The paper deals with a specific kind of discrete-time recurrent neural network designed with dynamic neuron models. Dynamics are reproduced within each single neuron, hence the network considered is a locally recurrent globally feedforward. A crucial problem with neural networks of the dynamic type is stability as well as stabilization in learning problems. The paper formulates local stability conditions for the analysed class of neural networks using Lyapunov's first method. Moreover, a stabilization problem is defined and solved as a constrained optimization task. In order to tackle this problem, a gradient projection method is adopted. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed approach are justified by using a number of experiments.
A dynamic approach to the reliability analysis of realistic systems is likely to increase the computational burden, due to the need of integrating the dynamics with the system stochastic evolution. Hence, fast-running models of process evolution are sought. In this respect, empirical modelling is becoming a popular approach to system dynamics simulation since it allows identifying the underlying dynamic model by fitting system operational data through a procedure often referred to as ‘learning’. In this paper, a Locally Recurrent Neural Network (LRNN) trained according to a Recursive Back-Propagation (RBP) algorithm is investigated as an efficient tool for fast dynamic simulation. An application is performed with respect to the simulation of the non-linear dynamics of a nuclear reactor, as described by a simplified model of literature.
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The paper deals with a specific kind of discrete-time recurrent neural network designed with dynamic neuron models. Dynamics are reproduced within each single neuron, hence the network considered is a locally recurrent globally feedforward. A crucial problem with neural networks of the dynamic type is stability as well as stabilization in learning problems. The paper formulates local stability conditions for the analysed class of neural networks using Lyapunov's first method. Moreover, a stabilization problem is defined and solved as a constrained optimization task. In order to tackle this problem, a gradient projection method is adopted. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed approach are justified by using a number of experiments.
The methodology of heuristic modeling is one of the subjects included in the activities developed by the Department of Fundamentals of Machinery Design [4, 6]. Among all the approaches of heuristic modeling some of the most common are artificial neural networks. There are many papers and books devoted to applications of neural networks for modeling dynamic systems [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]. In this paper, known approach basing on dynamic neuron model is presented (dynamic neuron with IIR filter in the activation block [2]) but some developments are introduced. Locally recurrent networks which are composed of dynamic neural units described in [2, 5, 7] are able to model behavior of complex dynamic systems. Nevertheless, they have one major disadvantage, that is, neural networks composed of these neurons are not able to represent stochastic behaviors of some objects [4,6]. By introducing the ARMAX (or ARX) system into dynamic neuron model author has received dynamic neuron unit that never behaves in the same way (it brings an artificial neuron closer and closer to the biological model). In this paper the author presents formal description of dynamic neuron unit with ARMAX system in the feedback block. There are also described a general structure of dynamic neural network composed of these neurons, two known training methods and some commonly used quality measures. At the end of the paper three examples of applications are given.
Metodologia heurystycznego modelowania obiektów i procesów jest jednym z kierunków badań rozwijanym prze Katedrę Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn [4, 6]. Spośród wielu metod modelowania heurystycznego duże znaczenie odgrywają metody bazujące na sztucznych sieciach neuronowych. Można wyróżnić wiele ciekawych prac badawczych prowadzonych w kierunku modelowania systemów dynamicznych z zastosowaniem tego typu narzędzia [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]. W artykule zaprezentowano znane podejście bazujące na dynamicznych neuronach (dynamiczny neuron z filtrem IIR w bloku aktywacyjnym [2]) z pewnymi modyfikacjami. Lokalnie rekurencyjne sieci neuronowe złożone z dynamicznych neuronów opisane w [2, 5, 7] nadają się do modelowania zachowania złożonych systemów dynamicznych. Jednakże, posiadają one jedną główną wadę tzn. nie są zdolne do reprezentowania zachowania losowego niektórych obiektów [4, 6]. Poprzez wprowadzenie systemu typu ARMAX (ARX) do modeli dynamicznych neuronów autor otrzymał dynamiczny model neuronu, który nigdy nie zachowują się w ten sam sposób (przybliża to model sztucznego neuronu do jego biologicznego wzoru). W artykule autor prezentuje formalny opis dynamicznego neuronu z systemem typu ARMAX w bloku sprzężenie zwrotnego. Opisuje również ogólną strukturę dynamicznej sieci neuronowej złożonej z tych neuronów, dwa znane algorytmy trenujące oraz powszechnie stosowane miary jakości. Przykładowe zastosowania opisywanych sieci zaprezentowane są w końcowym fragmencie opracowania.
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