Wykorzystanie systemu elektronicznej mapy w zautomatyzowanym systemie wspomagania dowodzenia rodzajem sił zbrojnych wymaga wypracowania i określenia dokładnych standardów wymiany danych zapewniających kompatybilność z innymi rodzajami sił. Wymusza to istnienie standardów umożliwiających interoperacyjność i niezakłócony przepływ danych. Artykuł w skrótowej formie przedstawia przegląd istniejących na świecie standardów wymiany danych stosowanych w systemach elektronicznej mapy będących zasadniczym elementem systemu wspomagania dowodzenia marynarką wojenną
Using the electronic map in command and controll systems demand clear definition of standards for data exchange. Only this can assure full compatibility with other forces during national and international cooperation. The article shortly presents trends and standars used for digital geodetic data exchange for civilian and military aplications
Orthophotomaps are now an irreplaceable source of topographic data acquisition, which also can be used in the preparation of navigational charts. As they are maps for special applications, they shall have a specified charting accuracy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the shoreline mapping using aerial photographs and satellite images. This evaluation was based on the statistical analysis related to the accuracy of the vectorization of the inland waters shoreline.
Ortofotomapy stanowią dziś niezastąpione źródło pozyskiwania danych topograficznych, które również można wykorzystać w opracowaniu map nawigacyjnych. W związku z faktem, że są to mapy do zastosowań specjalnych, muszą cechować się określoną dokładnością sytuacyjną. Celem pracy jest ocena dokładności kartowania linii brzegowej z wykorzystaniem zdjęć lotniczych i obrazów satelitarnych. Oceny tej dokonano na podstawie analizy statystycznej związanej z określeniem dokładności wektoryzacji linii brzegowej akwenów śródlądowych.
Autorzy omawiają funkcjonalność map oraz cele, jakim służy wprowadzenie interaktywności w procesie użytkowania map elektronicznych. Głównym celem artykułu jest przegląd funkcji interaktywnych stosowanych na mapach, oparty na klasyfikacji podanej przez J. Cron. Funkcje interaktywne scharakteryzowano w dwóch aspektach: zakresu funkcjonalności oraz sposobu realizacji.
Functionality as a certain feature of maps significantly affects the range of their usage, while interactivity is a feature connected to map usage. A combination of these features results in interactive functions of maps, which can be perceived as a type of steering tools of an electronic map. The range of functionality of such maps is determined by the functions which are inter-active. interactivity is understood as a method of modifying information transfer in the process of map reading. It assumes a possibility of the map influencing the user, but also grants the user with a possibility to influence the range and form of information presented on the map. interactivity is linked predominantly with the use of digital technology, but is by no means a new phenomenon in map usage. A significant increase of inter-activity in modern maps results from linking maps to databases and the introduction of IT tools enabling the user (information recipient) to shape not only the range of information but also the way it is presented. Interactivity in map usage can relate to presentation form, presentation method or data itself. By interacting with presentation form the user can influence graphic form of presented data. The most common of such interactions is a modification of cartographic signs through altering their graphic variables - color, lightness, shape, orientation and size. Method of presentation relies on operations performed on a data set with particular algorithms. User-defined algorithms not only enable an appropriate graphic symbolization of spatial data, but also account for some aspects of cartographic generalization. In the case of thematic maps access to algorithms is also linked to modification of statistical parameters. Interaction with data involves the use of databases, which are accessible through Structural Query Language - SQL. Maps integrated with databases facilitate complicated spatial analyses using complex queries to databases. The above three types of activities show that inter-activity is highest when the user modifies information recorded in databases (spatial data analysis and exploration capability). Lower level of interactivity involves modification of data presentation, i.e. the graphic form of presentation. Therefore, the higher the level of map interactivity, the wider the range of usage and more developed their functionality. The performed analysis of interactive functions bases on the classification proposed by J. Cron (2006). The character of functions and their realization is de-scribed, distinguishing general, navigation, didactic, cartographic and visualization functions as well as GIS. General functions are not specific exclusively for cartographic presentations. They can be used in all types of computer programs when visualization and interactivity is involved. Interactive functions of this type are mostly realized through elements of the inter-face - icons. They are often accompanied by drop down lists, toggle buttons or function keys. Navigation functions can be divided into three sub-groups: spatial, thematic and time navigation. They are realized by various elements of the interface. All element categories are represented here. Didactic functions are mostly realized by two elements of the interface - display field and icons. Explanation functions belonging to this group can alternatively be served by a drop down list or a toggle button. Tabs or drawers are sometimes also used. Educational functions are mostly realized through toggle buttons, and access to these functions is usually through drop down lists or icons. In quiz function input fields, list box and option keys are used; answers are shown in a display field. In order to realize cartographic and visualization functions a variety of control elements is used, such as sliders, spin buttons, icons, drop down lists, list boxes, check boxes, option keys and toggle buttons. In the group of GIS functions spatial and object queries are served by icons and toggle buttons. Answers to thematic queries are presented in display fields, or set under tabs and drawers. Access to charts with statistical data is through icons and toggle buttons. Analytical functions are realized mainly through a drop down list or toggle buttons. Spin buttons, icons, check boxes and option keys can be used to set analysis parameters. For presentation of results of analyses concerning land relief display fields are necessary. Digital maps can be used for various purposes, from general applications to navigation, didactic, visualization, cartographic and GIS. The set of interactive functions is open and can be extended depending on user requirements and IT capability of their makers. The article includes only preliminary discussion of the issue of interactive functions of digital maps.
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