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tom Vol. 18, No. 3
This paper describes a method for detecting the presence of pathological changes in two-dimensional brain images from magnetic resonance examination. The proposed idea is based on homology theory, which makes it easily extendable to three-dimensional brain images in particular it may be applied to the computer tomography data.
Medical imaging is a technique that is mostly known as visual representations of the parts of body for clinical scans and analysis. In imaging process for medical purpose there take part radiologists, radiographers/radiology technicians, medical physicists, sonographers, nurses, and engineers. As an apart issue from the medical imaging devices, we can treat X-rays using devices such as radiography, computed tomography, fluoroscopy, dental cone-beam computed tomography, and mammography. All these devices are to perform X-ray using during medical imaging process. An X-ray beam is generated in a vacuum tube that is principally composed of an anode and a cathode material to produce X-ray beams, whose name is X-ray tube. The anode represents the component in which the X-ray beam produced that made from a piece of metal. For decades, tungsten (W) has been used as an anode material of various X-ray tubes. Tungsten has high atomic number and high melting point of 3370°C with low rate of volatilization. In this study, we performed Monte Carlo simulation for flux calculations of W target by using MCNP-X general purpose code and considered result as a data set for artificial neural network. It can be concluded that the results agreed well between Monte Carlo simulation and artificial neural network prediction.
Content available remote Circular object detection using a modified Hough transform
A practical modification of the Hough transform is proposed that improves the detection of low-contrast circular objects. The original circular Hough transform and its numerous modifications are discussed and compared in order to improve both the efficiency and computational complexity of the algorithm. Medical images are selected to verify the algorithm. In particular, the algorithm is applied to localize cell nuclei of cytological smears visualized using a phase contrast microscope.
A robust thresholding technique is proposed in this paper for segmentation of brain MR images. It is based on the fuzzy thresholding techniques. Its aim is to threshold the gray level histogram of brain MR images by splitting the image histogram into multiple crisp subsets. The histogram of the given image is thresholded according to the similarity between gray levels. The similarity is assessed through a second order fuzzy measure such as fuzzy correlation, fuzzy entropy, and index of fuzziness. To calculate the second order fuzzy measure, a weighted co-occurrence matrix is presented, which extracts the local information more accurately. Two quantitative indices are introduced to determine the multiple thresholds of the given histogram. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, along with a comparisonwith standard thresholding techniques, is demonstrated on a set of brain MR images.
Content available remote Laser speckle contrast imaging for measuring blood flow
When a diffuse object is illuminated with laser light, a random interference effect known as a speckle pattern is produced. If there is movement in the object, the speckles fluctuate in intensity. These fluctuations can be used to provide information about the movement. A simple way of accessing this information is to image the speckle pattern - the fluctuations cause a blurring of the speckle, leading to a reduction in the local speckle contrast. Thus velocity distributions are coded as speckle contrast variations. The same information can be obtained by using the Doppler effect, but producing a two-dimensional Doppler map requires scanning: speckle imaging provides the same information without the need to scan. This paper reviews the development of laser speckle imaging, starting with the connection established between speckle fluctuations and movement in the nineteen-seventies. In the eighties, a photographic technique for monitoring retinal blood flow was developed, and ten years later a digital version was used to monitor capillary blood flow in the skin. Today, many groups around the world are either using or researching the technique, and the paper will close by presenting some of their recent results.
tom z. 176
Niniejsza praca zawiera podsumowanie prac autora w dziedzinie zastosowania tomografii do badań in vivo procesów fizjologicznych, zachodzących w organizmie człowieka. Referując większość zagadnień, będących przedmiotem niniejszej pracy, autor skupia uwagę na przestrzenno-czasowych (4D) protokołach obrazowania, nazywanych obrazowaniem dynamicznym. W pracy opisano i zdefiniowano podstawowe pojęcia związane z dynamicznym obrazowaniem w tomografii komputerowej (KT) i w obrazowaniu techniką rezonansu magnetycznego (MRI), omówiono zastosowania tomografii dynamicznej do obrazowania ukrwienia mózgowego oraz obrazowania in vivo stężenia we krwi naturalnego środka cieniującego, jakim jest odtleniona hemoglobina (dHB). Technika ta, nazywana czynnościowym rezonansem magnetycznym, umożliwia badania procesów mózgowych człowieka. W pracy przedstwiono opis metodyki eksperymentów dynamicznych oraz przykłady aparatury i oprogramowania, wykorzystywanego przez autora w pracach badawczych dotyczących tych technik.
