Dynamic changes in international relations as well as political, economic and social conditions make it necessary to study the behavior of inhabitants of border regions. The article aims to present non-economic determinants of the behavior of the inhabitants of the Kaliningrad Oblast on the Polish border market. The article describes the specificity of the market behavior of Russians, the causes and effects of changes in these behaviors. Selected political and economic, socio-cultural and psychological factors as well as situational factors such as local border traffic are described. The analysis of bibliographic materials was used to achieve the goal. The behavior of Russians is influenced by the decisions of the authorities and the social, emotional and existential values created in l, but geopolitical factors seem to take precedence over socio-cultural and psychological factors.
Opracowanie jest empiryczną identyfikacją strategii alokacji dochodów polskich gospodarstw domowych na konsumpcję, oszczędzanie i inwestowanie. Autorzy wyróżniają 4 podstawowe strategie podziału dochodów: szeregową, dwutorową, rozgałęzioną i równoległą. Pomiar preferencji wykonano za pomocą ocen porównawczych na skali Thurstone’a. Szerszy model objął alokację zasobów zarówno w indywidualnych decyzjach członków gospodarstw domowych, jak i wspólnych, zagregowanych decyzjach całego gospodarstwa domowego, z uwzględnieniem cyklu życia rodziny i ról pełnionych w procesie zakupu.
The subject of this paper is an empirical identification of the income allocation strategies of Polish households in the area of consumption, savings and investments. The authors distinguish four basic strategies of household resource allocation: 1) sequential 2) double-track, 3) branched and 4) parallel. The empirical analysis is made on the basis of multi-level logit model, and the preference measurement model based on thurstonian law of comparative judgment. Preference modeling involves the resource allocation at both the individual decisions of household members as well as at the aggregate level, using family life cycle stage and buying roles of family members
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