Spices and medicinal herbs is an important route for human exposure to toxic metals. This study determined total concentrations of heavy metals and risk assessment of ten types of herbs used in cooking, spices and medicinal plants available in local markets of Babylon province/Iraq. Concentrations of Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Co, As, Cd, Cr and Hg were estimated by ICP/Mass to identify toxic metals in the used portion of selected spices and medicinal plants. The average concentrations of these elements were within the limits allowed by the WHO. Culinary herbs and spices contained significantly Cu˃Ni˃Zn˃Pb˃Co˃As˃Cd˃Cr˃Hg. However, the concentrations of copper, zinc and nickel, respectively, were higher in all herbal samples. The study recorded the highest concentrations in the aerial parts of plants from the total elemental content of Thymus vulgaris leaves (109.4 μg·g-1). and barks of Cinnamomum verum was recorded (43 μg·g-1). Non-carcinogenic risks and estimated daily consumption of these herbs were assessed on the basis of the target hazard quotient (THQ) and Hazard Index (HI). THQ values for individual minerals were more than one indicating health risks for nickel (15.5) Mentha verticillata leaves, (12.3) for Matricaria chamomilla, other metals Cu, Co, Pb and Zn were recorded THQ˃1 which considered unsafe for human consumption. The mean Hazard Index (HI) for the nine metal elements is ˃1 for all plants except Zingiber officinale, indicating that there are non-carcinogenic risks from these nine elements. this study provides a scientific basis to guide the safe consumption of certain culinary herbs and spices, it suggest potential health concerns for consumers of these products on a daily basis over a prolonged life span.
W szkicu podjęto próbę szerszego zaprezentowania ziół przeznaczonych, według Adama Mickiewicza, do kurowania mieszkańców Soplicowa. W poemacie Pan Tadeusz poeta wymienia zaledwie trzy takie rośliny, określając je jako „całą zielną domową aptekę Wojszczanki”. W starej sernicy córka „ostatniego w Litwie woźnego trybunału” suszyła szałwię (Salvia officinalis L.), czubek turecki / drapacz / bernardynek (Carduus benedictus L. / Cnicus benedictus Gärtn. / Centaurea benedicta) i macierzankę (Thymus serpyllum L.). Wszystkie wymienione zioła od najdawniejszych czasów uważane były w Europie za podstawę leków prostych (simpliciów) na różne ludzkie choroby i dolegliwości. Niektórym z nich oficjalnie nadano status panaceum. Przy użyciu preparatów sporządzanych na bazie wspomnianych roślin (win, wódek, naparów, odwarów itp.) specjaliści leczyli niemal wszystkie schorzenia nękające mieszkańców Europy w pierwszym ćwierćwieczu XIX wieku.
The article is an attempt to present the herbs used to cure the inhabitants of Soplicowo according to Adam Mickiewicz. In his poem the author mentions only three such plants, defining them as ‘the whole herbal household pharmacy of Wojszczanka’. In an old room to dry cheese the daughter of the last process server in Lithuania dried sage (Salvia officinalis L.); blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus); and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.). The above mentioned three herbs had always been considered in Europe as the basis for simple drugs to cure various human diseases and ailments. Some of them had an official status of panacea. Using the preparations made on the basis of the above mentioned plants (in the form of wines, vodkas, infusions, and decoctions) specialists cured almost all the ailments suffered by the inhabitants of Europe in the first quarter of the 19th century.
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