This paper presents an overview of formulations and algorithms that are dedicated to modeling the influence of electromagnetic waves on the human head. We start from h adaptive approximation of a three-dimensional MRI scan of the human head. Next, we solve the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with a 1.8 GHz cellphone antenna. We compute the specific absorption rate used as the heat source for the Pennes bioheat equation modeling the heat generated by EM waves inside the head. We propose an adaptive algorithm mixed with time-stepping iterations where we simultaneously refine the computational mesh, solve the Maxwell and Pennes equations, and iterate the time steps. We employ the sparse Gaussian elimination algorithm with the low-rank compres-sion of the off-diagonal matrix blocks for the factorization of the matrices. We conclude with the statement that 15 minutes of talking with a 1.8 GHz antenna with one watt of power results in increased brain tissue temperatures (up to 38.4◦C).
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The paper presents an analysis of the efficiency of the application of heap lists data structures to the 2D triangular mesh generation algorithms. Such efficiency is especially important for the frontal methods for which the size of the generated mesh is controlled by a prescribed function in the considered domain. In the presented approach two advancing front procedures are presented: first for points insertion and the second for the Delaunay triangulation. If the heap lists are applied to the minimal size of frontal segment selection, a better quality mesh is obtained.
W pracy modelowano proces spawania TIG wykorzystując gaussowskie źródło ciepła. Obliczenia przeprowadzono wykorzystując własne oprogramowanie Mod_FEM_met, będące usługą infrastruktury PL-Grid+, przeznaczone między innymi do modelowania procesu spawania za pomocą metody elementów skończonych. Program posiada strukturę modularną, w której wykorzystano moduły do rozwiązywania równań Naviera-Stokesa i transportu ciepła wraz z nadrzędnym modułem sprzęgającym użytym do modelowania spawania. Aby zwiększyć szybkość i dokładność obliczeń, w miejscach o dużym błędzie aproksymacji wykorzystano adaptacyjną siatkę. Obliczenia wykonano dla płytki wykonanej ze stali HS6-5-2. W obliczeniach uwzględniono zależność własności stali HS6-5-2 od temperatury oraz zjawiska termiczne na brzegach i wewnątrz obszaru jeziorka spawalniczego. Wynikiem obliczeń są wymiary i kształt jeziorka spawalniczego, pola prędkości i temperatury. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują, że parametrem optymalizującym dopasowanie wyników obliczeń do danych eksperymentalnych może być sprawność źródła ciepła.
The study presents modeling of the TIG welding process using a Gaussian heat source. The calculations were performed using our in-house software Mod_FEM_met, designed for modeling, among others, welding processes using finite element method and employed as a service of PL-Grid+ infrastructure. The program has a modular structure, with the modules for solving the Navier-Stokes and heat transport equations together with a coupling super-module used in welding simulations. To increase computing speed and accuracy in areas with large error of approximation, adaptive meshes were used. Calculations were performed for plate made of HS6-5-2 steel. In the calculations the temperature dependent properties of HS6-5-2 steel, as well as thermal phenomena at the edges and inside the weld pool were taken into consideration. The results of the calculations include the dimensions and shape of the weld pool, as well the velocity and temperature fields. The results indicate how the efficiency of heat source can be used as a parameter to optimize the fitting of calculations to the experimental data.
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