The alkaline treatment of NdFeB powders in NaOH solution at various equivalent amounts of NaOH at 100°C was performed. The resultant powders were then leached in 0.5M H2SO4 solution at 25°C for 2 minutes. At 5 equivalents of NaOH, neodymium in NdFeB powders was partially transformed to neodymium hydroxide. The transformation of neodymium to neodymium hydroxide actually occurred at 10 equivalents of NaOH and was facilitated by increasing the equivalent of NaOH from 10 to 30. In addition, iron was partially transformed to magnetite during the alkaline treatment, which was also promoted at a higher equivalent of NaOH. The leaching yield of neodymium from alkaline-treated powders was increased with an increasing equivalent of NaOH up to 10; however, it slightly decreased with the equivalent NaOH of over 10. The leaching yield of iron was inversely proportional to that of rare earth elements. NdFeB powders treated at 10 equivalents of NaOH showed a maximum leaching yield of neodymium and dysprosium of 91.6% and 94.6%, respectively, and the lowest leaching yield of iron of 24.2%, resulting in the highest selective leaching efficiency of 69.4%.
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Od pewnego czasu można zaobserwować coraz większą ilość kradzieży energii polegającej na zbliżaniu do licznika silnego magnesu neodymowego. Problem ten dotyczy wszystkich spółek dystrybucyjnych, W niniejszej pracy została przedstawiona dotychczasowa wiedza na ten temat.
The quantity of illegal energy consumption in Poland enlarges. Recently recipients inserts the NdFeB Magnets - Neodymium Iron Boron magnets near the energy meter. The meter runs more slowly than it should. The author collected of the learning of illegal consumption of electric energy with NdFeB magnets.
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Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję budowy modelu generatora nadprzewodnikowego HTS na bazie elementów silnika indukcyjnego. W obliczeniach został uwzględniony wpływ ułożenia magnesów neodymowych zamocowanych na wirniku, na kształt generowanego napięcia. Model obliczeniowy uwzględnia ponadto nieliniowe zmiany własności materiałów z jakich wykonana jest taśma nadprzewodnikowa w funkcji temperatury. Są to: rezystywność, przewodność cieplna, współczynnik wymiany ciepła z otoczeniem i wartość prądu krytycznego.
The article presents the concept of building a model of a superconducting HTS generator based on induction motor elements. The permanent neodymium magnets location was optimized due to the shape of waveform of generated voltage. Simulation of the generator cooling was performed.
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