The paper summarizes the autor's work in the area of 'in-vivo' imaging of physiological processes in living humans using spatial-temporal (4D) scanning protocols, known as dynamic imaging. The introductory chapter defines data structures ised in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic scanning protocols. These data are used in applications described in the next chapter : perfusion imaging and 'in-vivo' monitoring of deoxy-hemoglobin (dHB) concentration in blood. This technique, known as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), allows to infer information about regional neuronal activity in the human brain. The paper also describes methodological aspects of dynamic imaging experiments and example instrumentation setups used by the author in his research work in this field.
Content available remote Synthesis of parametric images in the medical active thermography
A new method of parametric images synthesis for active, pulse thermography is presented. Based on experimental results the thermal model of the observed object is proposed. Thermal model validation results on thermal transients basing on the FEM studies are presented. Examples of parametric images are presented and described for phantoms and for in-vivo measurements. Possible applications are discussed.
A new parameter δ based on 3γ annihilation is proposed. It describes the porosity of the materials containing small intermolecular voids below 1 nm. It can be applied to material investigation to compare changes in the material porosity depending on temperature or pressure as well as to study of ageing or manufacturing processes. Particularly it is dedicated to prepare the new imaging method and can be used during positron emission tomography diagnosis allowing determination the kind or stage of pathogenic alteration.
In this paper, we present a virtual scanner of magnetic resonance imaging that aims at simplifying and accelerating methods of generating images. After an introduction to the subject of nuclear magnetic resonance and various approaches to the simulation of magnetic resonance imaging, details of the simulator are described. The proposed simulator consists of magnetization kernel (based on a solution of the Bloch equation), graphical user interface and module that performs calculation in a parallel environment. The package which parallelizes the magnetic resonance simulation is implemented on a computing cluster with the use of the Message Passing Interface standard. The parallel module can divide calculations related to different slices or different phase encoding steps between processors. The experimental results in the parallel environment show that it is possible to gain a significant speedup thus making it possible to acquire more exact images in a reasonable period of time.
Ultrasound, which is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic modality that uses more and more advanced imaging techniques, has become the first-choice examination in various diseases. It is more and more often used in the general practitioner’s office to supplement physical examination and interview. Aim: The aim of this paper is to review the Polish medical literature pertaining to the usage of ultrasound imaging in general practice as well as to present advantages, disadvantages and utility associated with conducting ultrasound examinations by general practitioners based on selected publications. Material and methods: The analysis involved 15 articles found in Polish medical literature published in 1994–2013 in 9 medical journals. These publications were obtained using various data bases, such as Polish Medical Bibliography, Google Scholar as well as websites of “Lekarz Rodzinny” and “Ultrasonografia.” Results: Of 15 available publications, 5 papers present the usage of ultrasound imaging by a primary care physician for general purposes, 4 discuss the usage of abdominal scans, 3 – imaging of the neck and lymph nodes, 1 – lungs, and 2 discuss its usage for specific disease entities. In over 70% of the papers, the financial aspect associated with the usage of this modality in general practice is mentioned. More than a half of the publications draw attention to the possibility of using point-of-care ultrasound examinations. Advantages of ultrasonography most often mentioned by the authors include: good effects of screening, safety, short duration and low cost. The authors of eight publications also indicate disadvantages associated with ultrasound imaging used by a general practitioner. Conclusions: In the Polish literature, there are relatively few papers on the role of ultrasonography in the office of a primary care physician. This modality is more and more often becoming a tool that helps primary care physicians to establish diagnoses, accelerates the initiation of treatment and directs the further diagnostic process.
