Realization of a national interests is a leading through the country political-economy actions based on a possessed national strategy. In Polish reality the role of leading strategy should be played by a long-term development plans. Now strategy - Long-time National Development Strategy Poland 2030 is one of them. It defines detailed in some, defined by country, areas of its actions and indicate the way of achieve them. In case of Polish sea interest, we should admit that they are not strictly related with sea economy and in a much higher degree are determinate in sectors strategy, energetic, environment and regional development. Achieving them is conditioned by ability to use it’s own potential and due to limited possibility in impact on sea areas, also in use already existing or arising supranational arrangements. Independent leaded by Poland actions should be concentrate in Baltic Sea. Important target should be correlation polish national interests with regional cooperation plans. It should be concentrate in sailing security issue, especially oil tankers and incorporate polish ports into system of transporting commodities form Asia to Europe and combating organized crimes. We should admit that, the most important target of polish presence on others water reservoirs is partial assumption of liability for polish transport of LNG gaze security by UE and NATO. That is why committed ourselves in UE action, including combating immigrations (BRODEX project) is necessary.
The aim of the article is to analyze NATO’s activities in ensuring security in the Mediterranean and the importance of this basin for security in the region and outside. Therefore, the main research problem in this article boils down to the question: how is the activity of the North Atlantic Alliance in the Mediterranean, and what role does this basin play in the regional and global security systems? The article indicates the multifaceted importance of the Mediterranean Sea for NATO, key challenges and threats generated in this region, as well as actions taken by the Alliance to build safety in this area. During the conducted research, theoretical methods were used primarily, i.e., source analysis, synthesis, abstraction or generalization. Research was carried out based on scientific articles, monographs and websites, in particular the official website of the North Atlantic Alliance. In the course of research, an institutional and legal analysis method was also used, involving the analysis of normative documents issued by NATO.
Francuska koncepcja mocarstwa morskiego została oparta na tezie, iż państwo o takim potencjale i położeniu geograficznym powinno kreować regionalne projekty długofalowej zrównoważonej eksploatacji akwenów morskich i regionów przybrzeżnych. Koncepcja ta została dostosowana do istniejących uwarunkowań politycznych, a zwłaszcza faktu funkcjonowania w strukturze państwa zamorskich posiadłości pozaeuropejskich (terytoria zależne). Francuska mocarstwowość morska jest postrzegana także jako zdolność do kreowania procesów rozwojowych wokół terytoriów zależnych. W oparciu o dokonane analizy oficjalnych dokumentów strategicznych (zwłaszcza Stratégie nationale pour la mer et le littoral z 2017 roku) stwierdzono, że najefektywniejszym instrumentem tej polityki jest wykorzystanie regionalnych układów politycznych, w których rolę kreatora działań odgrywać będzie Francja. Formuła tego zaangażowania jest ściśle dostosowana do specyfiki francuskich interesów w danym regionie i prowadzona przez państwowych interesariuszy z wykorzystaniem możliwości jakie daje członkostwo w Unii Europejskiej. Jej ograniczeniem jest natomiast potencjał gospodarczy jakim dysponuje Republika Francuska.
The French concept of a maritime power was based on the thesis that a state with such potential and geographical location should create regional projects for the long-term sustainable exploitation of the sea basins and coastal regions. This concept was adapted to the existing political conditions, especially the fact that overseas non-European possessions (dependent territories) function within the state structure. French maritime power is also seen as the ability to create development processes around dependent territories. Based on analyses of official strategic documents, including the Stratégie nationale pour la mer et le littoral (2017), it was concluded that the most effective instrument of this policy is the use of regional political arrangements, in which France will play the role of creator of activities. The formula for this engagement is strictly tailored to the specifics of French interests in a given region and conducted by state stakeholders using the opportunities offered by membership in the European Union. Its limitation, however, is the economic potential available to the Fifth Republic.
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