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Erica Pedretti, one of the most sophisticated, contemporary writers and artists from Switzerland, shaped by the traumatic memories of the World War II, is focused in her autobiographical writing on the possibility of the ‘mentioning’ of the past. In this way it is possible to obtain images of both, her personal history and the fate of her family, as well as contemporary history. This paper is an attempt to analyze her debut work "Harmloses, bitte" (1970) which returns to the past as a broken thought, fragment and reveals the struggle with the expressing of the painful experiences.
‘Odpominanie’ przeszłości i II wojny światowej w Harmloses, bitte Erici Pedretti Erica Pedretti, jedna z najbardziej znanych współcześnie pisarek, malarek i rzeźbiarek szwajcarskich, ukształtowana przez traumatyczne wspomnienia z II wojny światowej, skupia się w swoim autobiograficznym pisarstwie na możliwości ‘odpominania’ przeszłości. Dzięki temu możliwe staje się uzyskanie wyobrażenia zarówno o jej indywidualnej historii i losie jej rodziny, jak również o historii współczesnej. W niniejszym artykule podjęta zostanie próba przeanalizowania jej debiutanckiego utworu Harmloses, bitte (1970), który powraca do przeszłości jako urywająca się myśl, fragment i ukazuje zmaganie się z niewypowiadalnością bolesnych przeżyć.
nr 3(18): Historia
This article is an attempt to present the fights around the Przemyśl Fortress from the point of view of written memories and other preserved information. The author presents in a chronologicalway memories preserved in private archives and published from right before the outbreak of the war until its end. The reminiscences present among others: a spy from Babice, the activity of independence organizations, the fates of refugees and the civilian population, the network of Russian fortifications, the hostilities, participation of local people in the war, war damage. As the title suggests, the article is based mainly on memories from private archives, which determines its form: sparing in analyses, theses and discussions. The author’s aim was to present how ordinary people perceived the First World War, preserving authentic language of the time.
The text deals with the stories of Erica Pedretti that have been published 1984 in an anthology under the title Sonnenaufgänge, Sonnenuntergänge. It is elaborated the theory that the creative process – that the author analyses in these stories – is closely connected with the memory process. The starting point of the investigation remain considerations of Baudelaire to the memories and their functioning not only in the literary text.
The accounts presented in the following study were taken down after interviews with the Lemko people. The main theme are reminiscences of everyday life, the war and displacement of that ethnic minority. Apart from providing information on events and people they also commemorate verbally the emotional and mental states (feelings, impressions) the protagonists had in the historical moments described. The material has been divided into four parts (according to the topics in the interview schedule). Part 1: “The life in the Lemko homeland before the Second World War” provides scant accounts of their everyday existence in the mountains. Next to the descriptions of family homes there are also memories of human relations at the time (e.g. the story about the market in Grybów, about the village inhabitants). Part 2 refers to the war and occupation. Part 3, the most extensive one (which reflects the significance of the subject) discusses the time of displacement to Ukraine and western Poland. Part 4, the last one, includes descriptions of the tough beginning in a new place, in exile.
Content available remote Memory-dependent grief in Octavia Butler’s Fledgling
tom 15
The article explores grief as a memory-related emotional response to the loss of loved ones as presented in Octavia Butler’s fantasy novel Fledgling. The article deals with the inability to experience grief due to memory loss and the struggles that come with it. The reasons behind the inability of the main character to experience grief and its meaning are investigated. Two potential explanations are explored: the inability to experience grief as a result of general dissociative amnesia caused by the traumatic experience of witnessing the slaughter of one’s family and being left on the brink of death, and the possibility of the loss of affect induced by overwhelming feelings of loss. The grief over a person of whom the memories are intact is analyzed and contrasted with the lack of grief for the forgotten relatives. The idea of continuing bonds connected with the mourning process is briefly presented and illustrated using examples from Fledgling. The theory of five stages of grief formulated by the psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is briefly introduced. Some of the stages of Kübler-Ross’s theory (denial, anger and acceptance) are illustrated through the analysis of the grief experienced by the main character. The distinct inability to govern or temper the emotional response to death is presented. Grief is also briefly introduced as a possible bonding instrument.
