For the international exchange of goods, an exact estimated time of arrival (ETA), especially in case of delays, is of great importance. Using global data of the automatic identification system (AIS) a grid node is generated. The sum of such nodes and their connections form a routing graph. As an example, with one node of in total more than 100,000 nodes it is described how this point gets the maximum vessel length and draft assigned.
Czas kryzysu powoduje konieczność ciągłego monitorowania zmian zachodzących w gospodarce, analizowania przyczyn i skutków ich powstawania oraz ciągłych poszukiwań związanych z łagodzeniem skutków kryzysu. Kwestie te dotyczą również transportu morskiego. W artykule autorzy poddali analizie wyniki gospodarcze osiągane w sektorze transportu morskiego w Polsce w dobie trwającego kryzysu gospodarczego. W pierwszej części opracowania, w ujęciu syntetycznym, omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące wpływu kryzysu dla funkcjonowania sektora transportu i istotnej jego części - transportu morskiego. Zagadnienia te przedstawiono w kontekście oceny kształtowania się wybranych wskaźników makroekonomicznych polskiej gospodarki tj.: Produkt Krajowy Brutto (PKB), stopa bezrobocia, stopa inflacji, deficyt budżetowy, w latach 2007-2009, na tle gospodarki unijnej. W drugiej zaś podjęto próbę oceny skutków kryzysu dla funkcjonowania transportu morskiego prezentując zmiany w kształtowaniu się wielkości przewozu pasażerów i ładunków oraz wykonanej pracy przewozowej w transporcie morskim w Polsce i w Unii Europejskiej.
Time of crisis necessitates continuous monitoring of changes in the economy, analyzing the causes and consequences of their creation and ongoing research related to the mitigation of the crisis. These issues also apply to maritime transport. The authors analyzed the economic performance achieved in the maritime transport sector in Poland in the era of the ongoing economic crisis. In the first part of the paper, the synthetic approach, discussed issues concerning the impact of the crisis for the operation of the transport sector and a substantial part of it - sea transport. These issues are presented in the context of the development of selected macroeconomic indicators such as the Polish economy: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment, inflation, budget deficits in 2007-2009, against the background of the EU economy. On the other hand, attempts to assess the impact of the crisis for the operation of maritime transport in the shaping of presenting changes in the volume of passenger and freight transport performance and maritime transport in Poland and the European Union.
Objectives Good communication between seafarers and their families at home is essential to compensate for the work-related strain experienced on board ships. This paper presents the needs and possibilities for communication with home in seafaring. Material and Methods In total, 323 seafarers were interviewed during their work assignments on board (the participation rate of 88.5%). The results were stratified by cultural background, family ties, rank groups and shipping routes. Results The average stay of the officers on board the current vessels lasted 4 months and that of the ratings 9 months (p < 0.001). About a third of the officers and a half of the ratings evaluated these lengths of stay as too long. In the study, only 50 participants (15.5%) mentioned that the Internet on board their previous vessel was available for private use. Only 40.6% of these crew members stated that they had used it on a daily basis. Particularly the seafarers assigned to worldwide destinations and crew members without children experienced the insufficient possibilities for telecommunication as work-related strain (OR 1.87, 95% CI: 1.15–3.04 respective OR 2.00, 95% CI: 1.03–3.88). The average amount of time spent on telecommunication amounted to more than 2.5 h/week (which equals approximately 20 min/day). The average cost of about USD 30/week for telecommunication was considered by 24.7% of the seafarers as “much too high.” Conclusions The fact that several crew members considered the time spans of their assignments as too long should lead to certain adjustments. In view of the importance of good options for shipboard telecommunication, this study makes an essential contribution to understanding the crews’ needs. Measures should be taken to improve communication by allowing an easier access to information and communication technology (ICT) (on board and ashore), by offering cheaper fees, and by providing Internet access in their cabins. The study results show a substantial need to improve the means of communication on board ships. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(6):805–15
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