Recently, a third evolutionarily conserved gene, NWC, was discovered within the recombination activating gene (RAG) locus, known to contain the RAG1 and RAG2 genes. Here, we identify and characterize the murine endogenous NWC protein which has no homology to any known protein and is ubiquitously expressed. In the cell, the NWC protein which has been suggested to function as a transcriptional repressor, is found in the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus.
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The pathogenicity of RHDV (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus) is mainly associated with its affinity to blood vessels, with causing disseminated intravascular coagulations (DIC), and with the stimulation of the host immune system. Moreover, there are implications suggesting that apoptosis may be a pivotal process in understanding the basis of viral haemorrhagic disease in rabbits - a serious infectious disease causing mortality to wild and domestic rabbits. The aim of this study is to evaluate, by means of flow cytometry, the dynamics of apoptosis in peripheral blood granulocytes and lymphocytes in rabbits experimentally infected with seven different strains of RHDV and so-called antigenic variants of RHDV denominated as RHDVa, i.e.: Hungarian 24V/89, 1447V/96, 72V/2003; Austrian 01-04, 237/04, V-412 and French 05-01. The results showed that all of the RHDV and RHDVa strains cause an increase in the number of apoptotic cells throughout the infection, which might indicate the need for further analysis of the importance of this process.
Autoimmune thyroid diseases include several distinct clinical entities, mainly Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. An incompetent immune response directed against the body's own tissues, and the production of antibodies against specific cell antigens accompanied by chronic inflammation, all occur in autoimmune thyroid diseases. The autoimmune process is induced by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to identify and generates the development of concomitant diseases in other systems. Leukocyte activation and overproduction of inflammatory mediators, as well as improper levels of thyroid hormones, play an essential role in the chronic course of these diseases. The development of autoimmune thyroid diseases results from the impairment of the regulatory and suppressor functions of T-cells or NK cells and activation of B cells, or from the changes in the number of those cells. Many reports have shown the significant role of platelet-leukocyte interaction in inflammation. Autoantibodies react with target antigens in different kinds of cells, including blood platelets, and autoimmune processes can modulate the mutual cooperation of blood platelets and lymphocytes. The activity of blood platelets and lymphocytes is reciprocally regulated. It has been suggested that blood platelets can influence lymphocyte function by direct contact with receptors, and indirectly via soluble mediators. The interactions of platelet-immune cells (neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocyte and dendritic cells) can have a potent enhancing effect on immune cells functions.
Biological effectiveness of a californium-252 source was evaluated after irradiations in vitro of normal or pretreated cells with compound enriched in the B-10 ion (Na210B12H11SH also known as BSH) in order to check the possibility of any enhancement effect due to the process of boron neutron capture. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were used as a model for human cells. Human blood samples or isolated lymphocytes were irradiated with the isotopic source of 252Cf, at the Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques at the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków, (both the neutron source and the samples were placed in an "infinite" polyethylene block). DNA and chromosomal damage were studied to compare the biological effectiveness of irradiation. Single cell gel electrophoresis also known as the Comet assay was done to investigate the DNA damage. Classical cytogenetic analysis was applied to assess the frequencies of unstable aberrations (dicentrics, rings and acentric fragments). To evaluate the frequencies of stable aberrations the fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with probes for chromosomes 1, 4 (14,3% of the whole genome) was performed. Linear (or close to linear) increases with radiation doses were observed for the DNA damage and aberration frequencies in lymphocytes both untreated or pretreated with BSH. Levels of translocations evaluated for the whole genome were comparable with the frequencies of dicentrics and rings. No significant differences were detected due to radiation dose in the frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) detected in the second mitosis. Statistically no significant differences were observed in various biological end-points between normal or boron pre-treated cells.
