Po 90 dniach - w erytrocytach oznaczono poziom pozabiałkowych grup sulfliydrylowych (SH) oraz aktywność dehydrogenazy glukozo-6-fosforano- wej (G-6-PDH; E.C.l. 1.1.49.), peroksydazy glutationowej (GSH-Px; E.C. i dehydrogenazy mleczanowej (LDH; E.C. Wykazano, że rtęć, mimo własnego nieznacznego działania methemoglobinotwórczego, obniża methemoglobinotwórcze działanie azotynów. Zarówno rtęć, jak i azotyny obniżają poziom wolnych grup -SH. Stwierdzono istotne zmiany GSH-Px we wszystkich przebadanych grupach. Zaobserwowano podwyższoną aktywność LDH u szczurów otrzymujących azotyn i G-6-PDH w grupie narażonej na łączne działanie rtęci i azotynów.
Four groups of male Wistar rats receiving per os daily doses of: 1) distilled water (control); 2) sodium nitrite (30 mg/kg b.w.); 3) mercuric chloride (1.4 mg/kg b.w.); 4) mercuric chloride and sodium nitrite in amounts as above. Blood methaemoglobin concentration was determined after 30, 60 and 90 days of the exposure. The level of free sulfhydryl groups and the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH; E.C., glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, E.C., lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; E.C. in erythrocytes were determined after 90 days. Methaemoglobincreative effect of nitrites after 30, 60 and 90 days of the exposure was observed. Mercury, despite its own methaemoglobincreative effect, reduced the methaemoglobincreative effect of nitrites. Both the nitrite and mercury decreased free sulfhydryl groups in erythrocytes. Reduced GSH-Px activity in the Hg and NaNO2 groups was observed. The rats receiving both mercury and nitrite were found to be characterised by increased GSH-Px activity. Also, higher LDH activity was observed in the nitrite-treated rats, while higher G-6-PDH activity was noted in the rats receiving mercury alone or mercury and nitrite.
Po 90-dniowym narażeniu szczurów, w odstępach dobowych, na pojedyncze i łączne działanie Pb(CH3COO)2 (10 mg/kg m.c.) i NaNO2 (30 mg/kg m.c.) oznaczono w pełnej krwi poziom methemoglobiny, a w osoczu aktywność aminotransferazy asparaginianowej (AspAT [EC.]), aminotransferazy alaninowej (AlAT [EC.]), gamma-glutamylotransferazy (GGTP-azy [EC.]) oraz stężenie kreatyniny i mocznika.
The aim of this work was to verify the hypothesis that lead and nitrites given to rats at doses causing methaemoglobinaemia adversely affected the hepatic and renal functions. Male Wistar rats were used. They were divided into 4 groups which received for 3 months per os daily doses of: 1) distilled water (control); 2) sodium nitrite (30 mg/kg b.w.); 3) lead (II) acetate (10 mg/kg b.w.); 4) lead (II) acetate and sodium nitrite at doses as above. The level of methaemoglobin was determined in the whole blood. The activities of alanine aminotransferase (AlAT), aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGTP) and the levels of creatinine and urea were determined in the blood plasma. Our results show that not only the nitrite but also lead alone increased blood methaemoglobin level. The combined exposure to both xenobiotics revealed their antagonistic action on blood methaemoglobin level. There was an increase of blood serum A1AT and AspAT activities in the rats receiving lead, suggesting toxic action of lead on hepatocyte membranes. A comparable but stronger effect was observed in the rats receiving combined doses of lead and nitrite. Nephrotoxic effects were not observer either in the rats receiving lead alone or in combination with the nitrite.
We krwi szczurów Wistar oznaczano stężenia methemoglobiny po jednorazowym dożołądkowym podaniu izomeru o-, m- i p-nitrotoluenu (2-, 3-, 4-NT) w zależności od czasu. Maksymalne stężenie methemoglobiny stwierdzono 1,5 godz. od podania 3-NT oraz 3,5 i 4 godz. od podania 2- oraz 4-NT. Przebieg zmian stężeń methemoglobiny we krwi opisuje równanie Batemana.
Blood methemoglobin levels were determined in Wistar rats after oral administration of 2-, 3- and 4-NT by the Evelyn-Malloy method. Maximum methemoglobin concentrations determined 1.5 h after 3-NT, 3.5 h after 2-NT, and 4 h after 4-NT exposure were, respectively: 11.7%, 6.1% and 12.1% total hemoglobin. 2-NT showed low methemoglobinemic activity, while the activities of 3- and 4-NT were moderate.
Zbadano poziom methemoglobiny, hemoglobiny i tryptofanu we krwi szczurów otrzymujących chlorek miedziowy (ok. 0,03LD50) i azotyn sodu (0,2 LD50) przez 90 dni. Największe zmiany badanych parametrów zaobserwowano w grupie zwierząt narażonych na azotyn sodu.
The study was performed on 4 groups of male Wistar rats, receiving p.o. through 3 months every day: 1) sodium nitrite in dose 30 mg/kg b.w. x day (0,2 LD50); 2) copper chloride in dose 4.67 mg/kg b.w. x day (0.03 LD50); 3) copper chloride and sodium nitrite in amounts as above, and 4 - control group - received dest. water. The methemoglobin and hemoglobin were determined in whole blood and tryptophan in plasma 24 hours after the last intoxication. There was showed, that every day intoxication of rats with sodium nitrite cause the increase of methemoglobin concentration and decrease the free tryptophan leven in the blood. There was also observed, that copper chloride, administrated together with sodium nitrite, decreases significantly his methemoglobin creative action.
Przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń methemoglobiny u szczurów po 30, 45, 60, 75 i 90 dniach narażenia na octan ołowiawy oraz azotyn sodu. Dodatkowo po 90 dniach zmierzono poziom hemoglobiny, pozabiałkowych grup - SH (w erytrocytach) oraz wolnego tryptofanu (w osoczu krwi). U szczurów otrzymujących ołów i azotyn pojedynczo, stwierdzono wzrost poziomu methemoglobiny przy równoczesnym spadku poziomu hemoglobiny, wolnych grup sulfhrylowych oraz tryptofanu. Łącznie narażenie zwierząt na ołów i azotyn przez 90 dni nie prowadzi do zmiany w stężeniu methemoglobiny.
The study was performed on 4 groups of male Wistar rats, receiving p.o. through 3 months every day: 1) dest. water (control group); 2) sodium nitrite in dose 30 mg/kg b.w. x day (20% LD50); 3) lead acetate in dose 10 mg/kg b.w. x day (6,7% LD50); 4) lead acetate and sodium nitrite in amounts as above. The methemoglobin and hemoglobin were determinated in whole blood, tryptophan - in plasma and free sulfhydryl groups - in erythrocytes. There was shown methemoglobin creative effects by nitrite (4,17%) and lead (3,02%) after 90-days intoxication. Both nitrite and lead significantly decrease free sulfhydryl groups and tryptophan levels in blood. There was also observed that lead administrated together with sodium nitrite does not increase methemoglobin concentration.
Przedstawiono wyniki oceny porównawczej wskaźników kumulacji funkcjonalnej izomerów 2,3-, 2,4- i 2,6-dinitrotoluenu (DNT). Izomer 2,3- oraz 2,4-DNT zaliczono do pierwszej, a 2,6-DNT do drugiej klasy związków kumulujących efekty toksyczne.
This work reports the results of a comparative evaluation of toxicometric indices for the functional accumulation of dinitrotoluene isomers. Using the Lim method, it has been demonstrated that the cumulative median lethal doses (LD50) for 2,3-; 2,4- and 2,6-DNT arę 46.6%, 37.3%, and 125.7%, respectively. Based on accumulation coefficients (Kk) it has been shown that 2,3-DNT and 2 4-DNT can be classified into the first class, whereas 2,6-DNT is classified into the second class'of compounds characterised the ability to accumulate toxic effects.
Po 90-dniowym narażeniu szczurów, w odstępach dobowych, na pojedyncze i łączne działanie Pb(CH3COO)2 i NaNO2 oznaczono aktywność peroksydazy glutationowej (GSH-Px; E.C., dehydrogenazy mleczanowej (LDH; E.C.1. 1.1.27.) oraz dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (SOD; E.C. Stwierdzono istotne zmiany aktywności GSH-Px we wszystkich badanych grupach. Wzrost aktywności LDH zaobserwowano jedynie w grupie otrzymującej azotyn sodu.
Mille Wistar rats for 3 months received per os: 1) distilled water (control); 2) 30 mg/kg b.w. per diem sodium nitrite (20% LD50); 3) 10 mg/kg b.w. per diem lead (II) acetate (6,7% LD50); 4) lead (II) acetate and sodium nitrite in amounts per diem as above. Activities of glutathione peroxidase (E.C., lactate dehydrogenase (E.C.1. 1.1.27) and superoxide dismutase (E.C. in erythrocytes of all test animals were determined. Significant changes of glutathione peroxidase activity were shown to occur in all treated groups. Increased lactate dehydrogenase activity was observed only in the group receiving sodium nitrite. Changes in the activity of superoxide dismutase were not significant in any of the examined groups. It is quite likely that, at low methaemoglobin concentrations (in lead-poisoned rats), the main mechanism of methaemoglobin reduction is associated with glutathione peroxidase activation, while at higher methaemoglobin concentrations (in sodium nitrite poisoning), enzyme systems using reduced adenine dinucleotides are essential for methaemoglobin reduction.
We krwi szczurów samców rasy Wistar oznaczono stężenie trzech wybranych izomerów dinitrotoluenu: 2,3-, 2,4-, 2,6-DNT i methemoglobiny po jednorazowym ich podaniu dożołądkowym w zależności od czasu. Zmiany stężeń izomerów DNT opisano dwukompartmentowym modelem Wagnera-Nelsona, a methemoglobiny jednokompartmentowym modelem Batemana.
The kinetics of 2,3- 2,4- and 2,6-DNT concentration was tested in the blood of male Wistar rats after a single per os exposure at 100 mg/kg b.w. The kinetics of DNT metabolism can be described by the Wagner-Nelson open two-compartment model. The maximum blood 2,3-DNT concentration was reached after 0.5 h, while the corresponding values for the 2,4- and 2,6-DNT were 3.0 h and 2.5 h, respectively. In contrast to 2,3-DNT, which was distributed from the blood to the tissues at a higher rate than back to the blood, the distribution of 2,4-DNT and 2,6-DNT from the blood to the tissues was slower than from the tissues to the blood. The elimination rate constants indicates a slow removal of the isomers. Blood methaemoglobin concentrations were also determined for the same animals. The maximum blood methaemoglobin concentrations obtained 2.5 h after 2,3- and 2,4-DNT administration and 2.0 h after 2,6-DNT exposure were 45.2%, 22.5% and 20.4% total haemoglobin, respectively.
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