In this paper the model of the technological machines system assessment is presented. This model was elaborated in Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Organization of the Technical University in Rzeszów. This assessment points concerns two types of criterions: the primary criterions, which describe technical state of the technological machines system and the other criterions, which describes the results of their exploitation. The primary criterions are: degree of automaton, degree of specialization, degree of reliability, degree of wear, critical reserves. The other criterions are: energy - consuming, degree of the using the machine, operational safety, generation of environmental aspects. This assessment is based on the European Foundation for Quality Management criteria. This assessment model is very easy analyzes tool to use in the small, middle - sized and large enterprises apart from industry branch and type of the production.
Priorytety pracowników produkcji i działu utrzymania ruchu są ze sobą sprzeczne, co często prowadzi do konfliktów i utrudniania sobie pracy nawzajem. Bardzo ważne w tej sytuacji jest znalezienie wspólnego języka tych działów oraz wytłumaczenie im, że pomimo odmiennych zadań, muszą osiągnąć wspólny cel - zysk firmy. Warto w tym celu przeprowadzić proste szkolenie i rozegrać między nimi... mecz.
Do badań wybrano gospodarstwa zlokalizowane na terenie Gminy Stryszawa. Jest to typowa gmina o charakterze górskim. Zebrane dane w formie wywiadu kierowanego pozwoliły określić wielkość wartości odtworzeniowej parku maszynowego, następnie w wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej i statystycznej określono stopień determinacji tej wartości przez jeden z czynników demograficznych tj. wiek właściciela gospodarstwa.
For studies farmsteads located in the area of Stryszawa commune were selected. This is a typical mountain commune. The data gathered during the directed interview allowed to determine the reconstruction value of the machine park, further, as a result of the performed comparative and statistical analysis a degree of determination of this value by one demographic factor i.e. farmstead owner's age, was determined.
Rolnictwo województwa podkarpackiego wyróżnia się dużym rozdrobnieniem agrarnym, nadmiarem zasobów siły roboczej oraz niską towarowością produkcji rolnej. Znacznie zróżnicowanie warunków przyrodniczo-glebowych, a zwłaszcza konieczność gospodarowania na terenach płaskich, podgórskich i górskich, stwarza konieczność utrzymania zróżnicowanego parku maszynowego. Podkarpackie gospodarstwa rolnicze są dosyć dobrze wyposażone pod względem ilościowym w sprzęt rolniczy, braki występują w środkach transportowych i sprzęcie specjalistycznym używanym w produkcji roślinnej. Jednak park maszynowy jest w przeważającej części wysłużony.
The agriculture of Podkarpackie voivodeship has one feature which makes it distingnishable from other povinces. It is known for its land divisions, an excess of supplies of man - power as well as for low efficency of agrarian production. Significant differences in soil and natural conditions and particularly the necessity of farming on flat, upland and mountainous areas creates necessity of maintaining various machines. It has been stated that agricultural farms in Podkarpackie are relatively well - equipped with regard to the amound of agricultural implements, there is a lack of means of transpotr and specialited equipment that could be used in plant production. However the quality of the machines - park is in majority low becouse of a prepoderance of broken - down machines.
Objective: The aim of this article is to analyze and evaluate the introduction of selected Lean Manufacturing tools into the management of a given enterprise, the task of which is to increase the efficiency of the machine park and improve the quality of finished products. The introduced changes are also expected to increase the detectability of waste, avoid unnecessary stopping of machines and unplanned stoppages. Design/methodology/approach: As part of the research, the internal materials of the surveyed company were analyzed and free interviews with employees and specialists of the plant were conducted. An efficiency analysis of the production process was carried out. Findings: In order for the improvement of technical progress to function well, the requirement of an appropriate technical condition and the course of technical progress. The entire process flow of the product should be analyzed. Research limitations/implications: Subjectivity of the analysis thanks to the use of a qualitative approach in research. Future research may be related to creating a mentoring program in the area of interest. Practical implications: The results of the study can be used as input data for the design of training programs in the study area. Social implications: The concept of lean manufacturing is a tool for constant changes that can be observed both in the modern economy and in society. They require dynamic flexibility from entrepreneurs and looking for solutions that can optimize production processes. The concept includes a slogan such as corporate social responsibility, which grew out of sustainable development. It is prioritized by managers of various companies. Therefore, this work deals with the subject of Lean Management as an instrument of responsible business. Originality/value: This article is addressed mainly to companies that want to implement and improve Lean Manufacturing tools. It shows how companies can improve selected areas of production.
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