Ultrasonografia, będąca bezpieczną i nieinwazyjną metodą diagnostyczną, wykorzystującą coraz bardziej udoskonalone techniki obrazowania, stała się badaniem pierwszego wyboru w wielu schorzeniach. Coraz częściej stosowana jest w gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego jako metoda uzupełniająca badania podmiotowe i przedmiotowe. Cel: Celem pracy był przegląd piśmiennictwa polskiego opisującego wykorzystanie badania ultrasonograficznego w gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego oraz przedstawienie zalet, wad i przydatności wykonywania samodzielnego badania ultrasonograficznego przez lekarzy rodzinnych, na podstawie analizy wybranych artykułów. Materiał i metoda: Analiza objęła 15 artykułów wyszukanych w polskim piśmiennictwie, opublikowanych w latach 1994–2013 w 9 czasopismach medycznych. Publikacje znaleziono za pomocą różnych baz danych, takich jak Polska Bibliografia Lekarska, Google Scholar, strony internetowe pism „Lekarz Rodzinny” i „Ultrasonografia”. Wyniki: Z 15 dostępnych publikacji 5 stanowiły artykuły przedstawiające zastosowanie ultrasonografii w gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego w wymiarze ogólnym, w 4 opisano wykorzystanie badania jamy brzusznej, w 3 – szyi i węzłów chłonnych, w 1 – płuc oraz w 2 omówiono badanie w konkretnych jednostkach chorobowych. W ponad 70% prac poruszony został aspekt ekonomiczny związany z zastosowaniem ultrasonografii w gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego. W ponad połowie artykułów zwrócono uwagę na możliwość wykorzystania badań ultrasonograficznych typu point-of-care. Wśród zalet ultrasonografii najczęściej wymieniano korzystne badanie przesiewowe, bezpieczeństwo, krótki czas trwania, niski koszt badania. Autorzy ośmiu publikacji wskazali również wady związane ze stosowaniem USG w gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego. Wnioski: W polskim piśmiennictwie dostępnych jest niewiele publikacji opisujących rolę ultrasonografii w gabinecie lekarza pierwszego kontaktu. Ultrasonograf coraz częściej staje się narzędziem ułatwiającym lekarzowi podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej postawienie diagnozy, przyspiesza też rozpoczęcie leczenia pacjentów i ukierunkowuje dalszą diagnostykę.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common autoimmune systemic disease of the connective tissue affecting individuals in the developmental age. Radiography, which was described in the first part of this publication, is the standard modality in the assessment of this condition. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging enable early detection of the disease which affects soft tissues, as well as bones. Ultrasound assessment involves: joint cavities, tendon sheaths and bursae for the presence of synovitis, intraand extraarticular fat tissue to visualize signs of inflammation, hyaline cartilage, cartilaginous epiphysis and subchondral bone to detect cysts and erosions, and ligaments, tendons and their entheses for signs of enthesopathies and tendinopathies. Magnetic resonance imaging is indicated in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis for assessment of inflammation in peripheral joints, tendon sheaths and bursae, bone marrow involvement and identification of inflammatory lesions in whole-body MRI, particularly when the clinical picture is unclear. Also, MRI of the spine and spinal cord is used in order to diagnose synovial joint inflammation, bone marrow edema and spondylodiscitis as well as to assess their activity, location, and complications (spinal canal stenosis, subluxation, e.g. in the atlantoaxial region). This article discusses typical pathological changes seen on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The role of these two methods for disease monitoring, its identification in the pre-clinical stage and establishing its remission are also highlighted.
