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Content available remote Maintenance management efficiency evaluation
The purposeful processing of long-term documented maintenance data can provide plenty of information not only about a machine's history, but also about its maintenance system. The main objective of data analysis is to continually improve the maintenance efficiency, which is closely related to improvements in dependability and overall productivity of the production equipment. This paper pinpoints the main problems of most widespread indicators of maintenance efficiency - OEE and other proposed alternative methods for maintenance efficiency assessment, with the aim of locating the weakest areas of the maintenance system.
Content available remote Maintenance data evaluation
tom nr 3
The paper briefly describes and demonstrates the possibilities of processing, utilization and evaluation of computer maintenance system based data with the aim of increasing of quality and effectiveness of maintenance system. The data in the example were obtained from machine works which uses computer maintenance management for last three years. The presented example is focused on evaluation of maintenance records from point of view of maintenance management system. An emphasis is put on continuous corrections of the maintenance system resulting in its improvement and elimination of weak points.
Content available remote The influence of attack helicopter modernization on pilot decision process
tom nr 25
The proper maintenance of attack helicopters is the basis of the Army Aviation operational effectiveness. In order to improve the effectiveness of the air support to the Army, this modernization of attack helicopters should be done. It is essential for increasing performance indicators of the Army Aviation. The project of modernization should consider improvement of attack helicopter survivability by increasing resistance to destruction. This aspect has a crucial impact on a pilot decision process during a flight. That is why the modernization should be considered in technical, economic and flying aspects.
Content available remote Narzędzia wspomagające utrzymanie ruchu maszyn górniczych
Jednym z czynników warunkujących prawidłowe funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa jest odpowiednia realizacja procesu utrzymania ruchu maszyn. Poprawne wykonywanie czynności w ramach tego procesu wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniej wiedzy. Zasoby wiedzy powinny mieć odpowiednią zawartość merytoryczną oraz być dostosowane do warunków, w jakich ww. proces jest realizowany. W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne rozwiązanie wspomagające proces utrzymania ruchu maszyn, na przykładzie maszyn górniczych.
Proper conducting of machines maintenance process is one of factors that influence company operation. Correct performance of maintenance activities requires relevant knowledge. Knowledge resources used by maintenance personnel should meet their needs regarding content and should be adjusted to conditions in which they will be used. In the article solution dedicated to aid mining machines maintenance is presented.
As preliminary investigations by the Institute for Machine Tools confirm, practical experiences of the users show that the maintainability often plays a secondary role in the development and the design of machining systems. The reasons for that are various. In the absence of suitable characteristic numbers, the economic benefit of a maintainable design is difficult to quantify for practical application. The paper is concerned with a possible approach to the economic evaluation of machine assemblies and components such as main spindle, feed drives with guides and pallet changing system, also with regard to the expenditure on their maintenance. With the help of the LCC equations (optimization of the life cycle costs for machines and machining centres [1]), the costs of the life cycle phases are determined by using the example of a pallet changing system (see Chapter 2) of a medium-sized machining centre. The comparison demonstrates that improving the maintainability in designing offers economic advantages, resulting in corresponding reductions in maintenance costs. In addition, this paper presents a procedure for drawing up a design catalogue for maintainable development and design by using the example of a chip collection system (suction hood close to tool) developed at the IfW.
Content available remote Struktura problemowa nauk o eksploatacji obiektów technicznych
tom nr 3
W artykule dokonano próby ustalenia zakresu i struktury nauk o eksploatacji. Podano definicję pojęcia "eksploatacja" i "proces eksploatacji". Scharakteryzowano oraz podano cel nauk o eksploatacji. Wnioski końcowe mogą być wykorzystane do modernizacji istniejących programów kształcenia, wprowadzania nowych dyscyplin naukowych i odpowiedniego ukierunkowania treści już wykładanych przedmiotów.
Scope and structure of maintenance science were presented and described in the paper. "Maintenance" and "maintenance process" concepts were defined, as well. Aim of maintenance science was presented and characterised by the author. Final results can be used for higher education curriculum modification, new scientific disciplines introduction and proper refinement of present lectures topics.
Modern enterprises are forced to constantly improve ways of management and to introduce changes. One of the changes is a alteration of organizational culture and acceptance of participation of employees in designing and implementing new solutions. The article presents a concept of improvement in maintenance treated as a macroergonomic system. Pursuit of growth of effectiveness of maintenance system requires designing its subsystems- social and technical- together.
The Polish language keeps losing its position in comparison with other community languages. This is a result of new waves of immigrants arriving from China, Vietnam and Arabic countries. The article presents the current situation of Polish language in Australia referring first to the data gathered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, then discussing factors that are crucial for language maintenance/shifting using the already existing models. The author divides the factors into ‘permanent’ and ‘dynamic,’ and then, in the second group he distinguishes between the factors that can or cannot be profiled. Such an approach reveals the areas where initiatives aimed at Polish language maintenance in Australia are most needed and can be the most effective.