Artykuł przybliża fragment historii młodego mężczyzny opowiedzianej poprzez ważne dla niego przedmioty. Wspólnie zastanawiamy się nad tym, w jaki sposób rzeczy zdobywają i tracą znaczenia, zyskują wartość emocjonalną oraz symboliczną lub ją tracą. Jest to próba przedstawienia, w jaki sposób rzeczy mediują pomiędzy tym, co materialne i społeczne, jak są używane oraz jakie znaczenia są im przypisywane. Ważnym aspektem tych rozważań jest pokazanie, jak istotna poznawaniu i rozumieniu ludzkich działań jest strefa codzienności, jak również przedmioty współtworzące ją, a także to, w jaki sposób codzienny kontakt z tymi artefaktami kształtuje tożsamość oraz indywidualną i kulturową pamięć.
The article presents part of the story of a young man through the objects which are important to him. We reflect together on how things gain and lose meanings, emotional and symbolic value. This is an attempt to present, how objects mediate between what is material and social, how they are used and what meanings are assigned to them. An important aspect of these considerations is to show, how important is our everyday life in learning and understanding of human functioning, as well as things contribute to it and how daily contact with these objects, shapes identity and individual and cultural memory.
Content available Emeryk Hutten Czapski, jr (wspomnienia sekretarza)
Artykuł przedstawia postać Emeryka Hutt en Czapskiego, jr. (1897–1979), we wspomnieniach jego sekretarza, autora artykułu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu 1966–1979.
The article presents Emeryk Hutt en Czapski (1897–1979), jr., in the memories of his secretary, the author of the article, with emphasis on the period 1966–1979.
To understand the inner life and motivation of nobility members personal documents written by the nobles, such as their correspondence or diaries available in Czech archives, are of utmost importance. Irrespective of their unquestionable contribution to the research into the 20th century history of nobility such sources have been almost fully neglected by researchers in spite of the fact that Czech historiography had recognized the noble’s personal diary as an important source of historical information as early as the 1990s. Ego documents from the Kálnoky Family Archive largely extend our knowledge of how the nobility viewed the revolutionary events following the disintegration of Austria-Hungary and help us understand the motivation of their attitudes and behavior patterns in the first half of the 20th century.
Aristocratism and nobility were foreign elements in Slovakia. Unlike Moravia and Bohemia the nobles in Slovakia were of non-Slovakian origin and they either professed cosmopolitan principles, with the language constituting no identityforming factor, or they belonged to the German or – primarily – Hungarian ethnicity. The disintegration of Hungary and the creation of Czechoslovakia was a shock to the members of nobility from which they actually did not recover. They either joined the irredentist movement, or emigrated, mostly to Hungary, where aristocratism constituted a natural part of social life. Both groups followed a common goal as irredentism was the most promising way to get back their unsafe or lost property in Slovakia´s territory. All members of the Csáky family followed in the study closed their life story abroad. Confrontation with the totalitarian regime, mainly the Communist one, not only bereaved them of their property, but they were criminalized and plunged into permanent poverty. Their human dignity was often trampled, but they did not give up the values that their family had defended for centuries. The Csákys have remained engraved in historical mem
The article discusses womens presence in the world and their experience of the journey from 19th century. The concept of the article is based on Heidegger's notion of "being-in-world" but it's used in metaphorical meaning. It was choosen personal notes of Anna Dostojewska to analysis - Memoirs.
