Within the framework of a project between the University of Magdeburg and the Electrotechnical Institute of Wroclaw, material compositions for electrodes and electrolytes which make possible fuel cell operation at a temperature of approxomately 600°C and, moreover, have low production costs will be developed. The exploration of new electrolytes as well as the prototyping of test cells is being undertaken by the Electrotechnical Institute. The test as well as the investigations of the performance of the cells is made in a specially developed testing procedure and test bench. During the installation and enlargement of a PEM-fuel cell test bench at the University of Magdeburg extensive experience was gained. These experiences can now be used for the design of a small SOFC-test bench. The paper gives an overview on the development of the test bench, the electrolytes and initial results.
Chemical analysis of carbonates with stylolites from the autochthon of the Pokuttya–Bukovyna Carpathians showed that the СаСО3 content in the rocks ranges between 68 and 92%, insoluble residue makes 8–32%. Investigation of clayey limestones using the polarizing microscopy allowed to establish that the 0.02–1 mm sized organic debris (foraminifera, gastropods, brachiopods and inocerams) makes 40–55% of the rock. The rest is the matrix represented by pelitomorphic calcite. X-ray diffractometry showed that insoluble residue of the organic-rich clay from stylolites is represented by the hydromicaceous mineral – illite with admixture of organic matter. Results of quantitative spectral analysis revealed the increased iron and strontium (>10 times) content in both limestones and organic-rich clays. Infrared spectrometry of chloroform bitumen extracted from the organic-rich clay from stylolites showed that the dispersed organic matter by its origin consists mainly of planktonogenic (autochthonous) microcomponents and underwent significant postsedimentary transformations: polymerization and oxidation.
Badania składu materialnego węglanów ze stylolitami w Karpatach pokucko-bukowińskich wykazały, że zawartość CaCO3 w skałach waha się od 68 do 92%, a pozostałości nierozpuszczalnej od 8 do 32. Szczątki organiczne wielkości od 0,02 do 1 mm (otwornice, ślimaki, ramienionogi i inoceramy) stanowią 40–55% skały, a reszta to kalcyt pelitomorficzny. Części nierozpuszczalne materiału stylolitów to na ogół minerał hydromikowy – illit oraz materia organiczna, cechująca się zwiększoną zawartością żelaza i strontu (>10 razy). Spektoskopia infraczerwona bituminu chloroformowego zawartego w stylolitach wykazała, że materia organiczna powstała głównie z mikroskładników planktonicznych (autochtonicznych) i uległa istotnym zmianom postsedymentacyjnym: polimeryzacji oraz utleniania.
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