Content available remote Targi MAINTAIN 2008. Konserwacja maszyn przedmiotem dialogu wystawców
tom R. 10, nr 7/8
Jaką rolę odgrywa utrzymanie ruchu w tworzeniu konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw, czy wpływa na wydłużenie okresu eksploatacji urządzeń, czy zwiększa wydajność procesów produkcyjnych oraz czy ma wpływ na właściwe zarządzanie zasobami produkcyjnymi? – na te i podobne pytania z pewnością odpowiedź będzie można znaleźć na organizowanych w dniach 14–16 października br. Międzynarodowych Targach Utrzymania Ruchu MAINTAIN 2008. Konserwacja maszyn zdobywa coraz większe znaczenie w przedsiębiorstwach, jako element strategiczny. Silniejsza konkurencja, której muszą sprostać zakłady, zmusza siłą rzeczy również do obniżania kosztów.
tom nr 3
The operational safety of power units depends upon many factors, including the methods of their operation, their working conditions, age, regularity and range of maintenance. The scope of the paper is the analysis of maintenance options for power machines and equipment. The assumed criterion for the selection of the range of repair works is the level of technical risk posed by a given facility below the accepted allowable level. Detailed discussion is focused on the water and steam system of the boiler. The influence of the maintenance on the probability of failure of certain components is described on the grounds of Kijima's model. For the assumed maintenance periods minimal sets of equipment were determined, the repair of which should secure the operation of the water-steam system for a successive interval with the risk level lower than the allowable one.
The dangers originating within the vehicle usage process, resulting from incorrect operation of their braking subsystems have been evaluated in the paper. The subject of the analysis is influence of the forcing factors on occurrence of the damages to the bus braking subsystems. The operation and maintenance factors affecting the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes of the values of their significant features, as far as the vehicle operation is concerned, causing the damages. Among the forcing factors it is possible to distinguish the ones resulting from improper action of a human and those resulting from reaction of the environment to the technical objects. If the originated damages are not interconnected to one another by a cause and effect link, what means that they are independent and occur randomly, such damages are specified as primary ones herein. However, if the damages are dependable and they originate due to human faults in the process of repairing the primary damage or due to driver’s faults within the vehicle usage process then they are secondary ones. The vehicle damages at the operation and maintenance stage may occur due to human’s faults: - within the service process (diagnostic faults, parts dismantling and assembling faults, using wrong spare parts – e.g. non original ones, using substitutive repair means), - within the usage process (operator-driver’s faults, passengers’ faults), - within other processes (reactions coming from the environment of the technical object). The studies have covered a randomly chosen sample of the technical objects being operated and maintained within a real urban bus transportation system.
The present article does a chronological tour through some representative maintenance management models, describes them in a general way and classifies them according to their functioning under declarative models and under process oriented models. It distinguishes in addition the innovations proposed by each author and compares the elements appearing on each model with some of the points mentioned by the ISO 9001:2008 standard, as well as other criteria considered suitable to the case. From this analysis are derived the results between which are distinguished some desirable characteristics for a modern and efficient maintenance management model. In addition the application of these models for supporting industrial needs, as well as its future challenges are discussed too.
Zmiany stanu technicznego urządzeń srk są efektem procesów starzenia i zużycia ich elementów, a także realizacji celowych działań obsługowych. Informacja o niekorzystnej zmianie stanu technicznego powoduje powstanie problemu decyzyjnego. Jego rozwiązanie obejmuje zdefiniowanie celu niezbędnych działań obsługowych, a także określenie terminu i zakresu ich realizacji. Obsługiwanie urządzeń jest realizowane zgodnie z uproszczoną strategią według resursu. Dla wdrażania nowych, efektywnych strategii eksploatacji systemów srk niezbędna jest umiejętność oceny ich stanu technicznego. Do efektywnego kierowania procesem obsługiwania przydatne są metody modelowania realizowanych sekwencji działań.
Changes of the signaling devices technical state are the result of the ageing and wearing process of its components, as well as of the realization of targeted maintenances. Information about adverse change of the technical state gives rise to the decision-making problem. Its solution involves defining the aim of necessary maintenance operations and to establish the timing and extent of their implementation. Devices maintenance is carried out in accordance with simplified strategy by resource. For implementation of new, effective signaling systems exploitation strategies necessary is the skill of appreciation their technical condition. To effectively manage the maintenance process are useful the methods of operations sequence modeling.
This paper deals with the integrated supply chain management problem in the context of a single vendor-single buyer system for which the production unit is assumed to randomly shift from an in-control to an out-of-control state. Two different strategies, integrating production, shipment and maintenance policies, are proposed and compared to satisfy the buyers order at a minimum integrated total cost rate. The first strategy is based on a classical production policy for which the buyer’s order of size nQ is manufactured continuously and shipped by lots of size Q. The second strategy suggests that the same buyer’s order should be produced and shipped separately by equal sized lots Q. For both strategies, a corrective or preventive maintenance action is performed at the end of each production cycle, depending on the state of the production unit, and a new setup is carried out. The total integrated average cost per time unit is considered as the performance criterion allowing choosing the best policy for any given situation.
