Loudness functions and binaural loudness summation was investigated in acoustically stimulated bilaterally implanted cochlear implant users. The study was aimed at evaluating growth of loudness functions and binaural loudness summation in cochlear implant subjects as a function of stimulus presentation level at different frequencies. Loudness was assessed using a rating procedure on a scale of 0 to 100. Three experimental conditions were tested: monaural right, monaural left and binaural, each with bands of noise with center frequencies of 0.25, 1, and 4 kHz. Fifteen implanted and five normal-hearing subjects (control group) participated in the experiments. Results demonstrated large variability in the slopes of the loudness functions and the presence of loudness summation in bilateral cochlear implant users, with large individual differences among subjects.
Przedstawiono elementy metodologii badań wrażeniowych cech dźwięku w szkicowym ujęciu historycznym. Omówiono wybrane osiągnięcia w zakresie badań subiektywnych cech dźwięku, jako przykłady badań prowadzonych na potrzeby rozwoju telekomunikacji. Przedstawiono sylwetki niektórych osób związanych zawodowo z telekomunikacją zajmujących się badaniami subiektywnych cech dźwięku.
Certain facts related to methods used for subjective assessment of sound with some historical background are described. Examples of research on perception of sound conducted in response to or initiated by the needs of telephony and telecommunication is presented. Contribution of certain individuals strongly influencing the research in the field of sound perception and mechanisms of hearing is portrayed.