Main premise of undertaking this article preparation was the need to identify the types of strategies developed at particular management levels in tourist enterprises. Considerations are based on a bibliographic query concerning strategic management as well as based on the results of a survey conducted in the form of a direct, free (informal) interview with ten entrepreneurs, managers of entities participating in exchange processes that take place on the tourist market.
Przesłankę podjęcia trudu przygotowania pracy stanowiła potrzeba zidentyfikowania rodzajów strategii opracowywanych na poszczególnych szczeblach zarządzania w przedsiębiorstwach turystycznych. Rozważania prowadzone są w oparciu o kwerendę bibliograficzną dotyczącą zarządzania strategicznego, jak również na podstawie wyników sondażu przeprowadzonego w formie wywiadu bezpośredniego, swobodnego (niesformalizowanego) z dziesięcioma przedsiębiorcami, kierownikami podmiotów uczestniczących w procesach wymiany, które dokonują się na rynku turystycznym.
The purpose of the present paper is to present the most important aspects for competency-based education and training for both maritime and the Inland Waterways sector, to ensure that every student/trainee in the EU possesses the same competencies on operational level (OL) and management level (ML) after graduating from their study or training. To reach these goals, trainers need to be able to educate and train students in the competency based system, which serves two purposes: defining minimum key competencies needed for crew members on board maritime and IWT vessels throughout the EU or worldwide, and thereby improving safety of navigation at sea and on the European interconnected waterways, and an increased level of labour mobility for crew members educated with the competencies as laid down in STCW 2010 and the new European directive.
Maritime education and training (MET) are under constant pressure from the maritime industry, characterized by extremely rapid development. Due to the high risk in the transport and handling of crude oil, seafarers employed on oil tankers are required to have skills and competencies well above the minimum education standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW). Therefore, tanker companies should provide additional training for their employees to ensure the fundamental goals of zero‐accident rates and reduce human error to a minimum. This especially applies to seafarers at the management level, who must have the competence and knowledge to operate oil tankers at the highest professional level. This paper examines the current challenges in education and the required competencies of seafarers at management levels concerning the rapid growth and development of the tanker industry. In addition, some shortcomings regarding the current form of education and training have been considered, and recommendations for the future upgrade of the education and training system for seafarers at the management level are provided.