Jedynym racjonalnym sposobem utylizacji odpadowego kwasu solnego jest jego bezpośrednia elektroliza w celu uzyskania chloru i wodoru. Problem stanowi niedoskonałe tworzywo elektrodowe, jakim jest grafit. Zaproponowano stosowanie alternatywnych tworzyw na osnowie miedzi i srebra. Otrzymano następujące materiały elektrodowe: miedź z galwaniczną powłoką srebra Cu/Ag 70-120 μm, także aktywowaną galwaniczną powłoką Pt o grubości 1 μm; srebro z termicznymi powłokami: Ag/Pt, Ag/ (70% Pt + 30% Ir); Ag/(40% RuO2 + 60% TiO2) oraz lite srebro. Po przebadaniu ww. materiałów uznano, że trudne kryteria procesu elektrolizy kwasu solnego spełniają elektrody: Ag/Pt i Cu/Ag 120 μm + 1 μm Pt.
Novel cathodes including (l) Cu coated with 70-120 μm Ag coatings, (II) electrodes l activated with 1 μm Pt, (III) Ag thermally coated with Pt or Pt/Rh or (4:6 w/w) RuO2-TiO2or (2:2:6 w/w) RuO2-lrO2-TiO2, and (IV) solid Ag, were examd. for morphology, phase compn. (after test electrolysis), corrosion resistance (potentiostatically), and hydrogen overpotential. In aq. 220-g/dm3 HCI, electrodes l (110 and 120 (μm Ag) and IV showed lin. corrosion coeffs. of 0.004,0.012 and 0.013 mm /year, resp.; III were least resistant. Electrodes II met the criteria for electrolysis of aq. HCI.
Wastewater has high potential as an energy source. Therefore, it is important to recover even the smallest part of this energy, e.g., in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). The obtained electricity production depends on the process rate of the electrodes. In MFC, the microorganisms are the catalyst of anode, and the cathode is usually made of carbon material. To increase the MFC efficiency it is necessary to search the new cathode materials. In this work, the electricity production from yeast wastewater in membrane-less microbial fuel cells with a carbon felt, Ni-Co, Cu-B, and Cu-Ag cathodes has been analyzed. In the first place, the measurements of the stationary potential of the electrodes (with Cu-Ag catalyst obtained by the electrochemical deposition technique) were performed. Next, the analysis of the electric energy production during the operation of the membrane-less microbial fuel cell (ML-MFC). The highest parameters were obtained for the Ni-Co and Cu-Ag catalysts. The cell voltage of 607 mV for Ni-Co and 605 mV for Cu-Ag was obtained. Additionally, the power of 4.29 mW for both cathodes - Ni-Co and Cu-Ag was obtained. Moreover, Ni-Co and Cu-Ag allow the shortest time of COD reduction. Based on the test results (with selected MFC design, wastewater, temperature, etc.), it can be concluded that of all the analyzed electrodes, Cu-Ag and Ni-Co electrodes have the best parameters for use as cathodes in ML-MFC. However, based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that all the tested electrodes can be used as cathode material in MFC.
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