The work discusses physicochemical phenomena related to interactions between the inhaled particles and the surface of pulmonary fluid which contains the lung surfactant. Dynamic surface phenomena which arise due to periodical variations of the interfacial area during breathing cycle are the extraordinary feature of this system and they are strictly related to the mechanics of ventilation and the pulmonary mass transfer processes. Presence of foreign material such as inhaled micro- and nanoparticles with different size, surface properties and morphology may alter these phenomena which may have some health consequences. This effect is discussed on two examples: mineral particles (CeO2) and carbonaceous particles emitted from diesel engine running on two different fuels. Two experimental methods of research in this field are presented: the Langmuir balance and the oscillating pendant drop. The results show the sensitivity of dynamic surface properties of the lung surfactant on exogenous materials which may be introduced to the respiratory system by inhalation of dusty air. Some physicochemical interpretation of these results is presented.
Mass transfer across the liquid layer in the presence of Maran-goni effects was investigated. Measurements of time needed for surfactant molecules to migrate through the 6-mm layer of water demonstrated that mechanically induced periodical gradients of surface tension facilitated the mass transfer rate. Observations were explained on the basis of the existing theory of capillary flows. The significance of the effect on mass transfer processes in human lungs (pulmonary surfactant system) was discussed.
The rate of oxygen transport from atmospheric air into water and perfluorocarbon compound (PFC) was investigated. Static and dynamic systems with and without the presence of the lung surfactant monolayer were considered. For the case of water used as an oxygen absorbent, the monolayer activity allowed a simulation of the gas uptake into the lung hypophase. In the second case, a two-phase liquid system with water as a hypophase and PFC as the blood substitute simulated oxygen transport in the alveolus-blood system. Original experimental measurement devices gave the opportunity of determining the gas transport rate with the possibilities of indicating the role of the lung surfactant in the process and evaluating the influence of environmental conditions on the transport phenomena. Results of that work suggest a possible enhancing role of the lung surfactant in the oxygen transfer rate.
Measurements of dynamic surface tension were carried out in aqueous systems (water or 0.1 mM Triton X-100) comprising nanoparticles formed from chemically modified polyaldehyde dextran (PAD). The nanostructures, considered as potential drug carriers in aerosol therapy, were obtained from biocompatible polysaccharides by successive oxidation and reactive coiling in an aqueous solution. The dynamic surface tension of the samples was determined by the maximum bubble pressure (MBP) method and by the axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA). Experiments with harmonic area perturbations were also carried out in order to determine surface dilatational viscoelasticity. PAD showed a remarkable surface activity. Ward-Tordai equation was used to determine the equilibrium surface tension and diffusion coefficient of PAD nanoparticles (D = 2.3×10-6 m2/s). In a mixture with Triton X-100, PAD particles showed co-adsorption and synergic effect in surface tension reduction at short times (below 10 s). Tested nanoparticles had impact on surface rheology in a mixed system with nonionic surfactant, suggesting their possible interactions with the lung surfactant system after inhalation. This preliminary investigation sets the methodological approach for further research related to the influence of inhaled PAD nanoparticles on the lung surfactant and mass transfer processes in the respiratory system.
Przebadano wpływ liposomów wytworzonych z lecytyny i lecytyny/cholesterolu na dynamiczne napięcie powierzchniowe modelowego surfaktantu płucnego (Survanta) mierzone metodą MBP (Maximum Bubble Pressure). Obecność liposomów poprawia aktywność powierzchniową surfaktantu, zwłaszcza w temperaturze fizjologicznej, prawdopodobnie na skutek wydzielenia wolnych lipidów oraz ich współadsorpcji na granicy faz. Wyniki wyjaśniają fizykochemię oddziaływań liposomowych nośników leków inhalacyjnych z powierzchnią płuc.
Influence of liposomes made of lecithin or lecithin/cholesterol on the dynamic surface tension of model lung surfactant (Survanta) was investigated with the MBP (Maximum Bubble Pressure) method. Liposomes increase surfactant activity, especially in physiological temperature, due to liposome rearrangement and liberation of free lipids which are co-adsorbed at the interface. The results explain mechanisms of interactions between inhaled liposomal drug carriers and the lung surface.
