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Artykuł prezentuje konstrukcję oraz oprogramowanie karty akwizycji danych meteorologicznych wykonanej na potrzeby systemu monitorującego działanie generatora fotowoltaicznego Przedstawione są rozwiązania sprzętowe i programowe akwizycji danych z czujników, tj. wielokanałowy pomiar temperatury, promieniowania słonecznego, ciśnienia, wilgotności oraz prędkości i kierunku wiatru, a także współpraca z resztą systemu monitoringu.
Department of Meteorology and Climatology University of Łódź was created almost 45 years ago. The creator and the many years' head of Department was Professor Stanisław Zych. The oldest research trends were: urban climate and bioclimate, human biometeorology, regional climatology of different areas of Poland, fluctuations and long-term changes of climate. In subsequent years beside above-mentioned it was started to develop such trends us: spatial differentiation and variability of climate (mainly precipitations), relationships between circulation and long-term variability of climate conditions in Poland and in Europe, topoclimatic differentiation in selected field conditions.
Zakład Meteorologii i Klimatologii UL powstał blisko 45 lat temu. Twórcą i wieloletnim kierownikiem zakładu był prof. dr Stanisław Zych. Najstarsze nurty badawcze to m. in.: klimat i bioklimat obszarów zurbanizowanych, biometeorologia człowieka, klimatologia regionalna różnych obszarów Polski, wahania i długookresowe zmiany klimatu. W ostatnich latach publikacje naukowe dotyczą także: przestrzennego zróżnicowania zmienności elementów klimatu, głównie opadów atmosferycznych, związków między cyrkulacją atmosferyczną a wieloletnią zmiennością warunków klimatycznych w Polsce i w Europie, zróżnicowania topoklimatycznego terenów o urozmaiconej rzeźbie.
Content available Seasonal modulation of the tidal waves
The history of satellite remote sensing applications in IMWM was presented, referring to history of remote sensing and also development and actual state of meteorological satellite system. Main areas of applications were presented together with examples of products generated from satellite data operationally received in IMWM since 40 years. The problem of data resolution from meteorological satellites fulfilling requirements of meteorology were presented on examples of processes for which were designed. Dynamical development of meteorological satellites in recent years were presented focusing on METEOSAT Second Generation and METOP satellites.
Przedstawiono identyfikacje modelu gęstości energii promieniowania słonecznego na dowolną płaszczyznę na Ziemi. Model sformułowano przy użyciu pojęć geometrii sferycznej, teorii ekstyncji i rozpraszania promieniowania słonecznego. Model uwzględnia: warunek cienia płaszczyzny, efekt sumowania dwóch stanów - czystego i całkowitego zachmurzenia nieba oraz realizacje numeryczne dyskretnego opisu. Weryfikacja modelu polega na identyfikcaji jego parametrów w dwóch stanach zachmurzenia: czystego nieba i zachmurzeniu średnim z 10-ciu lat. Do określenia stałych modelu użyto wyników z analizy statystycznej danych pomiarów na stacjach meteorologicznych wartości promieniowania na płaszczyznę poziomą. Identyfikację wykonano na podstawie wyników analizy statystycznej danych z pomiarów promieniowania na płaszczyznę poziomą wykonanych w latach 1986-95 na stacjach meteorologicznych w Polsce. Są to stacje: Gdynia, Kołobrzeg, Suwałki Mikołajki, Piła, Warszawa, Radzyń, Puławy, Sulejów i Zakopane. Na podstawie zidentyfikowanego modelu obliczono godzinowe i dzienne wartkości promieniowania na płaszczyzny poziomą i pionową dla wyżej wymienionych stacji.
The paper presents veryfication of solar radiation density model, incident on a tilted surface of the Earth with an arbitrary rulting angle. The model has been described using the notions of spherical geometry, theory of extinction and diffusion of solar radiation. The main elements of the model are: condition of a ahadow of a plane, concept of the effect of radiation as a sum of two states - one correspondint to a clear sky and another corresponding to a cloudy day, as well as numerical realization of the presented descrete description. The model have been verified for two sky conditions: clear sky, mean cloudy sky. The constant of the model was evaluated for the results of the statistical procession of data from the eight stations: Gdynia, Kołobrzeg, Suwałki, Mikołajki, Piła, Warszawa, Radzyń, Puławy, Sulejów and Zakopane.