Młodzieńcze idiopatyczne zapalenie stawów jest najczęstszą przewlekłą układową chorobą tkanki łącznej wieku rozwojowego o podłożu immunologicznym. Standardem w ocenie zapaleń stawów w tym schorzeniu są zdjęcia radiograficzne, które omówiono w pierwszej części tej publikacji. Badanie ultrasonograficzne i rezonans magnetyczny umożliwiają wczesne rozpoznanie choroby, która obejmuje tkanki miękkie: błonę maziową jam stawów, kaletek i pochewek, tkankę kostną i tłuszczową. W badaniu ultrasonograficznym ocenia się: jamy stawów, pochewki i kaletki – w celu uwidocznienia cech zapalenia błony maziowej, tkankę tłuszczową śródstawową i pozastawową – w celu uwidocznienia cech jej zapalenia, chrząstkę szklistą, chrzęstną nasadę u dzieci, tkankę kostną podchrzęstną – pod kątem obecności uszkodzeń, wreszcie więzadła, ścięgna oraz ich entezy – pod kątem obecności zmian zapalnych i uszkodzeń. Wskazania do rezonansu magnetycznego u dzieci z młodzieńczym idiopatycznym zapaleniem stawów obejmują: ocenę zmian zapalnych w jamach stawów obwodowych oraz pochewkach ścięgnistych i ścięgnach, zmian zapalnych w szpiku kostnym, poszukiwanie ognisk zapalnych w badaniu rezonansem magnetycznym całego ciała, szczególnie przy niejasnym obrazie klinicznym, ocenę kręgosłupa i rdzenia kręgowego w celu diagnostyki zmian zapalnych, w tym zapalenia błony maziowej, obrzęku szpiku, spondylodiscitis, ocenę ich aktywności, lokalizacji i zaawansowania ( okolica szczytowo-obrotowa) oraz powikłań ( stenoza kanału kręgowego, podwichnięcia szczytowo-obrotowe). W publikacji omówiono charakterystyczne zmiany chorobowe w badaniu ultrasonograficznym i rezonansie magnetycznym, a także poruszono zagadnienia dotyczące monitorowania choroby za pomocą tych dwóch metod oraz rozpoznawania choroby w stadium przedklinicznym i ustalania jej remisji.
Content available remote Image signal metadata analysis in diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
The paper presents the possibility of using the methods of multimedia databases and imaging data analysis in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The aim of this study was to investigate for the statistical analysis of the available data, especially signal data. In the study, the relationships between test results obtained in different forms have been examined. The correlations between the external metadata for DICOM objects and signal selected metadata extracted from images have been explored.
W pracy przedstawione zostały możliwości zastosowania metod multimedialnych baz danych oraz analizy danych obrazowych w diagnostyce choroby Alzheimera. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było zbadanie pod kątem analizy statystycznej dostępnych danych, przede wszystkim danych sygnałowych. W ramach badań sprawdzone zostały zależności pomiędzy wynikami badań pozyskiwanych w różnych formach. Zbadane zostały zależności korelacyjne pomiędzy metadanymi zewnętrznymi dla obiektów DICOM a wyłuskanymi z obrazów wybranymi metadanymi sygnałowymi. (Analiza danych obrazowych w diagnozowaniu medycznym choroby Alzheimera).