Przebadano wpływ wielościennych nanorurek węglowych (MWCNT) na właściwości monowarstwy fosfolipidowej (DPPC) użytej w roli fizykochemicznego modelu surfaktantu płucnego. W oparciu o wyniki badań wykonanych na wadze Langmuira- Wilhelmy’ego stwierdzono, że zarówno hydrofobowe jak i hydrofilowe (utlenione) MWCNT już przy stężeniach rzędu 10-3÷10-2 mg/(cm3 fazy ciekłej) zmieniają ściśliwość powierzchni woda-powietrze zawierającej DPPC. Zmiany mechanicznych cech powierzchni, wynikające z wpływu nanomateriałów na charakter oddziaływań międzycząsteczkowych w warstwie powierzchniowej surfaktantu płucnego, mogą mieć znaczenie dla przebiegu procesów wymiany masy w obszarze pęcherzykowym płuc. Prowadzi to wniosku, że oddychanie powietrzem zawierającym nanorurki węglowe (jako aerozolu) może stwarzać zagrożenie dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu oddechowego.
Influence of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MCWNTs) on the surface-active properties of phospholipid monolayer (DPPC) at the air - water interface were investigated. The studied system, based on the Langmuir-Wilhelmy film balance, provides a basic physicochemical model of the lung surfactant and allows one to investigate the dynamic interfacial effects. The surface compressibility of DPPC monolayer contaminated with hydrophobic or hydrophilic (oxidized) MWCNTs was altered already at low concentration of nanoparticles in the range of 10-3÷10-2 mg/(cm3 of liquid). Observed effects are probably due to modified intermolecular inter-actions at the interface, and - if happen in vivo - may influence the mass transfer properties in the pulmonary region of the respiratory system. It is concluded that breathing with air contaminated by aerosolized carbon nanotubes may be not safe because of a potential influence of this nanomaterial on the dynamic surface activity of the lung surfactant.
Doświadczalnie (waga Langmuird) i teoretycznie (dynamika molekularna) badano oddziaływania fizykochemiczne między benzo[a]pirenem (BAP) i głównym składnikiem surfaktantu płucnego, DPPC. Odnotowano zmiany dynamicznego napięcia powierzchniowego i ściśliwości filmu DPPC na powierzchni woda - powietrze, które wyjaśniono w oparciu o mechanizm wbudowywania się molekuł BAP w monowarstwę DPPC. Przyjmując, że podobne zjawiska przebiegają w naturalnym układzie surfaktantu płucnego, wyniki sugerują jedną z możliwych przyczyn toksyczności spalin silników Diesla.
Physicochemical interactions between benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) and a basic constituent of lung surfactant, DPPC, were studied experimentally (Lang-muir balance) and theoretically (molecular dynamic approach). Changes in dynamic surface tension and compressibility of DPPC film at air - water interface were observed and explained by the incorporation of BAP molecules into DPPC monolayer. Similar phenomena can be of importance during oscillations of lung surface during breathing, so the results suggest a potential mechanism of health effects from diesel exhaust gases inhalation.
Przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki badania wpływu nanorurek węglowych o różnej charakterystyce na dynamiczne właściwości powierzchniowo czynne mono warstwy fosfolipidowej modelującej surfaktant płucny na powierzchni woda-powietrze. Stwierdzono zaburzenie mechanicznych cech powierzchni międzyfazowej w postaci zmian jej ściśliwości. Efekty te zależą od rodzaju nanorurek (w tym zwilżalności i powierzchni właściwej) oraz ich stężenia. Potwierdzono obserwowaną we wcześniejszych badaniach specyficzną zależność parametrów reologicznych od stężenia cząstek, którą można tłumaczyć agregacją nanorurek po przekroczenia stężenia granicznego.
Experimental investigations of MWCNTs influence on dynamic surface-active properties of phospholipid monolayer used as a functional model of lung surfactant at air-water interface are presented. Modification of mechanical properties of the interface was detected in a form of surface compressibility changes. The observed effects are dependent on MWCNTs concentration and their properties (including wettability and specific surface area). The particular relationship between surface rheological parameters and particle concentration was detected suggesting the effect of carbon nanotubes aggregation at a certain concentration level.
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