The main goal of this work was to find correlation between the concentrations of radionuclides in outdoor air and the meteorological conditions like: air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind velocity and amount of precipitation. Because the sampling period of radionuclides concentrations in air was relatively long (7 days), the average levels of meteorological parameters have been calculated within the same time. Data of radionuclide concentrations and meteorological data have been analyzed in order to find statistical correlation. The regression analysis and one of the AI methods, known as neural network, were applied. In general, analysis of the gathered data does not show any strong correlation between the meteorological conditions and the concentrations of radionuclides in air. A slightly stronger correlation we found for radionuclides with relatively short half-lives. The only positive correlation has been found between the Be-7 concentration and air temperature (at the significance level á=0.05). In our opinion, the lack of correlation was caused by a too long sampling time in measurements of radionuclides in outdoor air (a whole week). Results of the analysis received by means of the artificial neuron network are better. We were able to find certain groups of meteorological conditions, related with the corresponding concentrations of particular radionuclides in air. Preliminary measurements of radon progeny concentration support the thesis that the link between changes of meteorological parameters and concentrations of radionuclides in ambient air must exist.
This paper presents the results of the project aimed at the investigation of the role of the environmental effects in gravimetric Earth tides observations which was held at the Jozefoslaw Observatory. The Observatory belongs to the Warsaw University of Technology and is placed at the suburbs of Warsaw. The importance of maintaining fundamental stations with multi-parametr observations is beyond every doubt. At Jozefoslaw Observatory satellite (GPS and GLONASS) observations are run in parallel to absolute (using FG-5) and tidal (with LC&R ET-meter) gravity measurements. The knowledge of the local tidal gravity parameters is required for correction of the absolute gravity measurements and for the interpretation of local ground displacement as well. The correlation between lacal gravity changes and the environmental signal (local meteorological model, rainfalls, water table changes and soil moisture) was investigated. The project was supported by the grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Computerisation No 4 T12E 003 27.
We present one of the meteorological and hydrological experiments performed in the FP7 project ADMIRE. It serves as an experimental platform for hydrologists, and we have used it also as a testing platform for a suite of advanced data integration and data mining (DMI) tools, developed within ADMIRE. The idea of ADMIRE is to develop an advanced DMI platform accessible even to users who are not familiar with data mining techniques. To this end, we have designed a novel DMI architecture, supported by a set of software tools, managed by DMI process descriptions written in a specialized high-level DMI language called DISPEL, and controlled via several different user interfaces, each performing a different set of tasks and targeting different user group.
There are numerous algorithmic classification methods that attempt to address the connections between different scales of the atmosphere, such as EOFs, clustering, and neural nets. However, their relative strength lies in the description of the mean conditions, whereas extremes are poorly covered by them. A novel approach towards the identification of linkages between large-scale atmospheric fields and local extremes of meteorological parameters is presented in this paper. The principle is that a small number of objectively selected fields can be used to circumscribe a local meteorological parameter by way of regression. For each day, the regression coefficients form a kind of pattern which is used for a classification based on similarity. As it turns out, several classes are generated which contain days that constitute extreme atmospheric conditions and from which local meteorological parameters can be computed, yielding an indirect way of determining these local extremes just from large-scale information. The range of applications is large. (i) Not only local meteorological parameters can be subjected to such a regressionbased classification procedure. It can be extended to extreme indicators, such as threshold exceedances, yielding on the one hand the relevant atmospheric fields to describe those indicators, and on the other hand grouping days with “favourable atmospheric conditions”. This approach can be further extended by investigating networks of measurement stations from a region and describing, e.g., the probability for threshold exceedances at a given percentage of the network. (ii) The method can not only be used as a filtering tool to supply days in the current climate with extreme conditions, identified in an objective way. The method can be applied to climate model projections, using the previously found parameter-specific combinations of atmospheric fields. From those fields, as they constitute the modelled future climate, local time series can be generated which are then analysed with respect to the frequency and magnitude of future extremes. The method has sensitivities (i) due to the degree to which there are connections between large-scale fields and local meteorological parameters (measured, e.g., by the correlation) and (ii) due to the varying quality of the different fields (geopotential, temperature, humidity etc.) projected by the climate model.
Polska Państwowa Służba Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiczna obchodzi w tym roku jubileusz 85-lecia. Na przygotowanej z tej okazji uroczystości (19 lutego 2004 r.) prof. : Jan Zieliński, dyrektor Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, wygłosił okolicznościowy referat, który Państwu przedstawiamy.
