Przedstawiono koncepcję systemu wykorzystującego infrastrukturę lokalnych sieci bezprzewodowych oraz techniki korelacyjne do wyznaczania położenia osoby niewidomej lub słabowidzącej we wnętrzu budynku biurowego. Opisano architekturę systemu oraz zaimplementowane metody wyznaczania położenia użytkownika. Wyniki badań umozliwiają ocenę dokładności wyznaczania położenia jako wystarczającą do określenia strefy budynku, w której znajduje się użytkownik oraz wskazania pomieszczenia, przy którym się znajduje.
The idea of the system involving local short range radio networks and localisation methods based on fingerprinting for guidance of visually impaired in indoor environment is presented in the paper. The architecture of proposed system and localisation methods are described. Verification results show that localisation accuracy is sufficient to identify the building zone and the nearest office room.
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Recent advances in technology have enabled the development of low cost, low power and multi functional wireless sensing devices. These devices are networked through setting up a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Sensors that form a WSN are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers and to self-organize to perform distributed sensing and acting tasks. WSNs are growing rapidly in both size and complexity, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop and investigate such large and complex systems. In this paper we provide a brief introduction to WSN applications, i.e., properties, limitations and basic issues related to WSN design and development. We focus on an important aspect of the design: accurate localization of devices that form the network. The paper presents an overview of localization strategies and attempts to classify different techniques. A set of properties by which localization systems are evaluated are examined. We then describe a number of existing localization systems, and discuss the results of performance evaluation of some of them through simulation and experiments using a testbed implementation.
Many applications of wireless sensor networks (WSN) require information about the geographic location of each sensor node. Devices that form WSN are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers in a sensing field, and to self-organize to perform sensing and acting task. The goal of localization is to assign geographic coordinates to each device with unknown position in the deployment area. Recently, the popular strategy is to apply optimization algorithms to solve the localization problem. In this paper, we address issues associated with the application of heuristic techniques to accurate localization of nodes in a WSN system. We survey and discuss the location systems based on simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies. Finally, we describe and evaluate our methods that combine trilateration and heuristic optimization.
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Broadband signals with the use of linear frequency modulation LMF (so-called chirp signals) are widely used in localization. Recognition of the chirp signals depends mainly on their compression based on the matched filtration. This work presents two simple solutions of the essential improvement of the recognition resolution of the short chirp signals, which product BT does not exceed 100. The first of them is connected with matching chirp and impulse response (IR) parameters to a specific window so that the form of the filter frequency response (FR) would be the nearest to the form of the window amplitude spectrum. The second one is based on removing the negative convolutions of the matched filtration in the time domain. The authors have found that the best result is achieved when both methods are used simultaneously. These ways were checked out for different windows and chirps with bigger BT too. Apart from that, the structure of matched filter (MF) with the use of above-mentioned methods is proposed.
W artykule przedstawiono ideę systemów typu RTLS pod kątem wykorzystania ich w celu eliminacji marnotrawstwa w procesie budowlanym. Opisywane systemy z punktu widzenia strumienia wartości są pomocne w wykrywaniu czynności niedodających wartości. Autorzy przedstawili temat w aspekcie formalno-prawnym związanym z monitorowaniem i śledzeniem pracowników podczas pracy. Zwrócono uwagę na niezbędne dokumenty, pozwolenia, zgłoszenia i zgody pracowników, które zgodnie z obowiązującym w Polsce prawem należy posiadać, aby móc wykorzystywać tego typu systemy do zbierania i przetwarzania danych o lokalizacji pracowników w trakcie wykonywania prac.
The paper presents the idea RTLS systems for use in the elimination of waste in the construction process. Systems are described in terms of value flows as useful tools in detecting non-adding value steps. The authors presented the topic in terms of formal and legal issues related to the monitoring and tracking of workers in the construction processes. Highlighted the Necessary documents, permits, notification and consent of employees are highlighted, which according to Polish law must be in order to use such systems to collect and process data about the location of staff during execution of works.
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