Content available remote System mechatroniczny w eksploatacji obiektów technicznych
tom nr 1
W artykule przedstawiono rozwój mechatronizacji systemów eksploatacji. Przedstawiono ogólną strukturę systemu mechatronicznego. Omówiono ogólne cechy systemów mechatronicznych na podstawie doświadczeń z ich realizacji w ramach projektów celowych w Instytucie Technologii Eksploatacji.
The development of the mechatronics in the maintenance system is presented in the article. The general structure of mechatronic system is presented. The general characteristics of mechatronic system based on experience in the research and development projects realization in the Institute for Technology are described.
The semi-conductive metal-oxide ceramics have highly non-ohmic current-voltage characteristics, which originate at the grain boundaries. Because of unique electric properties they are of both fundamental and technological interest. The paper is focused on the observation of relaxation currents during two-stage forced aging in sintered ZnO and SiC ceramics. Basics of the metal-oxide structure are recalled and polarisation currents measurement method is described. Specimens in virgin states were investigated and two stages of the forced controlled thermal aging was applied afterwards. The current dielectric responses at different magnitudes of test voltage were measured. Changes due to thermal degradation are discussed in the paper.
Półprzewodząca ceramika bazująca na tlenkach metali charakteryzuje się nieliniową charakterystyką prądowo-napięciową wynikająca z ze zjawisk na granicy ziaren. Artykuł koncentruje się na obserwacji prądów relaksacji podczas dwustopniowego starzenia spiekanej ceramiki ZnO i SiC. Opisano podstawowe zjawiska fizyczne i prąd polaryzacji. Ceramika była badana w stanie wyjściowym i po starzeniu. Badano prądy przy różych wartościach napięcia. Przedyskutowano zmiany parametrów na skutek zjawisk termicznych.
Content available remote Realizacja procesów eksploatacyjnych systemów sterowania ruchem kolejowym
tom z. 62
W trakcie eksploatacji urządzeń i systemów sterowania ruchem kolejowym procesy starzenia i zużycia powodują stopniową lub skokową utratę ich potencjału użytkowego. Nastepują niekorzystne zmiany stanu technicznego urządzeń. Dla obniżenia intensywności oddziaływań destrukcyjnych oraz przywrócenia urządzeniom stanu zdatności są realizowane procesy i działania noszące nazwę sterowalnych. Efektywność celowej działalności człowieka zależy od skuteczności podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych, warunkowanej dostępem do niezbędnych informacji o stanie urządzeń, zachodzących zdarzeniach i przebiegu realizacji poszczególnych procesów.
In the signalling systems exploitation the row of processes of ageing and wearing, that is indispenable for periodical sustain is up state or regenerate. The process can be define as the sequence of the functions realized in the system. Realization of every function is the effect of the definite event step out. Arising the event in exploitation system state follows after executing every function. The process realization should be in conformity with the goal formulated by the man. The efficiency of exploitation process realization depend on the access to information and exploiatation process realization depend on the access to information and exploitation political and strategy received. Choice and use of the strategy depend on the informative supply process, on the various stages of his realization.
tom nr 4
W artykule omówiono problematykę wspomagania gospodarki remontowej na przykładzie wybranego ciągu produkcyjnego. Projekt informatycznego systemu wspomagającego utrzymanie ruchu w przedsiębiorstwie pozwala na usprawnienie zarządzania parkiem maszynowym, co w efekcie prowadzi do zmniejszenia liczby awarii, poprawy jakości produktów, wydłużenia okresu użytkowania maszyn i urządzeń oraz wzrostu bezpieczeństwa.
The paper presents a computer-aided system in the maintenance of the production line of refractory silica materials. The proposed computer system, based on CMMS systems, should reduce the number of machine failures, increase the period of their use, the quality of final products, personal and environmental safety, and decrease the costs of total production.
tom nr 6
Signaling devices exploitation take place in accordance with a simplified strategy by resource. It is inefficient and costly strategy. High requirements for railway safety, is highlighting the need for a strategy by state. For its implementation necessary is practical skill of diagnostic information analysis and solving decision-making problems.
Eksploatacja urządzeń srk odbywa się zgodnie z uproszczoną strategią według resursu. Jest to strategia nieefektywna i kosztowna. Wysokie wymagania dotyczące bezpieczeństwa ruchu kolejowego wskazują na potrzebę zastosowania strategii według stanu. Dla jej wdrożenia niezbędna jest praktyczna umiejętność analizy informacji diagnostycznych oraz rozwiązywania problemów decyzyjnych.
tom nr 1
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie niezawodności produktu -obiektu technicznego. Niezawodność ta maleje prawie bezwarunkowo i nie ulega zazwyczaj zwiększeniu, o ile nie zostanie podjęta jakaś ingerencja w którąś z faz eksploatacji produktu czy obiektu. Zapewnienie prawidłowego poziomu działania, eksploatacji, konserwacji, napraw itp. może hamować tempo obniżania się niezawodności, wymaga jednak poniesienia dodatkowych kosztów.
The fact that reliability of a product - technical object - almost unconditionally decreases, and without interference with the stage of the project it will usually not increase; is reflected in this contribution. The level of operation, use, maintenance, service, etc may influence the rate of the reliability fall. All these phenomena are also connected with the economic costs.
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