Artykuł jest związany z nurtem badań biograficznych, które przeżywają w ostatnim czasie swoisty renesans. Refleksje podjęte w tekście związane są z fenomenem ludzkiej pamięci, gdzie autorka tekstu wyznaczyła dwa znaczące obszary – przestrzenie, które metaforycznie określiła jako ogrody pamięci i zarośla niepamięci. Autorka podjęła próbę ukazania motywów, pobudek mobilizujących człowieka, do tego by prowadzić autobiograficzne zapiski, relacje ze swojego życia, czy też spisywać zachowane w swej pamięci wspomnienia. Swoje rozważania autorka przedstawiła w oparciu o fragmenty narracji autorów opublikowanych materiałów o charakterze autobiograficznym, czyli dzienników, pamiętników bądź wspomnień czy listów. Fragmenty te w sugestywny sposób ukazują, iż motywacja związana z podjęciem wysiłku spisywania swoich refleksji lub wspomnień bardzo często związana jest z chęcią i potrzebą, by ocalić od zapomnienia przeżycia i zdarzenia, których doświadczamy. Niejednokrotnie ze swoistego rodzaju poczuciem obowiązku, wręcz nakazem wewnętrznym, który nie sposób zlekceważyć. Kolejne wymienione przez autorkę motywy to przełomowe wydarzenie w naszym życiu (które być może ukazują wagę i znaczenie wspomnień); potrzeba zaznania ukojenia i oczyszczenia (tzw. katharsis); potrzeba zrozumienia i oswojenia otaczającej rzeczywistości; potrzeba podzielenia się swoim cierpieniem i bólem z innymi; chęć wskrzeszenia motywacji do życia lub odbycia podróży ku samopoznaniu bądź też potrzeba ucieczki od tego, co nas otacza, czego nie rozumiemy.
The article relates to biographical studies, which have recently seen a veritable revival. The reflections in this are related to the phenomenon of human memory, within which the author has described two areas – spaces, which she metaphorically describes as the garden of remembrance and the shrubs of nonexistence. The author makes an attempt at showing the motives, the reason mobilising a person to write autobiographical texts, relations of their life or writing down their memories. The author bases her reflections on pieces of narration from authors of published materials of an autobiographical nature, such as journals, diaries, memoirs or letters. The fragments in question demonstrate that the motivation for making the effort of writing down one's reflections and memories is very often the will and need to preserve experiences. Quite often there is a sort of obligation, an internal imperative, which is difficult to ignore. Further motives enumerated by the author are, among others: a groundbreaking occurence in our lives (which shows us the importance of memories); a need for cleansing and consolation (the so-called katharsis); a need to understand and tame reality; a willingness to share suffering and pain with others; a will to revive a motivation to live and to make a trip towards knowledge of the self, or a need to escape what surrounds us and we do not understand.
Based on twenty interviews with the representatives of a specific memory group, Bohemia’s and Moravia’s nobility, their memories of the period of World War II and the Nazi era are described. The author shows that a remembrance is not only a mere expression of personal experiences, as often believed in oral history, but that it constitutes a complicated fabric in which individual memory, often unconsciously, is subject to the current predominant cultural scripts. Hence, the memories of nobles exhibit some identical narrative patterns, typical of the nobility of Bohemia and Moravia as a social group, mostly irrespective of their nationality.
