The predicted object distance on course Dc and the time interval to its occurrence Tc are sometimes used additional criteria for collision threat. They are calculated in some ARPAs as BCD - the bow crossing distance and BCT - the bow crossing time. The scope of this paper is aimed at the problem which although it can be and it is connected with collision avoidance manoeuvres, but it is rather reversed and can be applied for intentional approaches or in naval tactical manoeuvres - what own speed and/or course manoeuvre should be undertaken to achieve the required distance on course Dc and /or time to this distance Tc?
Formulae for calculation of own speed and course to achieve a required distance and time abeam in respect to a selected object are derived and their graphical interpretation is provided.
Formulae for calculation of own speed and course to achieve a required distance, time and bearings in respect to a selected object are derived and their graphical interpretation is provided.
The modern simulation software includes an impact of forces acting on the ship hull. One of the most significant forces is sea waves acting. The mathematical model allows simulation of ship motions in irregular sea wave area, both – at deep and shallow waters. The wave surface model enables simulation of the wave elevation in compliance with wave spectrum occurring in various conditions. The paper presents general description of the sea wave model used in maritime simulators. An example of such simulators is used at the laboratory of the Naval University of Gdynia, where it is operated basing on NT-Pro 5000 software by Transas Marine. The latest version of simulation software gives a possibility to select the wave spectrum. Selection of the waving type, depending on sea area location, makes the ship movement more reliable. This is an important element in testing the ships behavior process.
The present paper describes the hydrodynamic modelling solutions, applied in the newly developed shiphandling simulator at SMU (Szczecin Maritime University) for the inland navigation – called InSim. The objective is to provide some guidance on the simulator capability and potential while conducting various research and the crew training projects.
The paper presents a concept of elemental manoeuvres that may be used for analysis of ship handling training (including the training with manned model ships) and for simulation of complex manoeuvring scenarios. It shows a set of postulated elemental manoeuvres. A fuzzy clustering method is introduced and applied for the classification of manoeuvring patterns. The fuzzy clustering algorithm is used for the extraction of elemental manoeuvres from the records of ship handling manoeuvres of LCC model ship. The best set of variables for the extraction of elemental manoeuvres consists of normalised ship velocities and controls.
This paper evaluates an ASD tug’s main control parameters in terms of: the propeller thrust, a direction thereof (the thruster angle), and the hull drift angle for given escort speed and required push force. Such a relation is sometimes referred to as the tug performance diagram. A simplified model of tug hydrodynamics is used to arrive at the qualitative and most representative relations of the above variables. This model is rather generic that can also suit any type of tug hydrodynamics, including even that related to a conventional tug.
The paper describes a mean of using vessel’s manoeuvring parameters recorded in real conditions for the purpose of analysing the environment influence on ship’s behaviour. This information has also been used to conduct a comparative analysis of a real vessel and its simulation model in the data base of a navigationmanoeuvring simulator. The measurements were taken on an unrestricted sea area so as to eliminate the impact of developed sites on wind field. The research was conducted in the region of the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Short-term prediction is a tool that helps to manoeuvre inland units, allows assessing the effect of the planned manoeuvre and reduces the probability of collision. Model of ships hydrodynamics is required to perform this task. In the paper simple to implement solution based on a Nomoto model is proposed. Method of determi ning the parameters of the model was presented. Researches were carried out with use of INSim Inland Navigation Simulator.
The ridge regression is presented for identify manoeuvring indices in Nomoto’s model, and the result indicates that the method is robust and does not rely on initial estimation. For selecting appropriate AIS data for manoeuvring indices predicting, a frequency domain identification method is presented.
In this paper a simple four-point, in terms of time, but eight-value in total, identification method has been developed for the second-order linear Nomoto steering model. The algorithm intrinsically uses the zigzag test data in that it inherited some principles of the well-known procedure for the first-order model, from which it is essentially derived. The performance evaluation was then conducted with both simulated and real data. However, the results of these early, unprecedented efforts are far from satisfactory. Some potential sources of difficulties have been discussed. This calls for further research and improvement in order to provide a practical application of the method.
Safe entrance to the port of LNG carrier (vessel of length abt. 300m) to the terminal requires considering of technical and navigational aspects, as well as fulfilment of series of safety criteria related to manoeuvring, mooring and unloading of LNG carrier (LNGC). Complex manoeuvring, mooring and unloading safety assessment of LNG C in port, might be done as a assessment of particular types of manoeuvres and exploitation operations. Article copes with all this aspects.
The predicted object CPA (Closest Point of Approach) distance DCPA and, to a lesser extent, the time interval to its occurrence TCPA are well established criteria for collision threat. They are approach parameters widely used as well in collision avoidance systems featuring computer - aided tracking (ARPAs) as in manual radar plots. The scope of this paper is aimed at the problem which although it can be and it is connected with collision avoidance manoeuvres, but it is rather reversed and can be applied for intentional approaches or in naval tactical manoeuvres - what own speed and/or course manoeuvre should be undertaken to achieve the required CPA distance and/or time?
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W artykule zaproponowano sposób modelowania przestrzeni nawigacyjnej wokół statku, niezbędnej do zachowania jego bezpieczeństwa podczas manewrowania w akwenach ograniczonych. Model tak zdefiniowanej przestrzeni (zwanej domeną ) może posłużyć nam do oceny ryzyka nawigacyjnego w akwenie oraz ustalenia prędkości bezpicznej statku. Istotą proponowanych w pracy metod jest systemowe ujecie eksploatacji statku morskiego w aspekcie oceny jego bezpieczeństwa podczas manewrowania w ograniczonych akwenach.
