Przedstawiono skład i stężenia związków z grupy chlordanu w podskórnej tkance tłuszczowej morświnów złowionych jako przyłów w Zatoce Gdańskiej. Próbki ekstrahowano i oczyszczono metodą niedestrukcyjną z dializą przez membranę polietylenową. Wyciąg analizowano techniką kapilarnej chromatografii gazowej i niskorozdzielczej spektrometrii mas (HRGC/LRMS). Oznaczono stężenia heptachloru, U82, MC4, trans-chlordanu, MC5, cis- chlordanu, MC7, MC6, trans-nonachloru, cis-nonachloru, oksychlordanu i epoksydu heptachloru.
The composition and the concentration of chlordanes were shown in blubber of harbour porpoises collected from the Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea, in 1991 - 1992. Chlordanes were determined using capillary gas chromatography and low resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/LRMS). The range of CHLs concentration in blubber was between 420 - 1000 ng/g wet weight (470 - 1300 ng/g lipid weight). The composition of CHLs residues was similar in males and females, with trans-nonachlor (37%) as a most abundant compound, and followed by heptachlor epoxide (15%), cis-chlordane (14%), cis-nonachlor (14%), oxychlordane (11%), MC6 (3%), MC5 (2%), trans-chlordane, MC7, U82 and MC4 (<1%).
Over 700 specimens of Corynosoma strumosum (Rudolphi, 1802) Lühe, 1904 were collected from one young male Caspian seal, Pusa caspica (Gmelin) in the southern land-locked Caspian Sea in April, 2009. Collected worms showed consistent variations from those reported by other observers using light microscopy especially in proboscis hook and trunk spine patterns. SEM images revealed many features that have not been previously reported including the shape and distribution of trunk spines, dorsoventral differences in proboscis hooks and their organization, the baldness of anterior proboscis, the rough egg topography, epidermal micropores, and variations in the female gonopore. This isolated population of C. strumosum from the land-locked Caspian Sea is distinguished from others reported from open waters elsewhere by the distribution of trunk spines, consistently smaller size of trunk and testes, larger eggs, and fewer proboscis hooks. Histopathological sections reveal the invasive path of worms in host tissue with damage to intestinal villi and worm encapsulation. Information obtained from SEM studies and histopathological sections is reported for the first time.
Samples of stomach fundus and pylorus tissue collected from eight dogs experimentally infected with third-stage A. simplex В larvae were examined macro- and microscopically. The histopathological changes in these samples were analysed. Pathomorphological examination revealed that A. simplex В larvae actively penetrated the dog’s stomach wall within 2 days of infection. The presence of larvae in the mucous membrane was accompanied by tissue damage and cell infiltration predominantly by eosinophils.
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