The purpose of this article is the analysis, classification and synthesis of the historical literature on peasant insurgent movement on Chyhyryn area in the late 10th – early 20th of the XX century; figuring out the correct use of the term “Holodny Yar Republic” as the name of the peasant insurgent organization on Chyhyrynshchyna. For the study of Ukrainian historiography was used comparative method. The author uses both general scientific methods (systemic) and speculation: historical-chronological, comparative-historical, typological, problem-chronological approach. The Ukrainian historiography of peasant insurgency in Chyhyrynshchyna can be divided according to this principle: works of direct participants and contemporaries of peasant liberation struggle, published mainly in Ukrainian diaspora and scientific research, carried out by Ukrainian historians in the years of Ukrainian independence. The problem of investigation of the peasant insurgency of the Kholodny Yar became widely popular after the publication of the memories of Y. Horlis-Horsky in the 1930s. Memories of the author were supplemented by the writings of M. Doroshenko, I. Liuty-Liutenko. Information about insurgent struggle in Chyhyrynshchyna contained in the memoirs of Ukrainian military leaders: N. Omelianovych-Pavlenko, Y. Tiutiunnyk, O. Vyshnivsky, O. Dotsenko, P. Diachenko, N. Avramenko, V. Simiantsev. In the years of Ukrainian independence the interest to peasant insurgency in Kholodny Yar has grown significantly. Access to archival materials, dedicated to the liberation struggle of Ukrainian people, has strengthened spring base of the research. Among modern researchers who have considered in their writings the issues of insurgency in Kholodny Yar, an important place is occupied by R. Koval. The topic of the insurgent movement in Kholodny Yar reflected in publications of M. Bukhalska, V. Dmytruk, V. Marayev, V. Savchenko, P. Stehniy and other researchers. The term “Holodnoyarska Republic” is not correct in scientific terms. The members of insurgents movement in Kholodny Yar had never proclaimed own “Republic”. They fought not for a small area around Kholodny Yar, but for the liberation of Ukraine, part of which they themselves believed. The topic of peasant insurgency in Kholodny Yar area has not yet been disclosed finally, researchers have work to do. The article may be useful for historians, educators and anyone interested in the history of the liberation struggle in Ukraine.
This paper presents Professor Ryszard Łużny's research profile and his greatest achievements in the field of Slavic studies. Professor Łużny's autobiographic work and memories about him are the departure point for the article. The interviewed students, collaborators and friends of Professor Łużny paint a clear picture of an outstanding scholar, great event organizer and, first and foremost, of a great man. The article ends with a list of publications in memoriam Professor Łużny and the list of conferences organized by his students between 1997 and 2013 in Kraków and Lublin.
tom 6
Анна Саковiч - Беласток
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie zagadnienia narratora w powieści „Biała Dama” Alaksieja Karpiuka, zawierającej elementy powieści detektywistycznej i historycznej. Wydarzenia związane z wyjaśnianiem tajemnicy tytułowej Białej Damy zostały przedstawione przez pierwszego narratora. Natomiast drugi narrator (Katarzyna Wałkowicz), osoba żyjąca w drugiej połowie XVII wieku, ukazuje historię swego losu pełnego wielu przygód i doświadczeń.
In the article the problem of narrator in Aleksey Karpiuk’s novel “Biala Dama” is discussed. The novel involves detective and historical elements. The first narrator presents the events revealing the mystery of the heroine. The second narrator (Katarzyna Wałkowicz), who lived in the second part of the 17th century, describes her life which was full of adventures and experience.
Artykuł jest omówieniem doświadczeń emigracyjnych znanej pisarki, Zofii Kossak oraz rozumienia przez nią obowiązków spoczywających na twórcy w trudnych latach 1939–1956. Na podstawie wiadomości biograficznych, listów pisarki, jej wspomnień i opinii osób, które ją znały staram się zrekonstruować najważniejsze momenty jej emigracyjnego życia. Trudności życia na emigracji w przypadku Zofii Kossaak wynikały z obiektywnych realiów życia (tęsknota za krajem, trudne warunki życia, ciężka praca na farmie), jak i z jawnej wrogości środowisk emigracyjnych w Londynie i Paryżu. Pisarka nieustannie była posądzana o zdradę narodową. Konflikt dotyczył różnic światopoglądowych i ideologicznych oraz poglądów na temat roli pisarza na emigracji.
This article is a discussion experience of emigration famed writer Zofia Kossak and it’s trying to understand her obligations on developers in the difficult years of 1939–1956. Based on biographical messages, letters, writer, her memories and opinions of people who knew her, I try to reconstruct the most important moments of her life in exile. The difficulty of living in exile in the case of Zofia Kossaak resulted from the objective realities of life (homesickness, difficult living conditions, hard work on the farm) and with overt hostility emigration circles in London and Paris. She was constantly accused of treason. The conflict concerned philosophical and ideological differences and views on the role of the writer in exile.
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