The European Union (EU) has faced not only the international financial crisis, but also the European banking and the sovereign debt crisis. A lack of efficient regulations and supervision were a serious cause of recent developments. As a reaction, the EU finally implemented a framework covering both micro- and macro-prudential policies. Measures such as the new capital requirements, the deposit guarantee schemes, the green paper on shadow banking and, most importantly, the new approach for a macro-prudential supervision are headed towards crisis prevention. However, the challenge is to define regulations enhancing financial stability, which, at the same time, do not prevent institutions from generating reasonable financial risks and do not reduce growth. In that regard, the presented measures still have deficits which have to be faced. Furthermore, coordination between various authorities and the European Commission remains another challenge.
International financial crises, primarily that of the year 2007 related to the subprime loans market, indicated the need to introduce solutions that would supplement the area of the State’s impact on the financial market between the traditional macroeconomic policy (including fiscal and monetary issues) and macro-prudential supervision. The macro-prudential policy is aimed at providing such a solution, with its instruments being applied in many countries around the world, also in Poland. The article is an attempt to introduce the topic of macro-prudential supervision. The author presents the reasons for establishing such supervision, the main objectives of the macro-prudential policy, the most important instruments, as well as the examples of their application in Poland.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie nowych narzędzi z zakresu nadzoru makroostrożnościowego jako czynników pozytywnie wpływających na bezpieczeństwo w europejskim systemie bankowym. Badaniu poddano bufory kapitałowe, wprowadzone do prawodawstwa unijnego przez pakiet CRD IV/CRR, ukazano ich tło historyczne, a następnie metodą analizy porównawczej pokazano zakres ich wdrożenia w poszczególnych państwach UE. Otrzymane wyniki pozwalają na stwierdzenie, że działania nadzorcze podjęte w odniesieniu do banków o znaczeniu systemowym, mających siedzibę w UE istotnie poprawiły ich kondycję kapitałową. Przez odpowiednią kalibrację wskaźników buforów kapitałowych możliwe jest zmniejszenie ryzyka systemowego, co ma duże znaczenie z punktu widzenia działalności tych banków. Uruchomienie systemu zapobiegania upadłościom instytucji finansowych przyczynia się także do redukcji kosztów społecznych ponoszonych przez podatników.
An aim of the article is to present new tools in the field of macroprudential supervision as the factors positively affecting security in the European banking system. The research covered capital buffers introduced to the EU legislation through the CRD IV/CRR package. The authors presented their historical background; then, by the method of comparative analysis, they showed the scope of implementation thereof in individual EU member states. The obtained results allow stating that supervisory measures undertaken in relation to banks of the systemic importance, with their seats in the EU, have significantly improved their capital condition. It is possible, through an adequate calibration of the indices of capital buffers, to reduce the systemic risk, what is of a great importance from the point of view of these banks’ activities. The launch of the system of preventing bankruptcies of financial institutions also contributes to reduction of social costs incurred by taxpayers.
Publiczna debata na temat efektowności funkcjonowania modeli nadzoru nad rynkiem finansowym w okresie ogólnoświatowego kryzysu 2007-2011 znalazła swój finał w reformach prowadzących do utworzenia unii bankowej. Wśród powtarzających się zarzutów adresowanych do instytucji nadzoru finansowego były ich spóźnione reakcje na pojawiające się symptomy zagrożenia oraz mało stanowcze i skuteczne działania przeciwdziałające rozprzestrzenianiu się skutków kryzysu. Celem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia stanu prac UE w zakresie ochrony systemu bankowego oraz korzyści płynących z tych zmian zarówno dla państw strefy euro, jak i pozostałych członków UE, jak np. Polska. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o przegląd dostępnej literatury oraz badania własne w ww. zakresie. Wnioski z artykułu wskazują na konieczność dokonania reform modelu nadzoru finansowego oraz na poprawę atrakcyjności promowanego rozwiązania, szczególnie dla państw nie będących członkiem strefy euro.
Public debate on the effectiveness of the models of financial market supervision during the 2007-2011 global crisis found its final reforms leading to the creation of a banking union. Among the recurring accusations addressed to the financial supervisory institutions were, for example, their delayed reaction to the first signs of danger and not firm and ineffective measures undertaken to combat the crisis. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present the actions taken by the EU to protect the banking system and the benefits of these changes for both the Euro area countries and other EU members, such as Poland. This paper is based on a review of available literature and own research. The conclusions of the paper indicate, inter alia, the need to reform the system of financial supervision, the need to improve attractiveness of the proposed solution - especially for countries that are not members of the Eurozone.
On 23 March 2017, the Act on mortgage credit and supervision of mortgage credit intermediaries and agents was passed, which implements Directive 2014/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 February 2014 on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property and amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010. The Act on mortgage credit under examination contains consumer protection standards for mortgage banking services, which can pursue objectives and perform macro-prudential functions in the fi nancial system. The Act also provides for the supervision of mortgage intermediaries and their agents providing mortgage credit services, rightly considering that since this is a matter of macro-prudential substance and capable of having an impact on fi nancial stability, a comprehensive supervision of the activities of mortgage intermediaries and agents is justifi ed. The aim of the study is to (i) examine the provisions of the Act on mortgage credit from the perspective of its macro-prudential content; (ii) reconstruct this potentially macro-prudential content; (iii) assess the regulatory arrangements for credit intermediaries and residential immovable property agents adopted by the Act; and (iv) address the issue, relevant to the theory of fi nancial market law, of the interference between private and public law rules in terms of their macro-prudential content and macro-prudential policy. It is also intended to perform a comparison of the provisions of the Act on mortgage credit with selected recommendations of Recommendation S of the Financial Supervision in order to assess their macro-prudential nature and the appropriateness of the regulatory solutions adopted by means of an act or by means of national soft banking law to which Recommendation S belongs.
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