This paper analyses the impact of international competitiveness on economic development, based on the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) and GDP/capita of 125 countries during the period 2007-2010. The results reveal two phases of the evolution of competitiveness. When GCI < 4.5 (on 1-7 scale), any improvement of a country’s competitiveness affects current development more than future development. When a country’s GCI rises above 4.5, further improvements of competitiveness will affect future development more than current development. The 4.5 competitiveness threshold is remarkably stable throughout analyzed period.
It was attempted in the paper to describe the growth of oriental goat’s rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) growth by means of a logistic function. The studies demonstrated that the function describes empirical data well as the coefficients of determination obtained ranged between 97 to 98%, depending on the growing season. The estimated function parameters indicate that both the plant height and growth rate were conditioned by thermal conditions and moisture during the growing season. Plants had the longest stems in the year 2010 (127.9 cm), and the shortest in 2008 (105.9 cm). The maximum growth rate ranged from 2.12 to 3.97 cm per day in, respectively, 2009 and 2008. Also the inflection point, the point at which plants grew the fastest, depended on the conditions of the growing season.
Omówiono podstawowe funkcje opakowań produktów spożywczych. Obok tradycyjnej roli jaką jest zabezpieczenie wyrobu, scharakteryzowano funkcje szczególnie ważne w obrocie towarowym, tj. funkcję logistyczną, promocyjno-informacyjną, ekologiczną i in.
Fundamental functions of the packages of food products have been described. The traditional role i.e. protection of food products and modern, especially important functions in distribution and marketing i.e. logistic, promotional, ecological and other ones have been presented.
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The logistic function can be employed as a model of record for a number of processes occurring in the management of technical objects and in logistics. The methods used for function parameter estimation include the analytical methods by Hotelling and Tinter and the numerical procedure of optimization in Excel with the Theil index as the optimization criterion.
The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of nutrition of the soil with magnesium in differentiated soil moisture conditions on the dynamics of the elongation growth of fragrant basil. The first factor of the two year pot experiment was the level of the nutrition with magnesium (O, 0.30, 0.90 g of Mg per pot), the other factor was the level of soil moisture (30 and 60% of full water volume). Usefulness of the logistic Richards function for the description of the elongation growth of fragrant basil was statistically confirmed. The elongation growth of Ocimum basilicum L was of typical sigmoidal character independently of the experimental combination in both years of the studies. In the second year of the experiment the average height of this plant fertilized with magnesium in 0.30 and 0.60 g doses per pot was larger of 3.5 cm and 3 cm, respectively than the height of basil which was not fertilized with Ibis element.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu doglebowego żywienia magnezem, w zróżnicowanych warunkach wilgotnościowych gleby na dynamikę wzrostu elongacyjnego bazylii wonnej. Pierwszym czynnikiem dwuletniego doświadczenia wazonowego był poziom żywienia magnezem (0; 0,30; 0,90 g Mg na wazon), drugim - poziom uwilgotnienia gleby (30 i 60 % pełnej pojemności wodnej). Statystycznie potwierdzono dużą przydatność funkcji logistycznej Richardsa do opisu wzrostu elongacyjnego bazylii wonnej. Wzrost badanej rośliny, w obu latach badań, niezależnie od kombinacji doświadczenia miał typowy, sigmoidalny przebieg. W drugim roku badań średnia wysokość tej rośliny żywionej magnezem w dawce 0,30 i 0,60 g na wazon była większa od wysokości bazylii nie dożywianej tym pierwiastkiem.