In the paper we try to solve very difficult problem connected with the advances in medical imaging technology: how to replace the goal of image recognition by image understanding. The problem under consideration is crucial one for all applications of information technology in automated systems devoted both for automatic medical diagnosis and successful searching in medical databases distributed troughout the world. The key problem analysis is how to model processes of image understanding by physician. We develop new tool for intelligent perception of differences between images of normal organs and pathological cases, instead of simple image recognition. We also presented how the same method can be used for searching of multimedial medical information in the respective databases. Such indexing approach enables an intelligent selection of interested case of illness based on visual queries.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common autoimmune systemic disease of the connective tissue affecting individuals at the developmental age. Radiography is the primary modality employed in the diagnostic imaging in order to identify changes typical of this disease entity and rule out other bone-related pathologies, such as neoplasms, posttraumatic changes, developmental defects and other forms of arthritis. The standard procedure involves the performance of comparative joint radiographs in two planes. Radiographic changes in juvenile idiopathic arthritis are detected in later stages of the disease. Bone structures are assessed in the first place. Radiographs can also indirectly indicate the presence of soft tissue inflammation (i.e. in joint cavities, sheaths and bursae) based on swelling and increased density of the soft tissue as well as dislocation of fat folds. Signs of articular cartilage defects are also seen in radiographs indirectly – based on joint space width changes. The first part of the publication presents the classification of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and discusses its radiographic images. The authors list the affected joints as well as explain the spectrum and specificity of radiographic signs resulting from inflammatory changes overlapping with those caused by the maturation of the skeletal system. Moreover, certain dilemmas associated with the monitoring of the disease are reviewed. The second part of the publication will explain issues associated with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging, which are more and more commonly applied in juvenile idiopathic arthritis for early detection of pathological features as well as the disease complications.
Młodzieńcze idiopatyczne zapalenie stawów to najczęstsza przewlekła choroba układowa tkanki łącznej wieku rozwojowego o podłożu immunologicznym. Badanie radiograficzne jest pierwszą metodą, od której rozpoczyna się diagnostykę obrazową w celu rozpoznania zmian chorobowych typowych dla tej jednostki, jak również wykluczenia innych patologii kostnych, tj. nowotworu, zmian pourazowych, wad rozwojowych, innych zapaleń stawów. Standardowo wykonywane są zdjęcia porównawcze stawów w dwóch projekcjach. Zmiany na radiogramach w przebiegu młodzieńczego idiopatycznego zapalenia stawów są obserwowane w późniejszym okresie choroby. Ocenie podlegają przede wszystkim struktury kostne. Pośrednio zdjęcie radiograficzne wskazuje na obecność zmian zapalnych także w tkankach miękkich (tj. w jamach stawów, pochewkach i kaletkach) na podstawie poszerzenia i zwiększonego wysycenia cienia tkanek miękkich i przemieszczenia fałdów tłuszczowych. W sposób pośredni – na podstawie zmiany szerokości szpary stawowej – na radiogramach są stwierdzane cechy uszkodzenia chrząstki stawowej. W pierwszej części publikacji omówiono klasyfikację młodzieńczego idiopatycznego zapalenia stawów oraz przedstawiono obraz radiograficzny tej jednostki chorobowej, wskazując na rodzaj zajętych stawów, spektrum oraz specyfikę zmian radiograficznych wynikającą z nakładania się zmian zapalnych na zmiany spowodowane dojrzewaniem układu kostnego. Przedstawiono dylematy związane z monitorowaniem choroby. W drugiej części pracy zostaną omówione badanie ultrasonograficzne i rezonans magnetyczny, które u dzieci i młodzieży są wykonywane coraz częściej w celu wczesnego rozpoznania zmian chorobowych oraz powikłań młodzieńczego idiopatycznego zapalenia stawów.
tom nr 4
Methods of X-ray 3D-imaging and their peculiarities at the field of medical radiology were analysed. Advantages and disadvantages of Compton scatter densitometry and computer tomography methods was compared, paradigm of combined CSD-CT device have been proposed. Ways of further improvement of the hybrid CSD-CT MI equipment was shown. Methods of the CSD-CT mathematical and physical modeling have been discussed.
Przeanalizowano metody obrazowania rentgenowskiego 3D i ich specyfiki w dziedzinie radiologii medycznej. Porównano zalety i wady metod densytometrii rozproszenia Comptona i tomografii komputerowej, zaproponowano wzór zespolonego CSD-CT urządzenia. Pokazano także sposoby dalszej poprawy hybrydowego sprzętu MI CSD-CT oraz omówiono metody modelowania matematycznego i fizycznego CT-CSD.
