Am in Eskew is the epitome of an independent podcast, written, produced and performed by two people – Jon Ware and Muna Hussen. It tells the story of David Ward (Jon Ware), a man trapped in the city of Eskew, where nightmares become real. The story offers manifold answers and interpretations, depending which genre and mode of reception we choose to follow. On a literal level it is a fantasy horror story about a cursed city that tortures its entrapped residents by creating cityscapes full of monsters, spatial and body horror (Eskew as a landscape); on a metaphorical level I Am in Eskew is a representation of mental illness and mental disorders (Eskew as a mindscape). The present article discusses the use of medium in I Am in Eskew and the capabilities of podcasts in creating an immersive horror story (Eskew as a soundscape) as well as possible interpretations of the podcast, focusing on the concept of hostile architecture as an expression of the late capitalist inclination to dehumanize various aspects of human life (space, relationships etc.). The article discusses hostile architecture as a form of narration and narration as a form of hostile architecture through the lense of Derridian hauntology.
The study deals with the post-war forced migration of German-speaking inhabitants from Czechoslovakia, and its reception in magazines which the forcibly-displaced Germans began to issue in “West Germany” (Federal Republic of Germany) in the late 1940s. The authors analyse two patriotic magazines (Heimatzeitschrift) from the beginning of their publishing until the end of the twentieth century. The patriotic magazines are understood as media of collective memory of the social group of those forcibly displaced. Based on the study of empiric material, the representations of the forced displacement can be analytically divided into three groups. The “expulsion” is represented as: 1) loss of home; 2) new start, and 3) historical grievance. The authors show that the forced displacement in connection with the loss of the (old) home country is a basic theme for the above-mentioned magazines. In the magazines, the representations thereof are closely associated with the memory politics of patriotic organizations with their exactly defined interpretation of history, claiming the right for the motherland, and enforcement of the victimization discourse.
The text is focused on the relation between historiography and the media and the role of historians as experts in the process of producing mediated (fictional as well as factual) representations of historical events.
Este artículo analiza las representaciones sociales que difundió la prensa escrita de las prime-ras mujeres que ocuparon curules en la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica. La elección de esas diputadas introdujo un cambio en los actores políticos y constituyó un reto para los me-dios de comunicación al encontrar a nuevas protagonistas en el escenario político. La estrate-gia metodológica de este trabajo incluye el análisis de contenido cuantitativo y el análisis críti-co del discurso. El corpus lo conforman crónicas, entrevistas, noticias y editoriales que fueron publicados en La República y Diario de Costa Rica durante el lustro 1953-1958. Se halló una escasa representación mediática de las legisladoras producto de la convergencia de varios fac-tores. Por un lado, ese período se caracterizó por una intensa efervescencia política que se trasladó a la producción periodística. En la prensa se buscaba distinguir a los buenos hombres de los malos hombres. Esa práctica situó a los varones como actores centrales; las diputadas fueron citadas si coincidían con la línea editorial del medio, de lo contrario, hubo silencios y omisiones. Además del uso del genérico masculino, la descripción privilegió la dicotomía “nosotros-ellos”. Se hallaron estereotipos, creencias, opiniones, actitudes e ideologías de gé-nero. Hubo apreciaciones cargadas de subjetividad, empleo de adjetivos elogiosos que perpe-tuaron atributos estereotipados. Se reprodujeron roles asociados a la maternidad y se las des-cribió en relación con vínculos familiares, como madres y esposas.
This paper analyzes the social representations disseminated by the newspapers about the first women who occupied seats in the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica. The election of three deputies printed a change in the political actors and constituted a challenge for the media that found new protagonists in the political scene. The methodological approach used the Quantita-tive content analysis and the critical analysis of discourse. Stereotypes, beliefs, opinions, atti-tudes and gender ideologies were found. The corpus is made up of chronicles, interviews, news and editorials that were published in La República and Diario de Costa Rica, during the lustrum 1953-1958. The sparse media representation of the deputies was due to several fac-tors: the 1950s inherited the political tension that triggered the Civil War of 1948, consequent-ly, the description of the events privileged the dichotomy "we-them" (Van Dijk, 1992), the in-tention was to distinguish good men from bad men, according to the optic of the newspaper. This practice placed men as central actors; the women deputies were cited if they coincided with the editorial line of the media, otherwise there were silences and omissions. In addition to the use of the male generic, there were appreciations loaded with subjectivity, the use of com-plimentary adjectives perpetuated stereotyped attributes. Roles associated with motherhood were reproduced, described in relation to family ties, such as mothers and wives.
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