The Polish State Hydrological and Meteorological Service celebrates in this year the 85-th anniversary of activity. At the solemn meeting convined to celebrate that anniversary prof. J. Zieliński, Director of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management made an occasional speech which we present in this issue of our magazine.
In Thailand, droughts are regular natural disasters that happen nearly every year due to several factors such as precipitation deficiency, human activity, and the global warming. Since annual rainfall amount fits an inverse gamma (IG) distribution, we wanted to try testing annual rainfall dispersion via the coefficient of variation (CV). Herein, we propose two statistics for testing the CV of an IG distribution based on the Score and Wald methods. We evaluated their performances by means of the Monte Carlo simulations conducted under several shape parameter values for an IG distribution based on empirical type I error rates and powers of the tests. The simulation results reveal that the Wald-method test statistic performed better than the Score-method one in terms of the attained nominal significance level, and is thus recommended for analysis in similar scenarios. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed test statistics was illustrated by applying them to the annual rainfall amounts in Chaiyaphum, Thailand.
Jules Verne’s Le Rayon vert (1882) is at the same time a scientific novel and a love story, a repertory of knowledge and a criticism of clichés. Telling the amusing attempts of a little group of travelers that tries in vain to catch sight of the “green ray” – the last impression of sunset – on the horizon from the Scottish coast, the author confronts in an ironical way different stereotypical discourses about weather phenomena which coexist in the bourgeois society of the late 19th century. Verne mocks equally scientific, folkloristic and romantic ideas about meteorological observations and uses these opposite explications of the mysteries of nature to characterize his protagonists and to develop the suspense of the narration.
This article is an analysis of how the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) constituent bodies governance reform (WMO Reform) can affect the activities of the Polish National Hydrological and Meteorological Service. The analysis employs the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) model. The World Meteorological Congress is the highest authority of the World Meteorological Organization, whose findings guide the operations of the WMO and the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) globally. During the 18th Congress, in June 2019, discussions covered the routine operations of the WMO and its Secretariat, the status and development prospects of all the Organization's research and technical programs, and the Organization's budget for the 18th financial period beginning in 2020. The key actions of the Congress, however, were the election of the WMO senior officers and final approval (after thorough discussion) of the WMO Reform of its governance structure. The purpose of the Reform is to ensure better preparation of the organization for the challenges of the present and future, such as climate change and its impact, the growing number and intensity of extreme weather events, environmental degradation, and increasing urbanization. The tasks of the National Hydrological and Meteorological Service in Poland are performed by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB), in accordance with the provisions of the Water Law.
In this study, 50 samples of air particulates collected from different places in- and outside the Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site, south of Baghdad were used to measure daily gross alpha and beta activity concentrations (AAC and BAC) for the period from 28 January 2015 to 13 April 2017. At the same time, several meteorological factors such as air temperature, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, relative humidity, and solar radiation, were also measured. Air stability classes were also derived from wind speed and solar radiation. AAC/BAC variations in the surface air layer were discussed in relation to these factors. The results show that there are inverse relations between AAC/BAC and wind speed and temperature, linear relations between AAC/ABC and air pressure and weak relations between AAC/BAC and relative humidity and solar radiation. Lastly, AAC/BAC measurements in unstable air are as large as in neutral air.
Meteorological, hydrological, and geomorphological aspects of large floods on the Upper Godavari River were investigated. Synoptic conditions associated with large floods were analyzed to gain an understanding of flood hydrometeorology in the basin. The study reveals that the southwest summer monsoon dominates rainfall in the Upper Godavari Basin (90% of annual rainfall). Moreover, interannual variability was characterized by increased frequency and magnitude of floods primarily after the 1930s and the majority of large floods were connected with low-pressure systems. Unit discharges (Qu) and flash-flood magnitude index (FFMI) were computed to understand the potential for large floods. The high Qu (1.13 and 6.00 m3 s -1 km-2) are likely to be effective in terms of geomorphic changes in the channel. The greater FFMI values (0.27 and 0.56) indicate the flashy and variable nature of floods and the possibility of significant geomorphic work. Parameters of flood hydraulics and hydrodynamics were computed to estimate the efficacy of infrequent and large-magnitude floods. The highest values for unit stream power (5909.61 W m-2) and bed shear stress (609 N m-2) reveal the unusually high capacity of the river to erode and transport coarse sediments. The Froude numbers (>1) confirm extremely erosive supercritical flows. High Reynolds numbers indicate exceedingly turbulent flood discharges, capable of accomplishing a variety of geomorphic activities.
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