The aim of this work was to investigate the applicability of membrane distillation for ammonia removal from its aqueous solutions. The hollow-fiber, hydrophobic microfiltration membrane module was applied in order to assess its performance. The effects of different operating parameters on ammonia removal from aqueous solutions of different concentrations were investigated. Ammonia was absorbed in strong inorganic acid, in all tests that were taken.
Przetestowano możliwość usuwania amoniaku z jego wodnych roztworów za pomocą hydrofobowego, mikrofiltracyjnego (MF) modułu membranowego wyposażonego w membrany kapilarne. Określono wpływ temperatury oraz początkowego stężenia amoniaku na szybkość jego usuwania z wodnego roztworu. W obu analizowanych przypadkach amoniak został zaabsorbowany w mocnym kwasie nieorganicznym.
Celem pracy było wyznaczenie krzywych równowagowych dla lotnych związków organicznych, aby rozpoznać możliwości prowadzenia procesu zintegrowanego: reekstrakcji z biodegradacją. Określono również szybkość transportu masy benzenu w kontaktorze membranowym.
The aim of this study was to determine equilibrium curves for volatile organic compounds, subsequently used for the recognition of possibilities of carried out reextraction and biodegradation as the integrated process. The mass transfer rate of benzene in a membrane contactor was also determined.
The knowledge about membrane contactors is growing rapidly but is still insufficient for a reliable designing. This paper presents a new type of membrane contactors that are integrated with one of the following ways of separation by using absorbents, micelles, flocculants, functionalized polymers, molecular imprints, or other methods that are based on aggregation. The article discusses methods for designing multi-stage cascade, usually counter-current. At every stage of this cascade, relevant aggregates are retained by the membrane, while the permeate passes freely through membrane. The process takes place in the membrane boundary layer with a local cross-flow of the permeate and the retentate. So the whole system can be called a cross-counter-current. The process kinetics “k” must be coordinated with the permeate flux “J” and the rate of surface renewal of the sorbent on the membrane surface, s. This can be done by using ordinary back-flushing or relevant hydrodynamic method of sweeping, such as: turbulences, shear stresses or lifting forces. A surface renewal model has been applied to adjust the optimal process conditions to sorbent kinetics. The experimental results confirmed the correctness of the model and its suitability for design of the new type of contactors.
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