The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the base for enterprise management, because it is about all main processes, functionality and resources of CSR. This paper presents advantages which come from CSR conception. Application of CSR idea to enterprise management has positive impact on satisfying customer requirements and other sites like employees, suppliers or local community expectations. Also, it guarantees customer loyalty and raises the credibility for cooperators, trade partners and local authorities.
An article refers to some problems of management of firm - considered in present and future aspects of working. Today and foreseen changes in world economy will cause important results in management. Modern management bases on great knowledge, imagination, inventiveness and courage. Only these factors secure elasticity for firm in changing market conditions. Such an idea represents lean management conception. Management in future will be global management as a result of international cooperation.
Działalność współczesnych przedsiębiorstw skoncentrowana jest przede wszystkim na działaniach zwiększających ich wartość. Wszelkie procesy przebiegające wewnątrz organizacji skierowane są na realizację celu działania każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Tym celem jest pomnażanie wartości dla akcjonariuszy. W artykule podjęto próbę pokazania potrzeby wdrożenia Balanced Scorecard jako narzędzia controlingu strategicznego. Porównano BSC dla banku komercyjnego oraz dla firmy produkcyjnej branży farmaceutycznej w kontekście kreowania wartości dla akcjonariuszy.
In their operations, contemporary businesses focus chiefly on activities aimed to increase their value. All the processes within an organisation are targeted at realisation of the company's major goal -i.e. enhancement of the company's value for the shareholders. The need to implement the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic controlling tool is recognised. The BBS applications in a commercial bank and in pharmaceutics company are compared in the context of value creation.
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