Po wyborach w 2017 roku radykalnie prawicowa Alternatywa dla Niemiec (AfD) stała się trzecią co do wielkości partią w Bundestagu. Choć powstanie AfD wzbudziło zainteresowanie naukowców, większość publikacji analizujących jej ewolucję ukazała się w okresie, gdy partia przechodziła transformację, kryzys euro stracił na znaczeniu, a partia przechodziła wewnętrzny konflikt między liberałami a radykałami. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu systematyczne zbadanie, w jaki sposób te wydarzenia wpłynęły na partię w latach 2013-2017, i stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy AfD stała się bardziej mainstreamowa, wykorzystując ramy opracowane przez Akkerman et al., s. 1) zmiany w radykalnych stanowiskach w kluczowych kwestiach; 2) zmiany z partii niszowej na społeczno-ekonomiczną; 3) zmiany w profilu antyestablishmentowym; oraz 4) zmiany w reputacji partii. Poprzez analizę wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych materiałów, takich jak manifesty wyborcze, dokumentacja partyjna, opublikowane wywiady z liderami AfD oraz informacje prasowe, artykuł pokazuje, że AfD nie przesunęła się w stronę głównego nurtu. Zamiast tego, partia stała się bardziej radykalna w pierwszych trzech wymiarach, wykazując jednocześnie oznaki włączania się do głównego nurtu w czwartym wymiarze, aby uniknąć działań prawnych.
After the 2017 election, the radical right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) became the Bundestag’s third-largest party. While the rise of the AfD drew scholarly interest, most publications analyzing its evolution were published during a period when the party was undergoing transition, the euro-crisis had decreased in prominence, and the party was going through an inner conflict between liberals and radicals. This article seeks to provide a systematic examination of how these developments have impacted the party from 2013 to 2017 and endeavors to answer the question of whether the AfD has become more mainstream by utilizing the framework devised by Akkerman et al. (2016) to assess party transformation along four key dimensions: 1) shifts in radical positions on key issues; 2) shifts from a niche to a socioeconomic-focused party; 3) shifts in the anti-establishment profile; and 4) shifts in party reputation. Through an analysis of internally and externally oriented material such as electoral manifestos, party documentation, published interviews with AfD leaders, and press releases, the article shows that the AfD has not shifted toward the mainstream. Instead, the party became more radical on the first three dimensions while demonstrating signs of mainstreaming on the fourth dimension in order to avoid legal action.
The work concentrates on the integration of people with disability perceived in light of international documents and school practice. Selected international initiatives have been discussed that are geared to ensure disabled people the broadest possible participation in social life as well as counteract their discrimination. The conclusion verbalizes the fundamental questions related to the essence and purpose of integration.
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The evolution of the political party Alternative for Germany from the Eurosceptic party that emerged from the criticism of the German federal policy during the eurozone crisis, to the right-wing populist group that builds its political capital by promoting anti-immigration and racist slogans, has contributed to determining the party’s attitude towards women, their role in the society and gender equality. The purpose of this article is to present – on the basis of the analysis of the group’s programming documents as well as the political speeches of the party members in the media – how the AfD perceives the role of women in the German society, which model of gender relations it promotes and what its view is on the equality between men and women. Moreover, an attempt was made to answer the question about the appeal of the presented vision to the female electorate. The domination of the national conservative wing in the party caused the group’s allegiance to traditional social roles held by both genders, recognizes family as the highest value and treats women in an objective way, reducing their existence to reproductive and educational functions. The group negates the legislation in terms of implementation of the provisions of the German Basic Law on equality between women and men, as well as the execution of the gender equality policy in accordance with the European Union gender mainstreaming strategy. The migration crisis has also contributed to the political alteration by the group of the topics relevant from the point of view of the female part of the society and using those topics to picture the threat to the national security posed by foreigners with a different culture and religion. Narrative literature from the area under study was reviewed and the methodology of political sciences was employed.
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