In this paper the author presents a method of modelling the navigational area round a vessel which is indispensable for maintaining safety when navigating in restricted sea area. He also depicts methods that can be used for applying the model of the area (i.e.domain) defined in the above mentioned way, in order to estimate navigational risk in the sea area and establish safe speed. The essence of the method suggested in the thesis constitutes a systematic approach to sea vessel operation in estimating its safety when navigating in restricted sea areas.
The following paper presents an original, universal method of formal safety assessment of ship manoeuvring in sea waterways. The method allows evaluation of a ship’s formal safety assessment on various types of waterways. It may be a basis for standardizing the methods of performing the ‘navigational analyses’ which are required in Poland.
The problem of considerable difference between the first- and second-order linear Nomoto models is undertaken, not well covered in literature so far. If the former approximates the latter (better one, of a sound hydrodynamic interpretation) for some reasons, its parameters can not be easily derived from the other one, except for some specific rare cases. For such an identification purpose, we can use a simulated zigzag response and the classic procedure proposed by Nomoto in 1960. However, the first-order model thus developed yields somehow redefined constants against the original model, which lose their normal hydrodynamic (or kinematic) sense. In other words, it is very sensitive to the manoeuvre type on input, being therein the zigzag test. Therefore, the model is allowed to be only used for simulating motions essentially similar to the input zigzag. In other words, the identification procedure works like a blind curve-fitting and the first-order model (in contrast to second-order one) is inadequate for reflecting arbitrary manoeuvres, even for mild rudder as to be within 'linear' assumptions. This study examines systematically and in detail such an incompatibility of the first order model in that it presents the conversion charts from the standpoint of 10°/10° zigzag test matching. One can receive higher or lower values for the parameters of first-order model, versus the second-order one, depending on the T3/T2 ratio of the latter model.
Artykuł zawiera systematyczne wyniki identyfikacji liniowego modelu Nomoto pierwszego rzędu na podstawie symulowanej próby wężowej różnych wariantów modelu drugiego rzędu. W toku analizy stwierdzono ogólną nieadekwatność (strukturalną) modelu pierwszego rzędu do symulacji dowolnych manewrów, w przeciwieństwie do modelu drugiego rzędu, nawet w granicach liniowości dynamiki statku. Wyniki identyfikacji silnie bowiem zależą od rozpatrywanego manewru.
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The aim of the present paper is to determine the availability and main features of existing harbour tugs from the viewpoint of type and maximum bollard pull achievable nowadays. Particular interest is also focused on a tug's length as one of main dimensions representing the hull size. This length affects the manoeuvring area occupied by an assisting tug and expresses its basic turning and stopping performance. One can simply state that the involved manoeuvring area is proportional to the length. However, the same hull of a tug within the current shipbuilding practice, unlike in the past (when the higher propulsion power implied a larger hull) can accommodate propulsion units of quite different power. Thus, the higher propulsion power is installed the higher towing forces are achieved, and in addition the turning or stopping ability of a free-sailing tug is essentially improved. The conducted research is based on analysing the world fleet statistical data. The obtained results provide support for making operational and investment decisions by harbour authorities in the aspect of harbour modernisation or its traffic expansion.
Celem niniejszej analizy jest określenie dostępności oraz własności manewrowych holowników portowych w zakresie maksymalnego możliwego uciągu na palu BP (ang. bollard pull). Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na typ napędu holownika i długość całkowitą jednostki LOA (ang. length over all), od której w dużym stopniu zależy przestrzeń manewrowa zajmowana przez holownik i trudnośćw manewrowaniu. Uzyskane wyniki stanowią pomoc w podejmowaniu decyzji operacyjnych i inwestycyjnych władz portowych w aspekcie modernizacji portu lub nowych uwarunkowań eksploatacyjnych, gdzie podstawowym zadaniem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa operacji manewrowych.
This paper is a continuation of papers dedicated to a radar-based CTPA (Collision Threat Parameters Area) display designed to support safe manoeuvre selection. The display visualizes all the ships in an encounter and presents situational overview from the own ship's point of view. It calculates and displays information on unsafe or unrealistic own ship's course & speed allowing a user to select a safe manoeuvre. So far only the manual selection was possible, thus the paper aims at presenting a heuristic approach towards the manoeuvre selection when using the display.
The paper presents theoretical basis of the probabilistic-fuzzy method for assessing the safety of a ship manoeuvring on fairways. The method allows to account for such different states / conditions as the danger to the safety and the intuition that the safety of a ship manoeuvre is threatened, based on the probabilistic analysis of risk and elements of fuzzy logic. A dangerous navigational situation is defined as a fuzzy event. Two methods of determining the probability of a fuzzy event occurrence are presented. The results are compared with those obtained from a quantitative method of safety assessment based on probabilistic methods.
The Bezier curve is used as a basis of zig-zag data approximation. It improves an estimate of external excitations acting during such a type of maneuver. In addition to the previous report about a turning test modeling, this makes available most of the existing full-scale trial results for the force-based identification of ship maneuvering mathematical model.
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