Głównym celem publikacji jest zbadanie statusu, frekwencji i funkcji turcyzmów marama i maramica we współczesnym języku chorwackim. Artykuł stanowi próbę konfrontacji poglądów na temat badanych leksemów, formułowanych przede wszystkim przez chorwackich lingwistów, z uzusem poświadczonym w korpusach językowych. Badania pokazują, że purystyczna polityka językowa prowadzona w Chorwacji, przede wszystkim w latach 90. XX wieku, skutkowała zmianą statusu wspomnianych słów w standardowym języku chorwackim: te początkowo neutralne stylistycznie wyrazy zaczęto określać mianem regionalizmów, form gorszych, a nawet serbizmów. Z drugiej strony analiza korpusu pokazuje, że leksemy marama i maramica są nadal bardzo popularne w tekstach publicystycznych i urzędowych, gdzie pojawią się w licznych nowych kontekstach.
The present article aims to investigate the status, frequency and function of Turkish loanwords marama and maramica in modern Croatian. This study attempts to compare views of Croatian linguists on these lexemes with their practical usage recorded in online corpora. The analysis demonstrates that a purist language policy applied in Croatia, especially in the 1990s, resulted in a change of status of marama and maramica in standard Croatian: these originally stylistically neutral lexemes came to be regarded as regionalisms, “worse” words or even Serbisms. On the other hand, the corpus study under discussion indicates that the loanwords marama and maramica are still popular in journalistic and official texts, where they appear in a number of new contexts.
The article discusses the essence of English loan words in German with particular emphasis on the present situation, but also contains a reference to the past and literature. It is also a slightly modified version of my speech on the occasion of Professor Ryszard Lipczuk’s 65th anniversary.
In Germany a number of dictionaries of foreign words as lexemes were created (often called Fremdwörterbücher). The author cites about 460 dictionaries of foreign borrowings from the period 1800–2007. Dictionaries of borrowings can be divided into three categories: (1) (explanatory) dictionaries of foreign words that do not have the objective of eliminating borrowed words (expressions), but describe them in a neutral manner (German name: Fremdwörterbücher or erklärende Fremdwörterbücher), (2) Germanising dictionaries whose main purpose is to eliminate the use of foreign words and replace them with native words (Verdeutschungswörterbücher). There are suggested word replacements for foreign lexemes, and the lexeme citation is devoid of grammatical and phonetic information (or information is restricted to a minimum), (3) Germanising and explanatory dictionaries: mixed form: here there is a description of the foreign code (e.g. grammatical description, pronunciation, etymology) (German name: erklärend-verdeutschende Wörterbücher or Fremdund Verdeutschungswörterbücher), but also proposals to replace some borrowings with German equivalents. In this latter category we include the dictionary which is the subject of this article; that of Johann Christian August Heyse (1st ed.: 1804, 21st ed.: 1922).
Rozpad języka serbsko-chorwackiego, a w rezultacie powstanie współczesnego języka chorwackiego, oznaczało nasilenie purystycznej polityki językowej w Chorwacji, mającej za zadanie usunięcie licznych elementów językowych uznanych arbitralnie za serbskie. Głównym celem artykułu jest zbadanie obecności jednej z takich form – partykuły pytajnej da li – w chorwackich opracowaniach normatywnych po 1990 roku, popularnych poradnikach językowych, opracowaniach naukowych oraz korpusach narodowych języka chorwackiego. Dzięki temu będzie można odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy wysuwane przez większość chorwackich normatywistów tezy dotyczące tej konstrukcji mają racjonalne uzasadnienie.
The formation of the modern Croatian language as a result of the disintegration of Serbo-Croatian was strongly connected with Croatia’s intense puristic language policy. The task was to eliminate those numerous linguistic features arbitrarily recognized as Serbianisms. The main purpose of the present publication is to investigate the existence of one such form – the interrogative particle da li in normative Croatian publications after 1990, popular language guides, academic papers and the national corpora of the Croatian language. This allows us to answer the question whether theses regarding this construction put forward by Croatian normativists have any rational justification.
The main purpose of the present publication is to investigate frequency and status of two parallel suffixes -er- and -or- that form Croatian collective numerals. The analysis is focused on the research material collected from literary texts, normative Croatian publications (grammars, dictionaries) and popular language guides. This paper attempts to compare theses regarding these suffixes put forward by Croatian linguists with the usage in practice presented in online corpora (http://riznica.ihjj.hr). The investigation demonstrated that puristic language policy applied in Croatia, especially in the 1990s, caused disappearance of “less-Croatian” suffix -or-. The only exception is numerical noun četvorica, that entered the Croatian language in the 19th century, which is regular part of the standard Croatian language until today.
Rad prikazuje analizu frekvencije inormativnog statusa dvaju paralelnih sufiksa -er- i -or- kojima se tvore hrvatske brojevne izvedenice. Analiza se zasniva na podacima preuzetim iz hrvatskih književnih tekstova, normativnih priručnika (gramatike, rječnici) te jezičnih savjetnika. Cilj je ovoga rada također usporediti preporuke hrvatskih jezikoslovaca uvezi sa sufiksima -er- i -or- s jezičnom praksom zastupljenom uhrvatskom jezičnom korpusu (http://riznica.ihjj.hr). Na osnovi istraživanja može se zaključiti da puristička jezična politika, koju je vodila većina hrvatskih jezikoslovaca uglavnom od 90-ih godina 20. stoljeća, izazvala je polagani nestanak “manje hrvatskog” sufiksa -or-. Taj proces nije potpuno zahvatio brojevnu imenicu četvorica, koju su uveli vukovci u 19. stoljeću, zbog čega taj oblik danas pripada hrvatskomu standardnom jeziku.
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The year 1918 as reflected in the development of Czech terminology The objective of this article is to generally map the development of selected terminological nomenclatures with emphasis on the changes after 1918. We will outline the historical background on which the terminological work after 1918 was built, and illustrate the main terminological systems which were developed or stabilized after 1918. We will concentrate on the newly developing electro-technical, automobile, aircraft terminology and similar industries.
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