Technologia wysokociśnieniowego strumienia wodno ściernego o ciśnieniach roboczych w zakresie 300-400 MPa od kilkunastu lat w warunkach polskiego przemysłu zajmuje stałe miejsce w zastosowaniu do cięcia różnych materiałów. Staje się dzięki temu jedną z trzech wzajemnie komplementarnych technologii, do których można zaliczyć także technologie wycinania laserowego oraz cięcia plazmowego. Wymienione metody cięcia różni bardzo wiele czynników o charakterze energetycznym, kosztowym i technologicznym, zwłaszcza w sensie jakości powierzchni oraz jakości elementów obrabianych.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest analiza tendencji w zarządzaniu długiem publicznym w Polsce w latach 1990-1996. Autorka podejmuje także ocenę perspektyw rozwiązania problemu narastania długu w przyszłości w celu ograniczenia jego niekorzystnych skutków dla gospodarki oraz dostosowania Polski do wymogów Unii Europejskiej w tym zakresie.
This paper entitled "Stabilisation problem of a public debt in Poland" analysis tendencies in managing the public loan in Poland, with particular respect to the period of 1990-1996. Since 1990 there has been a gradual restriction of NBP position as it comes to financing the budget deficit, until a complete prohibition of the deficit direct financing by the central bank became an entry in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in 1997. Extension of time limits necessary for issuing treasury securities and increasing the flexibility of their turnover on the secondary market since the dematerialization of treasury bonds in 1995 is significant. This paper also analyses the factors, which in 1990-1996 affected the level of debt in an absolute depiction and in relation to GDP, as well as it shows some changes in the term structure of a public debt and tendencies of domestic and foreign debt participation in the total amount of public debt, as well as in relation to GDP. Participation of public debt service costs included in annual budget expenses and in GDP, has also been shown, the same as factors which let Poland fulfill the Maastricht Treaty Requirements in 1995-1996 – the level of public debt in relation to GDP did not generally exceeded 60% and the budget deficit in relation to GDP was 3% lower. The summary of the paper includes some recommendations on economy policy (especially fiscal one), which should contribute to solving a problem of future public debt growing, in order to limit its disadvantageous influence on economy and to conform Poland to the requirements established in this field by the European Union
Referat zawiera rozważania o charakterze socjologiczno-humanistycznym związane z zagrożeniami, jakie niesie ze sobą brak pracy. W szczególności autorka omawia rynek pracy w świetle idei pełnego zatrudnienia, kształtowanie oferty pracy poszukiwanej na rynku, potrzebę posiadania godnej pracy zarobkowej oraz wskazówki dla studentów, jak uniknąć ryzyka bezrobocia.
The student is indicated to be the main recipient of the content of the paper. For young people who are still studying, it is of a vital importance to work on themselves in order to avoid the problem of unemployment after their graduation. There are three issues considered in the paper. First there is the idea of full employment second, the supply of job offers and the third the dignified job as a term advocated by the Pope John Paul II. It is strongly emphasized that the way to do the dignified job is self - improvement work. The overall content of the paper is embraced by the sentence: "One must have dreams not only to keep away from unemployment but to do the right job, the job which delivers happiness and joy."
Jednym z zagadnień dyskusyjnych, które spowodowały podział środowiska ekonomistów na zwalczające się naukowo grupy, jest spór o miejsce i pozycję państwa i rynku w funkcjonowaniu gospodarki narodowej. Niektóre poglądy autor naświetlił w artykule.
Among many problems which have emerged during the process of transformation which takes place in our economy, the most important is the dispute about the place and the position of the state and the market, about their "inborn" properties, and about their advantages and disadvantages among others. Assessment made by economists on this issue is totally different. When you take into consideration the authors who stress the value of market economy and its characteristic mechanisms, first of all you should mention the following names: W. Wilczyński, L. Balcerowicz and J. Winiecki. On the other hand, Z. Mikołajewicz, A. Łukaszewicz, the same as P. Bożyk, K. Łaski and J. Pajestka represent a critic standpoint in this field. A similar division is applied when you take into consideration the importance of economic role of the state. Those who would like to lessen its value include: A. Leopold, F. Tomczak, Z. Hockuba, J. Beksiak, C. Józefiak, J. Dąbrowski and J. Winiecki. Less extreme ones, since they clearly see a particular necessity of economic activity of the state includes J. Eysymontt. Whereas S. Kurowski rejects the saying: "The minimum state", and suggests "The sufficient state" as the guideline. And finally - the authors who advertise expansion of the state role in the conditions (what is essential) of system transformation include the following names: M. Klamut, M. Perczyński, H. Sopniewska, B. Winiarski, T. Kowalik, Z. Sadowski, J. Pajestka, A. Łukaszewicz, J. Wierzbołowski, G. Kołodko, J. Kaleta, and W. Sztyber. Thus, the question arises – which is thought over by K. Porwit – what basic requirements should be fulfilled, to bring the opponents together.
W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono specyfikę rynku nieruchomości oraz usług developerskich na rynku mieszkaniowym. Podjęto próbę ustalenia, czy działalność developerska to dostarczanie produktu, czy też świadczenie usługi. W części drugiej rozważania skoncentrowano nad wzorcowym, szerokim podejściem marketingowym stosowanym przez developerów zachodnich oraz nad zmianami w podejściu do tak rozumianego marketingu przez developerów z kapitałem rodzimym.
The paper elaborates on broadly understood marketing concerning developers' activities in the field of housing sector. It presents enormous changes that took place on the building market since the beginning of the system transformation. In the early 90s we experienced the market almost typical to the one of the previous system, al-mighty building societies and "crawling on all fours" developers. Nevertheless it was the supplier's market. In course of time the strategies of building societies and developers started to take into account the future apartment's owner, a client. This kind of strategy was in fact limited to advertising and forcing ready products upon a client. Today we observe a clear change of developers' marketing strategies. First, they try to identify the clients' needs and only afterwards they take up further investment activities like buying a properly located building site, preparing houses' or housing estates' original projects, realisation of investment according to individual clients' needs and finally ensuring most advantageous payment scheme. In the next part of the paper the author tries to present successful marketing strategies that are used by developers in the USA. They express the tendencies and possible developments of marketing strategies in Polish housing sector.
This paper provides analysis of local labour market of Tarnów during the period of economic transformation in 1990-1996. Domestic market has been taken as a point of reference and comparisons. This survey analyses the degrees of economic stimulation of the population; it shows changes applied to a group of people employed on the basis of a contract of employment in the branches of national economy. Besides, it shows the movement of full-time employees (hiring and firing), and the level of registered unemployment. While assessing the latter phenomenon, change tendencies (Beveridge's curve), and dividing of unemployed according to their job seniority, the duration of being unemployed, age and education have been taken into consideration. Surveys, which have been carried out, point to two evident stages of situation being formed on a labour market: in 1990-1993 - negative tendency (employment decrease and unemployment increase) and in 1994-1996 - positive tendency (employment increase and unemployment decrease). In the final part of the paper, some issues of active employment policy have been discussed, the same as prevention and combating of unemployment.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane kwestie przemian lokalnych rynków pracy w okresie transformacji gospodarki w latach 1990-1996 na przykładzie województwa (regionu) tarnowskiego na tle rynku pracy w Polsce. W analizie rynku pracy uwzględniono stan aktywności ekonomicznej ludności, zasoby pracy, poziom zatrudnienia i bezrobocia, skutki bezrobocia, przeciwdziałanie i sposoby jego zwalczania, racjonalizację zatrudnienia i stwarzanie warunków do powstania nowych miejsc pracy.
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