Objectives The objective of the present study was to observe the effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields (MFs) on the immune function of splenic lymphocytes in mice. Material and Methods Twenty male Kunming mice (6 weeks old), weighing 18– 25 g, were randomly divided into sham exposure (N = 10) and 500 μT MFs (N = 10) groups. The mice in the MFs group were exposed to 500 μT MFs for 8 h daily (5 days/week) for up to 60 days. In vitro study was carried out to examine the effects of 50 Hz MFs on the expression of inflammatory factor genes and a cluster of differentiation 69 (CD69) in mouse prime splenic lymphocytes activated by para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA) and ionomycin. In the in vitro experiments, lymphocytes were isolated from the spleen of 10 healthy Kunming mice, the cells were cultured in the Roswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 medium (RPMI-1640) and exposed to 0 μT, 250 μT, 500 μT, or 1 mT MFs in an incubator under 5% carbon dioxide (CO₂) at 37°C for 6 h. The levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), GATA binding protein 3 (GATA-3) and T cell-specific T-box transcription factor (T-bet) were assessed by the real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), respectively. The expression of CD69 was checked using the flow cytometry. Results Under our experimental conditions, body weight of the mice exposed to occupational, extremely low frequency- electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) significantly decreased on day 20 and day 30. There were no significant changes observed in vivo in spleen weight, splenic coefficient, splenic histology profile and cytokine production in spleen tissues. Our in vitro experiments showed that 50 Hz MFs had no effect on the expression of these genes and CD69 to primary splenic cells. Conclusions In conclusion, under the applied experimental conditions, occupational exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field did not alter responses of inflammatory genes and activation of splenic lymphocytes in mice, except for body weight.
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The present study was undertaken to contribute to the characterization of the degree of variability in baseline damage in white blood cells from control population, and to investigate how this variability is associated with external and internal factors. Altogether 170 healthy volunteers, randomly selected from the general population of the Republic of Croatia, participated in the study. Two sensitive tests: the alkaline comet assay and the chromosome aberration test were applied to study the background levels of DNA damage in their white blood cells. The results point to inter-individual differences, indicating different genome sensitivity. As revealed by both assays, the background levels of DNA damage were mostly influenced by smoking habit as well as medical exposure (especially to diagnostic X-rays). Sex and age of subjects did not significantly influence the values of DNA damage recorded in the white blood cells. Although higher levels of DNA damage were recorded in blood samples collected during winter and autumn, they were mostly influenced by medicinal exposure and smoking habit. Statistical evaluation of the data confirmed that a positive correlation exists between DNA migration and the number of long-tailed nuclei found with the comet assay and the total number of chromosome aberrations. The data obtained can serve as control values in forthcoming biomonitoring studies.
Choroba przeszczep przeciwko biorcy (TA-GvHD) jest rzadkim, ale groźnym powikłaniem. Warunkiem jego wystąpienia jest przetoczenie żywotnych limfocytów T, które proliferują w organizmie biorcy, a system immunologiczny jest niezdolny do ich zniszczenia. Najważniejszymi czynnikami związanymi bezpośrednio z ryzykiem wystąpienia TA-GvHD są: stan odporności pacjenta i jego zdolność do odpowiedzi immunologicznej, stopień pokrewieństwa w zakresie antygenów zgodności tkankowej (HLA) pomiędzy dawcą i biorcą, a także ilość żywotnych limfocytów dawcy obecnych w składnikach krwi. Ponieważ leczenie powikłania jest nieskuteczne, należy prowadzi działania zapobiegawcze polegające na napromienianiu komórkowych składników krwi przed transfuzją.
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GvHD) is a rare, but usually fatal complication that occur when viable done T lymphocytes proliferate and engraft in susceptible patient after transfusion of whole blood and cellular components. At least three factors appear to be directly related to the risk of TA-GvHD are: 1) the susceptibility of patient's immune system to the engraftment, 2) the degree of HLA similarity between donor and recipient, and 3) the number of viable donor lymphocytes present in the transfuses components. There is no effective treatment for TA-GvHD , and the irradiation of cellular blood components before transfusion have been only proven method of preventing this reaction.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu dwóch insektycydów (bromfenwinfos i chlorfenwinfos) oraz herbicydu glifosat, a także ich metabolitów oraz zawartych w preparatach pestycydowych potencjalnych zanieczyszczeń, na erytrocyty i jednojądrzaste komórki krwi człowieka (głównie limfocyty).
Chem. and physiol. properties of bromfenvinphos, chlorfenvinphos and glyphosate were reviewed with 22 refs. Their metabolites and potential impurities were also taken into consideration.
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