Content available remote Geometric transformations in the shape analysis of selected biomedical structures
tom Vol. 4, no 3-4
The article presents an algorithm of the transformation straightening outer contours of objects, allowing to transform bilogical structures of interest, visible in medical images, from two-dimensional space of the image into two-dimensional graph, representing contours of the straightened object with its possible outer morphological changes, indicating the progress of pathological processes. The developed method is based on a sequence of geometric transformations of the analyzed objects in the image, and its operation was described in detail and illustrated by examples of transformation of main pancreatic ducts, appearing in X-ray images acquired by ERCP, as well as by graphs showing outer morphology of blood vessels in the fundus of the eye and morphology of renal sinuses from kidneys roengenograms. The proposed method is universal, and due to the fact that the transformation preserves and exposes pathologic morphological changes, such as abnormal lateral branches, local dilatations or projections it can also be used in the recognition and analysis of other structure images acquired by various techniques of computer tomography, e.g. celebral vessels, bile ducts, coronary vessels of fragments of gastroin-testinal tract. The graphs of the structures of interest obtained as a result of the transformation straightening outer contours of objects are a starting point for the recognition of morphological changes, important for diagnosis, using syntactic methods of pattern recognition.
tom Vol. 17/18
Hand radiograph analysis is extremely exhausting and time consuming for radiologists, not because of the complexity, but because of the precision required during diagnosis. Due to this fact, automatic analysis of the joint space width of all joints in a hand would be indispensable. In the following paper, an improvement of a method used to quantify the minimal JSW in hand radiographs, proposed by the author in his previous works, is considered. The proposed changes have an impact on initial pre-processing and joint space location. As a result of experiments conducted on more than 1100 joint spaces, the overall error of pre-processing and joint location decreases from 10.8% to 2.59% after changes.
This paper presents work on a PC-based software solution for evaluation of burn wounds, leading to automatic registration of infrared and visible light images. The algorithm of reference points detection, crucial for the registration procedure, is presented in details. Enhancements requested by the physicians are also outlined.
Artykuł prezentuje prace nad oprogramowaniem do oceny ran oparzeniowych, związane z automatycznym dopasowaniem zdjęć wykonanych w świetle podczerwonym i widzialnym. Algorytm wykrywania punktów odniesienia, kluczowy dla procedury dopasowania, jest opisany w szczegółach. Przedstawione zostały również inne udoskonalenia wykonane na życzenie lekarzy.
Medical objective of this work is to compensate tumor's displacements due to free breathing, so as to reduce the irradiated zone and thus preserve healthy tissues. For this purpose, we are studying the feasibility of tracking the tumor's motion in portal images, i.e. in images generated by the treatment beam (high-energy X-rays). Two reference algorithms were tested on sequences of portal images of a phantom and of patients. Target tracking algorithm (block-matching), was able to correctly track the target only when the tumor was perceptible in the images. Otherwise it would require implanting of radioopaque markers in tumor's vicinity. Optical flow estimation was expected to deduce "invisible" tumor's displacements from the motion of neighboring tissues. However, the standard Horn & Schunck's algorithm gave poor results because of low contrast and absence of texture in the images. We are suggesting a modified version of this approach, based on intersections of motion constraint lines for a limited number of pixels carrying reliable and complementary motion information.
The goal of this paper is a presentation of the possibilities of the application of syntactic methods of computer image analysis to the recognition of the local stenoses of the lumen of coronary arteries, and to the detection of pathological signs in upper parts of ureter ducts and renal calyxes. An analysis of the correct morphology of these structures is possible thanks to the application of sequence and tree methods from the group of syntactic methods of pattern recognition. In the case of the analysis of coronary artery images, the main objective is a computer-aided early diagnosis of the different forms of cardiac ischemic diseases. Such diseases may show themselves in the form of stable or unstable disturbances of heart rhythm or infarction. In the analysis of kidney radiograms the main goal is the recognition of local irregularities in ureter lumens, and an examination of the morphology of renal pelvis and calyxes.
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