The silence of humans is threatened by various types of noise. They are enhanced by in-adequate reception of media messages. Therefore, studies on media education should also involve an investigation of the relation between the human mediosphere and threats to si-lence. Behaviour that diminishes the sphere of silence in the human environment or even eliminates it entirely is a harmful act. Consequently, it is proposed that media education should always involve a reflection on the ethical assessment of silence in the human envi-ronment, with particular reference to the factors that constitute a threat to silence. The first part of the paper presents silence as a positive value. The second part discusses the ethical aspects of silence. Conclusions and suggestions with regard to media education make up the third part of the article. The paper aims to draw attention to silence viewed as a positive value as well as to the ethical aspects of silence in education for media and in structuring galenosphere, i.e. the sphere of silence. The discussion of the relevant issues points to a need for research on the condition of silence in the human social environment and its role in media education.
The article aims at analysing mediosphere as the media environment. It highlights the shortage of publications available to explore the issue. The paper advances the thesis of mediosphere being one of the most important environments of human activity, since the media are increasingly affecting an individual and the society. The development of the media themselves has been sharply accelerated, both quantitatively and qualitatively, with the simultaneous growing helplessness on the part of parents and school tutors. The knowledge of human mediosphere may serve as a key to man’s fuller understanding of his relationship with the media, and an aid to revising the following phenomena: ‘communication society’, ‘public opinion’, and ‘addiction to the media.’ With a family as an illustrative example, two basic elements of mediosphere are discussed – its structure and functioning. The structure of mediosphere may be split into four main layers: iconosphere, logosphere, sonosphere and galenosphere. The situation within the family seems ideal for upbringing only when the parents and other adults succeed in reshaping mediosphere into an organised environment. In consequence, the adverse impact of the media on the household members is reduced to a minimum and the parents make fewer educational mistakes.
Celem monografii Sławomira Soczyńskiego (Re)definicja pojęcia tabu medialnego jako kategorii aksjonormatywnej z perspektywy teoretyczno-funkcjonalnej jest próba zrozumienia fenomenu tabu medialnego, pokazania jego znaczenia dla uczestników zmediatyzowanych procesów komunikowania, a zatem ukazania tabu jako elementu systemu, który reguluje przestrzeń mediosfery. Monografia składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej, złożonej z dwóch rozdziałów, dokonano konceptualizacji pojęcia tabu w teoretycznych analizach medioznawczych. Druga część, złożona z czterech rozdziałów, jest pragmatycznym studium tabuizacji w mediosferze. Badania zawarte w książce sytuują się w dziedzinie nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o komunikowaniu społecznym i mediach.
The aim of Sławomir Soczyński's monograph (Re)definition of the concept of media taboo as an axionormative category from a theoretical and functional perspective is an attempt to understand the phenomenon of media taboo, to show its importance for participants of mediatized communication processes, and thus to show taboo as an element of the system that regulates the space of the mediasphere. The monograph consists of two parts: the first, comprised of two chapters, conceptualizes the concept of taboo in theoretical media studies, and the second part, comprised of four chapters, is a pragmatic study of taboos in the mediasphere. The research contained in the book is situated in the field of social sciences in the discipline of social communication and media science.
Das Ziel der Monografie von Sławomir Soczyński (Re)definicja pojęcia tabu medialnego jako kategorii aksjonormatywnej z perspektywy teoretyczno-funkcjonalnej [Die Neudefinition des Medientabus als einer axionormativen Kategorie aus theoretisch-funktionaler Sicht] ist der Versuch, das Phänomen des Medientabus nachzuvollziehen, seine Bedeutung für die Teilnehmer der medialen Kommunikationsprozesse zu erschließen und zugleich das Tabu selbst als einen Teil des Systems, das den Bereich der Mediensphäre ordnet, zu zeigen. Die Monografie besteht aus zwei Teilen: Im ersten davon, der aus zwei Kapiteln besteht, wurde der Begriff des Tabus in den theoretischen medienwissenschaftlichen Analysen beschrieben. Der zweite Teil mit vier Kapiteln ist eine pragmatische Studie der Tabuisierung in der Mediensphäre. Die Untersuchungen im Buch gehören zu den Sozialwissenschaften im Bereich der Sozialkommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
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