The aim of the article is to present how big a role a brand fulfils, which is a determinant of the development of economy in Lubuskie Voivodeship. Building a strong brand becomes a task for many years. The effects can be noticed earlier through promotion actions focused on organizing all kinds of cultural events and fixtures. A strong brand is a huge source of competitive advantage. Creating a strong brand is a catalyst of the economic development of the region. A sign, logo, is not enough for the economic development to increase. The use of innovative information technologies is necessary to distinguish the region from the other ones. The driving force is to build a strong image identifying the strength of the region values. A strong brand determines the present existence and distinction on the global market.
Celem artykułu jest ukazane działań oraz sposobów i zakresu zaangażowania różnego rodzaju interesariuszy w proces kształtowania marki regionu za granicą. W tym celu przeprowadzono pół ustrukturyzowane wywiady indywidualne z jednym pracownikiem każdego z wybranych pięciu biur regionalnych w Brukseli. Analizie poddano istotę i motywy kształtowania marki regionu, postrzeganie roli biur regionalnych oraz sposób zaangażowania grup interesariuszy w proces. Wyniki wykazały, że wszystkie analizowane województwa widzą potrzebę posiadania silnej międzynarodowej marki. Jest to możliwe po uprzednim zidentyfikowaniu i zbudowaniu tożsamość regionu. W procesie budowania marki zaangażowane powinny być wszystkie grupy interesariuszy. Ze względu na ograniczony czas badania i brak zgody niektórych regionów na udział w badaniu, rekomenduje się uwzględnienie w dalszych badaniach pozostałych polskich województw, a także uwzględnienie pomiarów i skuteczności prowadzonych działań z zakresu brandingu.
The aim of this article is to illustrate measures as well as means and range of involvement taken by different types of stakeholders in the process of region’s branding abroad. For this purpose semi-structured individual interviews with one employee from each of five selected regional offices have been conducted in Brussels. The essence and motives of the region’s branding, the role of regional offices and the involvement of stakeholders in the whole process have been analyzed. The results of the analysis indicate that all analyzed voivodships recognize the need to possess a strong, international brand, which can be achieved after identifying and creating region’s identity. In the process of branding all groups of stakeholders should be involved. Due to the limited duration of the study and the lack of agreement of some regions to participate in it, it is recommended to consult other Polish voivodships in further studies and to analyze measurements and the effectiveness of performed actions concerning branding.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the role of museums as specific entities of the cultural market in shaping the region brand. Methodology: The paper presents the results of a case study and desk research, regarding the role of museums in building the image of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, supplemented with selected results of quantitative and qualitative own research. Findings: The analysis showed that increasing the role of museums in building the region brand is in the best interest of both parties and that there are many cooperation methods for museums and regions that bring real benefits. Practical implications: Looking for a model of cooperation that will be beneficial for both the region and museums and their brands is therefore crucial. Originality/value: According to the author knowledge, the paper is one of the very first attempts to identify the role of museums in creating the region brand.
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