The locality of Odrowąż is an Early Jurassic section in central Poland, with a taxonomically relatively poor flora. The available material is composed of both macro- and microremains. The macroremains, represented by 720 specimens (491 suitable for study), consist mainly of leaves, shoots, rhizomes, as well as male and female cones and fragments of other fructifications. sphenophytes, pteridophytes, pteridosperms, bennettites, cycads, ginkgophytes, conifers are represented by single taxa, only ferns are more diverse. The material is dominated by the conifer Hirmeriella muensteri (schenk) Jung and the benettite Pterophyllum alinae Barbacka sp. nov. Taxonomically, the ferns are the most diverse group (five species belonging to five genera). Most of the plants show adaptations to wet conditions, which corresponds well to the proposed sedimentary environment, a river plain. The complete material shows, however, that the floral remains originated from a wider area situated along the river and on its banks. One new genus, Odrolepis, three new species, Odrolepis liassica, Pterophyllum alinae, Paracycas minuta, and one new forma, Todites princeps, forma trilobata, are described. some forms are left in open nomenclature.
Opisano makroszczątki roślin znalezione w osadach serii witowskiej. Zachowały się one w postaci odcisków w słabozwięzłych piaskowcach i mułowcach. Rośliny iglaste reprezentowane są przez gatunek Pinus cf. palaeostrobus (Ettingshausen) Heer oraz szczątki, których nie udało się oznaczyć. Wśród szczątków roślin dwuliściennych oznaczono liść gatunku Zelkova zelkovifolia (Unger) Bůžek et Kotlaba, liście rodzajów Fagus i Populus oraz owoc z rodziny Juglandaceae. Część okazów roślin okrytozalążkowych, których nie udało się bliżej oznaczyć, opisano jako „Leguminosae” sensu Berger oraz Dicotylophyllum. Rośliny jednoliścienne reprezentuje gatunek Spirematospermum wetzleri (Heer) Chandler oraz odcisk fragmentu liścia Monocotyledonae gen. et sp. indet. Skład oriktocenozy wskazuje, że w czasie sedymentacji osadów serii witowskiej w okolicach Witowa występowały lasy łęgowe oraz mezofilne w warunkach bardzo łagodnego klimatu umiarkowanego ciepłego. Obecność szczątków Pinus cf. palaeostrobus (Ettingshausen) Heer, Spirematospermum wetzleri (Heer) Chandler, Zelkova zelkovifolia (Unger) Bůžek et Kotlaba i przedstawiciela rodziny Juglandaceae oraz wyniki analizy pyłkowej wskazują, że wiek tej części serii witowskiej, z której pochodzą omawiane szczątki roślin odpowiada młodszemu neogenowi (późny miocen-pliocen).
Macroremains of plants (leaves, fruits, shoots) in the Witów Series at Witów us impressions preserved in poorly cemented occur and mudstones. Coniferous plants are represented by Pinus cf. palaeostrobus (Ettingshausen) Heer, and other, indeterminate remains. Remains of dicotyledons belong to species Zelkova zelkovifolia (linger) Buzek et Kotlaba, genera Fagus and Populus, and family Juglandaceae. There are also some dicotyledonous fossils ("Leguminosa" sensu Berger, Dicotylophyllum) whose systematic position is unclear. Monocotyledonous plant remains are represented by Spirematospermum wetzleri (Heer) Chandler and Monocotyledonae gen. etsp. indet. Composition of oryctocoenosis found points to presence of riparian and mesophytic forests, as well as mild, warm temperate climate during the period of origin of the Witów Series. Presence of taxa of Pinus cf. palaeostrobus, Spirematospermum wetzleri, Zelkova zelkovifolia and remains of Juglandaceae, as well as results ofpalynological investigations suggest Younger Neogene (Late Miocene-Pliocene) age of the Witów Series with plant remains.
Plant macroremains from five boreholes in Poland were studied. Two of them (Huta OP-1 and Studzianna) from the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains, yielded several taxa. In the other three boreholes determinable fossil plants were sporadic, albeit important. Most of the taxa from the Huta OP-1 and Studzianna boreholes are typical of the European Early Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian). Both localities, although close to one another, show quite different taxonomic floral compositions. The Huta OP-1 flora is fern-dominated with the presence of ginkgophytes and conifers (a new species incertae sedis, Desmiophyllum harrisii Barbacka et Pacyna is herein proposed), which would suggest rather wet and warm conditions. This flora is typical of the European Province of the Euro-Sinian Region. In Studzianna the Siberian elements dominate, gymnosperms, mainly Czekanowskiales, which indicate a drier and colder environment.The palaeobotanical data correspond to the results of clay mineral studies, in particular the kaolinite/illite ratio in the source formations. The kaolinite content confirms a decrease in temperature and a reduction in rainfall in the late Early Hettangian and the latest Hettangian in the area.