This article presents a wear analysis of die inserts used in the hot forging process of a forked forging (yoke), an element applied in steering systems of passenger vehicles. Studies involved the application of an original reverse scanning method intended for rapid and reliable wear analysis of forging tools (with complicated shape) affording easy assessment without the need to dismount tools from the forging unit. The developed method involves analysis of progressive wear of forging tools based on measurements (scanning) of forgings periodically collected from the process and constitutes a useful tool for measurement and testing. As the authors’ earlier works have demonstrated, the proposed new approach to analysis of tool wear with the application of reverse 3D scanning has proven successful in multiple instances in the case of axially symmetrical objects. The presented results of studies indicate that it is possible to utilize the expanded method to analyze the lifetime of forging tools, including tools with complex geometry. Application of the reverse scanning method allows for continuous and practical monitoring of the condition of forging tools over the course of the forging process and should have a positive impact on improving production output and reducing production costs.
Przedmiotem badań jest przednie łożysko generatorowe turbozespołu 13K215 o mocy 200 MW. Jest to typowa jednostka energetyczna stosowana w naszym kraju. Węzły łożyskowe łączące część niskoprężną i generator szczególnie wpływają na własności kinetostatyczne i dynamiczne całej maszyny. Stąd konieczność szybkiej i prostej metody wyznaczania charakterystyk takich jak: rozkład ciśnień, minimalna grubość filmu smarnego, moc tarcia, przepływ oleju oraz prostych relacji diagnostycznych. Własności dynamiczne obejmować będą: tłumienie, częstości drgań własnych oraz amplitudy drgań. Wyniki obliczeń przedstawione w dalszej części opracowania przeprowadzono dla układu wirnik-podpory w zakresie prędkości obrotowych wirnika od n=500 obr/min do n=3500 obr/min.
The steady-state analysis and dynamic properties of journal bearing of large 200MW turbosets is presented in the paper. These are typical power engineering units, applied in Poland. Bearing placed between a low pressure turbine has particular influence on the dynamic force analysis and dynamics of whole machinery. Therefore, quick and simple method of determination of characteristics, such as: pressure distribution, minimum thickness of lubricating film, friction power, oil flow and diagnostic relations, is essential. Dynamic properties include: damping, natural frequency and vibration amplitudes. The calculation, were prepared for rotor-bearing-fundation system, in the rotor rotational speed range from n=500 r.p.m. to n=3500 r.p.m.
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